
Additional Resources:
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The Dark Tower on StephenKing.com
Dark Tower (Novels) on StephenKing.com
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Previous Arcs:
#1 #2 #3
#4 #5
The Dark Tower: The
Gunslinger -
The Journey Begins
Status: Volume VI - Fully Released
The sixth arc in The Dark Tower series
Final issue in arc: #5 (September 2010)
{#5 Synopsis - Contains Spoilers}
Well, gentle reader, we find ourselves at the end of one road
that only leads on to another. But our Roland is no mere
passer-by, do ya kennit?
Passing through the town of Kingston in his pursuit of the Man
in Black has turned into quite the ordeal-the girl Susan (an
echo of his true love, named Delgado) kidnapped and taken to a
Dogan of the Old People, where the secrets of the invisible
Not-Men are kept.
It will be a battle of the mysterious tech of long ago versus
the cold hard steel of the Gunslinger. It is a fate to be
decided by the hands of Gan, the hands of ka, and these hands
know no mercy.
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Additional Resources:
Dark Tower on
The Dark Tower on StephenKing.com
Dark Tower (Novels) on StephenKing.com
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Retailer on DiamondComic.com
Previous Arcs:
#1 #2 #3
The Dark Tower: Battle of Jericho Hill
Status: Volume V - Fully Released
The fifth arc in The Dark Tower serie
{#5 Synopsis - Contains Spoilers}
It has all led to this: The climactic battle for all the
Mid-World marbles! On one side, with their backs to Jericho Hill
are Roland, his ka-tet and the surviving members of his father's
Affiliation. Arrayed against them, thousands of soldiers and
slow mutants armed with the most horrific selection of weapons
that the Good Man, John Farson could provide them. A few will
live and many will die, and no reader will ever forget the
intensity of the struggle or its heart-wrenching outcome. You
must not miss the shattering conclusion that will alter the
balance of power in Mid-World in unthinkable ways. You have been
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Additional Resources:
Dark Tower on
The Dark Tower on StephenKing.com
Dark Tower (Novels) on StephenKing.com
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Retailer on DiamondComic.com
Press Releases:
Previous Arcs:
#1 #2 #3
The Dark Tower: Fall of Gilead
Status: Volume IV - Fully Released
The fourth arc in The Dark Tower series
Farson’s men have arrived! Every man and boy over the age of
eleven is armed and prepared for battle. The women and children
hide themselves deep within the city. And while the war rages,
an injured Steven Deschain fights his way home through the
wreckage with a singular determination…all in hopes of saving
his imprisoned son Roland. It’s the penultimate chapter of
Stephen King’s magnum opus that will change the world of Dark
Tower forever!
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Additional Resources:
Dark Tower on
The Dark Tower on StephenKing.com
Dark Tower (Novels) on StephenKing.com
Interview with the Creators More:
View Large Artwork Samples
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Retailer on DiamondComic.com
Press Releases:
Previous Arcs:
#1 #2
The Dark Tower: Treachery
Status: Volume IIII - Fully Released
The third arc in The Dark Tower series
The critically-acclaimed comic book series, inspired by Stephen
King’s seminal Dark Tower, returns with the follow up to this
year’s national best selling sequel with Dark Tower: Treachery.
After every best-selling issue of the fan-favorite Dark Tower:
The Long Road Home, the all-star team of writers Robin Furth &
Peter David, artists Jae Lee & Richard Isanove, joined by
special guest variant cover artist Gabriele Dell’Otto, present
Roland Deschain and his ka-tet after they’ve safely returned
back to Gilead. However, all is not well on the homeward
front. Roland has held onto the evil Maerlyn’s Graprefruit and
grown obsessed with gazing into its pinkish depths regardless of
the negative effects it has taken on his body.
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Sketch Variant Covers:

Additional Resources:
The Dark Tower on Marvel.com
The Dark Tower on StephenKing.com
The Dark Tower (Novels) on StephenKing.com
a Retailer on DiamondComic.com
Previous Arcs: #1
The Dark Tower: The Long
Road Home
Status: Volume II - Fully Released
The second arc in The Dark Tower series
Treading uncharted territory in the Dark Tower mythos, The Long
Road Home finds Roland’s ka-tet intact but unraveling. In the
shadow of the shocking murder of Susan Delgado — the young woman
who had won Roland’s heart and carried his child — the trio of
young gunslingers track a road out of Hambry fraught with peril.
While Alain and Cuthbert try to keep ahead of the pursuing Big
Coffin Hunters and cut through the formidable menaces that stand
in their way, Roland lies in a coma, his consciousness trapped
in Maerlyn’s Grapefruit, a mystical sphere inside of which many
important secrets are locked; its revelations may bring death —
or worse!
And while Roland’s ka-tet is absorbed in its own drama, a great
evil is emerging in the Dogan, as the boy Sheemie accidentally
stirs a long-slumbering spirit that portends great evil.
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Sketch Variant Covers:

Additional Resources:
The Dark Tower on Marvel.com
The Dark Tower on StephenKing.com
The Dark Tower (Novels) on StephenKing.com
a Retailer on DiamondComic.com
The Dark Tower: The
Gunslinger Born
Status: Volume I - Fully Released
The first arc in The Dark Tower series
This first arc in Marvel's Dark Tower series works in
conjunction with the events of Wizard & Glass and the showdown
between Roland’s tet and the Big Coffin hunters. The series
expands the saga of Roland Deschain by filling in the much asked
about background of the character. For the first-time ever, the
comic will examine the complete origin of Roland, showing him
grow from a boy into the adult millions of readers have followed
for years.
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Sketch Variant Covers:
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