This mini-site tracks *official* news and developments regarding The
Dark Tower film and TV projects from Imagine Entertainment and NBC

Universal Pictures Officially Passes on Dark Tower Series - Ron Howard &
Imagine Still Committed To Production
Posted on:
7.19.11 - 1:30 PM - EST
Deadline Hollywood (Confirmed Internally by
After months of rumors and speculation regarding the fate of the Dark
Tower Movies and Television Mini-Series, Universal Pictures has
officially backed out of the production. An email sent from Stephen to
Entertainment Weekly explains the current state of the production.
More Information on Entertainment Weekly
Mark Verheiden Joins Writing Team
Posted on:
4.26.11 - 9:54 AM - EST
Deadline Hollywood (Confirmed by NBC Universal)
Mark Verheiden, (Smallville, Battle Star Galactica, Heroes) has joined
of the Dark Tower's television writing team. Verheiden will also work as
Executive Producer with Akiva Goldsman and Weed Road Pictures.
Casting News - Roland Deschain
Posted on:
1.27.11 - 7:47 AM - EST
Deadline Hollywood (Confirmed by NBC Universal)
Mike Fleming of
Deadline Hollywood is reporting that Oscar-winning actor
Bardem has been offered the role of Roland Deschain in the upcoming Dark Tower films
and television series. For more information, see Deadline Hollywood
using the link below.
We will post more info on whether or not Javier accepts the role as soon
as a decision has been made.
Launch Deadline Hollywood
Ron Howard Speaks with Hero
Complex (Los Angeles Times)
Posted on:
12.20.10 - 8:45 PM - EST
Hero Complex (Los Angeles Times)
Ron Howard recently spoke with the
LA Times regarding several aspects of the upcoming series. You can
read more about the overall structure, pre-production work and early
casting ideas at the link below.
Launch LA Times Web Site
Release Date for the First Film Announced
Posted on:
10.29.10 - 1:30 PM - EST
Source: verified by NBC Universal has reported that NBC Universal has set the
release date for the first Dark Tower film. Opening May 17th 2013, the
first film will be released just in time for the summer movie season.
Dark Tower Film and TV Projects Officially Announced
Posted on:
9.8.10 - 5:20 PM - EST
NBC Universal
"...It might be the challenge of
a lifetime but clearly a thrilling one to take on and explore.”
- Ron Howard |
NBC Universal has released an in-depth press release that details the
overall plans to make the long awaited Dark Tower film and TV projects a
reality. Most importantly, the release delves into exactly how the
Oscar-winning team will structure the projects for both film and
With comments from just about every executive team member, this release
answers many of the questions the Constant Reader has been waiting to
hear more about.
Read the Full Press Release Here
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More to come...
