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New Member
Feb 23, 2015
I read The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon for a book project. As I was reading I had to fill out note cards and one of the note cards was antagonist. I went though a couple of cards trying to figure out the antagonist.

Eventually I came to the conclusion that Trisha (who also was the protagonist) was also the antagonist. I can to this conclusion because
it was her who made up her visions of The God Of The Lost (who at one point I thought was the antagonist) or the 3 figures in the woods and
the bear at the end. The bear being a vision was my interpretation.
So I'd like to hear what you think

Walter Oobleck

keeps coming back...or going, and going, and going
Mar 6, 2013
I remember getting lost this once...picking blueberries out Point Mills. Got lost again last year, too...and some of the same kind of thing happened. Years ago I'd decided to follow my Old Man (it's a term of affection) into the bush but...things happen. So I stopped and headed back out to the road...only...I came out on a different road...field across from me, a fence-line, posts, the sun hanging heavy in the trees and in the dirt, animal tracks. I imagined them to be bear tracks...told myself that was a possibility...even though a bear's rear paw looks unlike a large dog's track. The tracks were headed in the direction I thought I should go...but I went the other way...wound up at a farm, bawling, snot running outta my nose.

Then last year, lost again...and good thing I didn't know a friend had been trapping wolves in his coyote/fox traps...but I got all tangled up and at one point a kind of blind panic set in...I'm hauling arse through the bush, have this dim flashlight, and nothing but trees, area where it hadn't been logged recently...and that is not the area I should have been in. Found my way...eventually...but though the years separated the two events, my mind reacted the same both times. I didn't have snot running outta my nose this last time...but that probably wasn't too far off.

So yeah, I can see and understand your argument in the spoiler above. So often, our demons are ours alone. Try tellin someone about the demon under the bed and they just laugh and tuck you in. Life is round.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
I read The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon for a book project. As I was reading I had to fill out note cards and one of the note cards was antagonist. I went though a couple of cards trying to figure out the antagonist.

Eventually I came to the conclusion that Trisha (who also was the protagonist) was also the antagonist. I can to this conclusion because
it was her who made up her visions of The God Of The Lost (who at one point I thought was the antagonist) or the 3 figures in the woods and
the bear at the end. The bear being a vision was my interpretation.
So I'd like to hear what you think
...Trish being the protagonist was a gimmee...antagonist?.....her nutrient deprived became an antagonist-thereby leading to her "encounters"...I'm not convinced though, that those were just "pics" from a fevered mind and starved body...and the critter at the end, a potshot was taken at it, so it was a SHARED vision if that's the case...:biggrin2:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA
...Trish being the protagonist was a gimmee...antagonist?.....her nutrient deprived became an antagonist-thereby leading to her "encounters"...I'm not convinced though, that those were just "pics" from a fevered mind and starved body...and the critter at the end, a potshot was taken at it, so it was a SHARED vision if that's the case...:biggrin2:
Good points, Scott. Apparently, the OP's premise is false, at least in part, since there was a shared "vision". Trish's personal fears may be behind some of her experience, but to decide that certain things which she encountered were only imaginary seems a bad assumption.

Towerbent BreakSlinger

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2016
Her mom and her brother.
Ooh!interesting point! I feel that if an antagonist is really needed panic might be a better candidate, but yes, the brother and mom Were the goad that pushed her in the first place. Perhaps it’d be more accurate to say her feelings were the antagonist, but they were initially generated by her interactions with mom/bro( boredom, irritation, anger, misplaced confidence [that she could easily shortcut back instead of following the path she took in reverse] then after she got lost, fear, hope[kept her moving long after she should have sat down and called for help] then panic, etc.
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Jan 23, 2018
Hey hey everyone
I'm new here. This is literally my first ever message in SKMB. I'm still trying to figure out how forums work and operate etc. I became a SKMB member with the intention of creating my own discussion topic, but it turns out that I need members on my SKMB friend's list and I don't know anyone here.. So I guess I have to make a few friends first.

As for The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, I never finished that book in spite of it been very short, I couldn't really get into it.


Ms. Mod
Jul 10, 2006
Hey hey everyone
I'm new here. This is literally my first ever message in SKMB. I'm still trying to figure out how forums work and operate etc. I became a SKMB member with the intention of creating my own discussion topic, but it turns out that I need members on my SKMB friend's list and I don't know anyone here.. So I guess I have to make a few friends first.

As for The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, I never finished that book in spite of it been very short, I couldn't really get into it.
Welcome to the Board! You don't need to have anyone on your friends list to start a new topic, but all posts by new members are moderated at first so you won't see your post go live until a moderator has read and approved it. You should probably take a few minutes to go through the User Guide to familiarize yourself with how this Board works.


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
Hey hey everyone
I'm new here. This is literally my first ever message in SKMB. I'm still trying to figure out how forums work and operate etc. I became a SKMB member with the intention of creating my own discussion topic, but it turns out that I need members on my SKMB friend's list and I don't know anyone here.. So I guess I have to make a few friends first.

As for The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, I never finished that book in spite of it been very short, I couldn't really get into it.