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Walter Oobleck

keeps coming back...or going, and going, and going
Mar 6, 2013
Does almost count? Or one of those situations where you're fooled? Late in the year, either late November, early December, deer hunting in the cold winter woods, me taking up a position under a huge white pine situated on a rise forty yards off a seasonal road, me sitting on the snow-covered ground my back against the tree, a rifle in my lap my knees drawn up watching toward the east and the lower country, cedar swamp area where the whitetail bed down during the day, me waiting and watching for one I want to approach. Die-hard, I stay until the last possible minute, thirty minutes after sundown but with any kind of moon and clear skies the "end" of legal hunting hours is open to interpretation. Or not. I'm sitting there when I notice off through the branches a white light. Like it just blinked on or something, not there one second, there the next. The light is stationary and I watch it trying to detect...something. By now I've forgotten all about any whitetail that is likely to see...or smell me before I notice him. At times, at night when you see an airplane on approach to the airport about four miles away what you see are headlights in the sky and as the plane approaches that headlight effect is more pronounced. Not so this light in the trees.

Dang! How close is that thing, I wonder. Probably didn't help that I'd read Dreamcatcher and all of those memories are still vivid in memory. And then, off through the branches I notice another light approaching the stationary light. Heh! I watch for a second to confirm what I think...headlights...and the stationary light is probably nothing more than a streetlight away from some of the other clustered lights of the small towns across the lake that is nearby. I must have put the scope up to look, too...though I don't recall doing that. Anyway, an almost paranormal experience. Somewhat like Paulding Light - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Walter Oobleck

keeps coming back...or going, and going, and going
Mar 6, 2013
When i was in Kingston still there was this lady that everyone was afraid of because she did voodoo things so nobody messed with her because she might make a doll of you or something.:icon_eek:

You might enjoy Scar Lover from Harry Crews. Story is set in Florida but it is worth a read and there's some interesting characters therein...I imagine libraries would have a copy although there must also be used copies for sale.

Walter Oobleck

keeps coming back...or going, and going, and going
Mar 6, 2013
We had a strange experience when the Hepburn left the yard at Hunter's Point in San Francisco. We do our Sea Trials up there, hang around a time, the tug that moves the Cook from the quay wall backs into us when we're set to leave, putting a five foot gash in the side at the waterline. This is not a drill! Flooding! Flooding! Flooding in the boiler room! So...we leave a week or two later after repairs are made and we're underway ten twenty miles off the coast of California...midnight or after, the first dog watch in Combat, look on the SPS-10 radar at this cluster of radar returns between us and California. Stationary...good return, good solid objects. Almost a pentagram of shapes or some other geometric form. Nothing on the charts, no oil rigs, nothing, not that far away from the coast...thinking ships at anchor...but no, nothing. Too far away for the lookouts to see's over the horizon. Since the objects were not moving, we didn't care...eventually passed them by. No idea what they were. Months later, the U.S.S. Cook hits the U.S.S. Mars while on maneuvers in fog...crunched in the bow, damaged the Mars. They had tee-shirts printed up, U.S.S. Cook, 1st Naval Ship to Land on Mars. Brass was unappreciative. Too, a number of them mooned us from their boat deck. Now that was a paranormal experience, believe me you.

carrie's younger brother

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2012
"Something" happened when I was a kid hanging out with friends where I grew up. We must have been around 10 or so. I don't remember any of the details, but I know something happened and it freaked us out for quite a while after. All I can remember is that we were all sitting in an abandoned "space" (can't remember if it was a store or apartment, but something similar) just talking like kids do (think the kids in Stand by Me or It) and "something" occurred. For the life of me all I can remember is the feeling I got, a very hazy vision of us sitting around in a sort of circle and the song You've Got a Friend. Nothing else; it's very much a repressed memory. Whether this is the result of a bunch of kids' overactive imaginations or something really did happen, I may never know. All I do know is that it's really cool to still have this feeling & memory some 43 years later!