Apple's Best Books of 2021

Posted: November 23rd, 2021 7:02:02 pm

Billy Summers has been selected as one of Apple’s top 20 books of the year!

Check out the full list here.

11/22/63 Turns 10

11/22/63 Turns 10 Image Posted: November 8th, 2021 12:34:44 pm

A decade ago, a large snowstorm pummeled the northeastern US, Minecraft made its debut, Curiosity left for Mars, and 11/22/63 hit shelves.

Here's what the New York Times Book Review had to say about the latter.


Posted: October 18th, 2021 3:28:59 pm

Stephen King and Richard Chizmar will be signing THREE copies of their World’s First Edition Hardcover of GWENDY'S FINAL TASK to be given away!

Head over to Cemetery Dance for details, rules, and how to enter.

Thrills 'n' Chills Sweepstakes

Posted: October 12th, 2021 11:24:24 am

Sweepstakes alert! Now through October 24th you can enter here for a chance to win the audiobook edition of BILLY SUMMERS along with an iPad mini and a collection of amazing thrillers courtesy of Simon & Schuster Audio and Off the Shelf!

Enter Now


The Word According to Karp

Posted: September 28th, 2021 12:57:46 pm

Stephen King's BILLY SUMMERS is not only a tense, taut, must-read thriller — it's the prolific author's most definitive examination of writing as a craft since ON WRITING! But, Stephen King wrote ON WRITING, his bestselling "memoir of the craft," in 2000; is he still following his own advice over 20 years later? In this episode of The Word According to Karp, Simon & Schuster CEO Jon Karp gets to the bottom of that question and tells some fun anecdotes about the King himself along the way!

Watch on YouTube

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

Billy Summers

Watch on YouTube

RED SCREEN on Humble

Posted: September 9th, 2021 2:00:01 pm

In this unsettling short story, a city detective interrogates a deranged plumber who just murdered his wife, only to discover something far more insidious.

"RED SCREEN" is available in eBook format exclusively from Humble Bundle for one week only starting September 9th. Humble Bundle is a digital content retailer that builds charitable donations into each and every sale. Since 2010, The Humble Community has contributed over 199 million dollars to causes across the globe. In this special solo offering, 100 percent of proceeds will go to the ACLU, a charity handpicked by Stephen King.


Inside the Process of Writing BILLY SUMMERS

Posted: August 3rd, 2021 8:53:46 am

"The first thing for me was this: I saw a man in a basement apartment, looking out a window, like a periscope, and seeing feet go by on the sidewalk."

You can read Stephen's interview with Esquire on their website now.

Stephen King Takes Us Inside the Process of Writing Billy Summers on

See Stephen Read from BILLY SUMMERS

Posted: July 31st, 2021 11:27:15 am

Premiering on YouTube on July 27th, 2021, you can now see and hear Stephen read from the beginning of his soon-to-be-released novel, Billy Summers. The novel will be available in hardcover, ebook, and audiobook on August 3rd, 2021, but you can head over to Scribner's YouTube channel to watch the reading now.

Watch on YouTube

Watch on YouTube

Stephen on GMA and THE VIEW 8/3

Posted: July 31st, 2021 11:24:00 am

Stephen will be appearing on Good Morning America in the 8am hour on Tuesday, August 3rd, 2021. Later in the day, he will also be on The View.


Posted: July 15th, 2021 1:38:48 pm

Stephen recently spoke to Entertainment Weekly about Billy Summers. Head to their website to read the interview now.

Entertainment Weekly