Hello and Thanks!

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Jan 5, 2014
Hi, Stephen.

I'm just reading your book, "On Writing" and want to say thanks!

A client at work gave it to me when I told her I was fooling around with fiction writing for the first time. She said I had to read it, and I've barely been able to put it down!

I've never really taken my writing seriously, but have done lots of blogging and writing for volunteer organizations, and English was my good subject in high school. This first attempt at fiction writing is exhilarating, but until I started reading your book it's just felt like a romp -- just for fun, you know?

Now I'm starting to reconsider.

My story is about a couple of middle aged people who become homeless and wind up living in a squat with some other people. What inspired me was going through a very difficult financial period, and wondering how other older people cope.

For the first time in my life I got involved with a network marketing company and joined a forum where mostly other network marketers blogged. I soon realized that, like me, these were people who were just desperate to find a way to make money.

Since mostly the posts are about how to get leads, business advice and various (often dubious) online money making opportunities, I thought I'd start writing a story about people who were financially desperate and what they were doing about it. Since they've all seen the other stuff a million times before, I thought they'd enjoy a story to follow instead. And it would be an opportunity to play with fiction writing.

Thanks again. I've been doing some rewriting since reading your book and I'm only about 3/4 of the way through.

All the best,

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Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
Hi, Stephen.

I'm just reading your book, "On Writing" and want to say thanks!

A client at work gave it to me when I told her I was fooling around with fiction writing for the first time. She said I had to read it, and I've barely been able to put it down!

I've never really taken my writing seriously, but have done lots of blogging and writing for volunteer organizations, and English was my good subject in high school. This first attempt at fiction writing is exhilarating, but until I started reading your book it's just felt like a romp -- just for fun, you know?

Now I'm starting to reconsider.

My story is about a couple of middle aged people who become homeless and wind up living in a squat with some other people. What inspired me was going through a very difficult financial period, and wondering how other older people cope.

For the first time in my life I got involved with a network marketing company and joined a forum where mostly other network marketers blogged. I soon realized that, like me, these were people who were just desperate to find a way to make money.

Since mostly the posts are about how to get leads, business advice and various (often dubious) online money making opportunities, I thought I'd start writing a story about people who were financially desperate and what they were doing about it. Since they've all seen the other stuff a million times before, I thought they'd enjoy a story to follow instead. And it would be an opportunity to play with fiction writing.

Thanks again. I've been doing some rewriting since reading your book and I'm only about 3/4 of the way through.

All the best,


Diana, I had to delete the link to your story. This site does not allow self promotion and Stephen does not read any creative writings.

Welcome to the community and good luck with your writing.


Jan 5, 2014
Will do. I can tell you're a forgiving and good humoured bunch already!

Just finished "On Writing" a couple of minutes ago, and got a lot out of it. Not sure about how to deal with the fact that my process is ass backwards -- I'm publishing a chapter a week on a free forum. Oh, well. My colleagues are enjoying it, and that's got to count for something.

Off to explore the forum; in search of more writing tips.

I look forward to getting to know some of you.

Take care.



The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
Stick around and yak with us.

...did somebody say YAK???????...



Jan 5, 2014
...ohhh phooey!...they just get in the frickin' way...we men have been ignoring them AND dirctions for millennia, and look how well WE'VE turned out....OK, I just giggled at myself...couldn't even type that with a straight face...
Glad you can relate,GNTLGNT -- I seem to have an aversion to checklists, rules and instructions...but I can see that I need a clever avatar. By the end of the day I'll have something.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
Wait,What? GNT let you get away without bringing cookies? Man, he's slipping. Welcome, and someone will give you the full tour in a bit.
...I think NOT young lady!!!!...me?...slipping???...LOOK a squirrel!!!!...anyhoo, I thought I'd lull her into a false sense of security, before filling her in on the mandatory semi-nude cookie contribution to the Giant's ever expanding waistline...