Interview with Mike Perkins
Posted: September 9th 2008
Ever wonder what it would look
like when a virus outbreak decimates most of the human
race? Well, when Marvel Comics and best-selling author
Stephen King team up to bring you a comic adaptation of
King’s much lauded novel The Stand, you’ll find out! The
superstar team of Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Mike
Perkins bring the first of several limited series to
life September 10th in The Stand: Captain Trips #1 (of
5)! The “King” of horror and the House of Ideas are back
to bring you The Stand like you’ve never seen it before!
Mike Perkins brings us behind the scenes on how the
whole project came together and how much he enjoys
working on this ground-breaking new series!
So before being approached
about the project, have you had read The Stand?
I'd read a number of other Stephen King novels but I had
yet to get around to The Stand. In a way, I'm pleased
about this as it gave me a fresh pair of eyes towards
the novel when I was approached about the possibility of
illustrating the adaptation. Once I started reading it
(the unabridged version, of course, as that's what we're
basing the adaptation upon) I found that it was
extremely difficult to put down. It's truly an
engrossing novel.
So, you get approached
about the project, you accept it, then you read the
novel, and now it’s time to start preparing for the
series. Going into something brand new, that has no set
visuals and/or backgrounds, what’s it like being able to
create all that?
It's a distinct pleasure to visualize a brand new series
and see those creations coming to life on the page. I've
done it a few times at Marvel over the past few years -
the characters in SpellBinders, fresh visualizations of
heroes and villains in Union Jack, the costume design (
in collaboration with Steve Epting ) of Sin, the Red
Skull's daughter, in Captain America - and it's always
an extremely creative pursuit. Starting it all from
scratch gives it an added frisson of excitement as it's
entirely your vision.
Is the research any different for
this series then it would be for something set in the
Marvel Universe?
Well, a lot of the Marvel Universe is set within the
environs of the world that we live in, so from that
aspect it's not that much different - but, throughout
the novel we cross the United States and in order to
make it grounded in reality I'm tracking down a
multitude of references. I've taken numerous photos of
Manhattan ( particularly the Lincoln Tunnel - and
following Larry's walk down to it from Central Park) and
have taken a "busmans holiday" in Boulder - snapping
away at various settings. It's important for me that
this series is the definitive version and part of that
is accepting the responsibility that you have to get
these things exact.
So you’ve had a bunch of
experience creating new characters, was the process any
different for this series? How fun was it to come up
with more new character models? Did King’s writing make
it easier for you or are the characters we see the way
you envisioned them while reading the novel?
It's always fun to come up with the character studies.
You're pretty much designing a character from the ground
up and that's a part of the job that I've always
enjoyed. Saying that though, Mr. King's writing is full
of intriguing characters and whenever I would come
across a new one, when reading the novel for the first
time, I would underline the descriptive paragraph and
jot down an index in the back of the book. This makes it
easier to refer to - and to get correct - when the
character is introduced in the comic.
Which of the characters
are you having the most fun drawing?
Larry was always my favorite character in the book and
I've enjoyed following his story - although, I'm really
enjoying the moments with Frannie. At this point in the
book she's confined to the moments when she's revealing
her pregnancy to her boyfriend and then her parents -
but each scene has had a different setting, and an open
vista, to play around with and there's also a lot of
emotion to depict within the faces and mannerisms of
each of the characters in those scenes. I revel in
illustrating those moments and The Stand is simply full
of great characters and visual settings.
Have you been able to
collaborate with King at all? Did he give any direction
on any of the characters or do you have full reign?
The editorial office have a professional relationship
with Mr. King through the amazing work accomplished on
The Dark Tower so I leave the close collaboration to
them. Any direction that came from Mr. King came
directly from the source material - I just tried to
follow what he had previously established - although, he
has made it known that my depiction of the character of
Frannie was exactly how he envisioned her when he
started writing the novel.
So at the get-go, were
there any scenes or characters that you were just
itching to draw?
The Lincoln Tunnel scene is one of the main set pieces
within the novel - even though it doesn't cover that
many pages. There's such a visceral sense of terror
about Larry's journey through the pitch black tunnel and
it relies a lot on the imagination of the reader -
that's going to be a challenge to bring across in an
illustrative manner ; which is perhaps one of the main
reasons I'm eagerly looking forward to it. Any scenes
with the Walking Dude - Randall Flagg - are going to be
visually stimulating and following the continuous
degradation of Trashcan Man is - weirdly - going to be a
joy to depict!
I've also really enjoyed illustrating the variant covers
as each of the initial five covers of the first arc join
together to make one continuous image; our main
protagonists standing outside a corpse-ridden Lincoln
Tunnel .
Are the variant covers
something you had envisioned at the beginning of the
The connecting variant covers idea was brainstormed by
Bill Rosemann and I. I'd suggest that people try to
track them down in order to get a complete look at the
devastated world of The Stand.
So you’ve gotten a good
amount done so-far with the art. Is there anything that
you’ve drawn yet that creeps even you out?
I think the first shot we get of the effects of Captain
Trips - the super flu virus - is pretty disturbing. It's
horrific enough in the books and it's been a challenge
to illustrate something that millions of people have
visualized in there own minds and still give it a shock
value - I've accomplished that to some degree. I must
have done - as it did, indeed, creep me out.
Excited yet? Well make sure you head on out to your
local comic shop and pick up The Stand: Captain Trips #1
(of 5) on sale September 10th, 2008 to get in on the
action! Don’t know where a comic shop is near you? Pick
up that phone and call 1-888-comicbook or log on to
www.comicshoplocator.com! |