If you missed or forgot about the series premier...

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Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
....I can see the reasoning-but that's not Steve's fault that production companies can't mask them any better than they do-and the writer of the piece is a bit of an a-hole, as are most critics.....they tell you what's "wrong", but couldn't do the work if their lives depended on it.....
sound like all he did was compare it to UTD-- haven't seen many reviews. Wonder if he read the book.


Not completely obtuse
Nov 14, 2013
Poconos, PA
Finally watched the first episode of The Mist. I like it so far and find it to be intriguing. If I had to give one complaint it would be that I cared about the characters in King’s written work... So far I’m indifferent to the characters in the Spike adaptation. Looking forward to the next installment, though.


Keep On Floatin' On
Aug 2, 2006
I watched the first three episodes(they are On Demand). I am going to watch this pretending it has nothing to do with the SK story because if I don't it will drive me nuts! I quit Under the Dome after two or three episodes.I will watch a few more of The Mist to see if I can stick with it.But as of right now the only good thing I can say about it is that it had pretty good special effects(for a tv show).


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
To me,the problem is the same with the characters in Fear the Walking Dead,there just isn't anyone there that is likeable enough to care about whether they get Misted or not..will watch another episode or two,but not looking forward to it,so far..
...yep, pretty much my feelings as well.....oh THAT character got eviscerated??......oh well.......


Peripherally known member..
Nov 21, 2014
watched two and three today,and two was just awful..same stuff,actors bitching about their positions,telling stories about whatever,and nothing much happened.Number three was the same,finally something happened but not real earthshaking.I dunno,it seems like they can run around in the mist like it is nothing,where in the book and movie there are hunters in the mist..not sure if I will watch anymore,just not digging it.


Just moseyin' through...
Oct 9, 2013
I am going illegally download. Spike will not air in in Canada and I can't even watch from their webpage. So I will have to do it this way
Please don't. Pirates steal from every person who worked on this piece of art (or any art), from Mr. King on down. It will end up on DVD eventually. Don't be a thief. I've been stolen from often enough (to the tune of THOUSANDS of illegal, unpaid downloads) that this is a real sore spot with me.


I tell you one and one makes three...
Mar 16, 2010
Please don't. Pirates steal from every person who worked on this piece of art (or any art), from Mr. King on down. It will end up on DVD eventually. Don't be a thief. I've been stolen from often enough (to the tune of THOUSANDS of illegal, unpaid downloads) that this is a real sore spot with me.


Hill lover35

Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2017
Alberta canada
Please don't. Pirates steal from every person who worked on this piece of art (or any art), from Mr. King on down. It will end up on DVD eventually. Don't be a thief. I've been stolen from often enough (to the tune of THOUSANDS of illegal, unpaid downloads) that this is a real sore spot with me.

Ok I will not, I said this out of anger and you are right. I will just keep up on blogs and hear


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
.....If I had dollar for everytime a character said "Oh Jesus!" in the second episode, I could take myself to dinner....I'll give it one more episode, and if stays on this craptastic course, I'm gonna bring out my own bottle of cheap wine and shoot my television.......dialogue is bad, acting only passable and so far, nothing cool has come out of the dry ice-err, mist.....


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2007
I think time is growing short in terms of the board closing, but I just wanted to give a quick comment. I think what some people don't like about the show is that it is very plot-oriented, not character-driven necessarily. I myself am enjoying that aspect, as I guess I love the concept more than the characters.

I think too this is the difference between being on AMC and being on Spike. The Walking Dead, for instance, has a certain way of doing things in its scenes that convey something more serious instead of Saturday-matinee. In a sense, I think Mist is Spike's Walking Dead, but the identity of that network (Spike) discourages the sort of character study/building that AMC demands. Plus, I would assume by necessity things have to be compressed in case this is a one-season show.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2006
It is basically Under the Dome II. The acting is better than UTD but that isn't saying much. If this goes beyond one season though it might be real ugly. Lots of stereotype characters and out of date small town controversies. Like someone's impression of a small town who has never lived outside of Hollywood.

Machine's Way

“Go then, there are other worlds than these.”
Jul 13, 2009
Well I gave this show a shot and I watched the entire first episode / pilot episode and I have to agree with some of the other posters on here. It was awful. I wont begin to break down every way it was awful, but I deleted the remaining episodes I had recorded and canceled recording of any others. Like anything SK related I wanted this to be good, I knew they would have to add to the story to get a full series out of it and was not expecting something exact to the original story but so many useless plot lines, characters you could careless about, and over the top sterotypes, and just plain bad acting and the special effects was that of a horrible b movie. I wish I had something positive to say about this, but the only positive that came of it was the free space I gained on my DVR after I deleted it.