Steve is in the office...

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The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
Ms. Mod - I'm curious about what Steve does when he's in the office. I assume that he doesn't show up at 8 a.m. wearing a suit, dictating letters to you from behind a cherry wood desk. But does he ever stay all day? Does he bring a little sandwich in a bag? Is there a lunch room, or do you both eat at your desks?
....he just sits around like this, going "Hey Marsha! You remember when I done this role??? Wanna see me reenact it again??? Huh?...Do ya?...Huh? won't bother me none, and it'll be great ayuh!...


Original Kiwi© SKMB®
Apr 11, 2006
New Zealand
Great question SusanNorton ! I can't wait to hear Marsha's answer.
How does he take his coffee? I'm always curious about how people like their coffee. And is he a get right to work kind of guy or does he sit in your office with his coffee and talk a bit before digging in to work?
He doesn't like coffee, he is a tea drinker. :)


Beatle Groupie
Jul 12, 2006
Here, there and everywhere.
Great question SusanNorton ! I can't wait to hear Marsha's answer.
How does he take his coffee? I'm always curious about how people like their coffee. And is he a get right to work kind of guy or does he sit in your office with his coffee and talk a bit before digging in to work?

I know, right? So many questions! I used to work for a doctor who, when I typed his manuscripts, would make changes/corrections in red pen, and then come and stand behind me and go page by page, pointing out the changes, as if the red felt-tip pen and the cut and pasted items (literally, cut and pasted) and big stars and arrows weren't enough to get my attention. I wanted to say, "Thank you, Dr. X, for pointing this out. Even though you've circled an entire paragraph, highlighted it with a star, and then written "move this paragraph to page 89, under second paragraph," I maybe would have moved it to page 63, translated it into Hebrew, or just left it right where it is."

I sure hope our boy doesn't do the same thing to Marsha!