Have you ever fainted?

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Committed member
Jun 24, 2009
Such a creepy feeling... Yesterday I woke up in the middle of the night feeling completely normal. I went to the kitchen to have a glass of water, then I felt dizzy... After that I remember very little, I woke a few minutes later laying on the floor in the hall. I don't know what happened, I have never had fainted un my whole life, I always thought I was too strong for that... Now it seems I'm not. I was really, really scared. Now my boyfriend tries to persuade me to go to the hospital, but I hope it will be okay in future, I don't like hospitals and I don't wanna go there. I think these things happen with many people... Have you ever experienced this?


Original Kiwi© SKMB®
Apr 11, 2006
New Zealand
Such a creepy feeling... Yesterday I woke up in the middle of the night feeling completely normal. I went to the kitchen to have a glass of water, then I felt dizzy... After that I remember very little, I woke a few minutes later laying on the floor in the hall. I don't know what happened, I have never had fainted un my whole life, I always thought I was too strong for that... Now it seems I'm not. I was really, really scared. Now my boyfriend tries to persuade me to go to the hospital, but I hope it will be okay in future, I don't like hospitals and I don't wanna go there. I think these things happen with many people... Have you ever experienced this?
Please go and see a doctor Lina, you may have had a seizure and just not realised it.

I'm sorry about your brother Walter Oobleck, so sad. :(


The Fool on the Hill
Apr 12, 2014
Don't know if it counts but since i have epilepsy i have fainted many times. Mostly without more damages than a bkuemark but sometimes i've had to go to the hospital to stitch something up. Otherwise i've been okay. But it might be a good idea to chech at least. Did you hit hit your head in the fall, Lina? Then you definitely should check it out. Better safe than sorry you know. Be well. (oh, and by the way, i dont like hospitals either but sometimes they can be of use)


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
...even though you are young, you are past the common age for new onset seizures...you've ruled out pregnancy, so with my experience as a nurse-I would say don't sweat it, unless it happens again....why?....simple explanation....you experienced a vasovagal episode...I see it all the time at work...
Vasovagal response - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Not completely obtuse
Nov 14, 2013
Poconos, PA
Only ever came close to fainting once. One day helping out at the family business making furniture, the pneumatic gun jumped and I put a 3” furniture staple through my left hand. Father-in-law at the time said I needed to make an example as I was family, and I should just pull it out, tape it up, and get back to work. I pulled the staple out with a pliers and the blood started squirting out of my hand. Darkness started overtaking my eyesight, but I sat down and averted fainting. Got some gauze and duct tape and went back to work. The chipped bone fragments in the base of my thumb still hurts to this day.

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
Yes. Many times.

I fainted on the first day of school from 1st grade through 5th. Every. single. year. We would have to line-up on black top in hot humid Maryland weather and it was just too much for me. Down I'd go. I remember the one year fainting and someone's father picked me up and hauled me into the nurse. We had to wear dresses to school and he let my dress hang down so my underwear showed to a line of older kids. I vowed that would not happen again, so every year on the first day of school, I wore a pair of shorts under my dress from that episode on.

They would take me to the nurse and call my mom. SHe would tell them to just let me lay down for a bit and then send me to class, I would be fine. And I was. We never went to the doctor. Thinking about this, if one of my kids kept fainting, even though there was a reasonable explanation, I would still take them to the doctor to be looked at!
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Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2014
I have not, but I've been around people who have for any number of reasons, including low energy from lack of food, overexertion, locking knees while standing around, seizures, and idiopathic reasons (which is the doc's sly way of saying, "I dunno").

Two memorable times. Standing in formation for a long time in the heat. Thud. Thud. Thud. And so on. We probably had about eight or ten who hit the deck. It was almost like there was some suggestion involved after the first one went.

Second memorable time, lady in the office said she was feeling faint. She went to the in-office bathroom just to run some water and splash it on her, and another office lady suggested I go there in case she had problems. I was standing behind her at the sink, talking to her, and she said, "I think I'm going to faint," and then just slumped. She wasn't heavyset by any means, in fact had a nice figure, but she was about my height and big-boned, and dead weight at that point. I grabbed her under her arms to keep her from hitting her head on the sink, but she just kept slipping down, fast. The best leverage for rescuing her was to wrap up around her chest and lower her away from the sink, but I was way too inhibited for that, so I ended up with my forearms in my best vise grip around her upper ribs (ended up bruising them), and put her down gently on the floor.

After she revived and we all got back on our virtual or literal feet, I was relating the event and my issues of the instant, and she said, "If you'd grabbed me around the chest, I wouldn't have known it. And now my ribs hurt. If there's a next time, just do what you have to do."

So what were we talking about? Oh, yeah. Lina, I think it's a good idea to get checked out, because you never know, but most of the fainting spells I've seen have been for pretty innocuous reasons. I wouldn't worry majorly unless it happens again, and please, do think about a doctor's appointment in the meantime.


Just moseyin' through...
Oct 9, 2013
Once, at work. I was working full time and going to school full time. Didn't have a car, so I had to use crappy public transportation (it's awful around here). So. Getting max 4 hours sleep a night. This was during finals, so I don't think I'd slept or eaten in a couple of days. Body finally crapped out on me--boom, head right down on my keyboard. Stupid kid.

Listen to The Giant. He knows whereof he speaks :) If it happens again, THEN try a doctor.


Older than most, not as old as some.
Oct 13, 2007
I have fainted twice. The first time I was singing in a choir concert and I locked my knees. I went down and took out the girl in the row in front of me. I woke up on the floor and everyone was still singing (except those around me.) The choir director finally stopped everyone singing and someone helped me backstage. It was very embarrassing! And since it was a school performance somebody mom or dad got it all on tape. Which we had to watch over and over and over in class the next day...

The other time I was pregnant and at the grocery store checkout with my husband. I was standing there and it all started to go black so I said I need to sit down, took a couple of steps and (luckily) ended up sitting with my back to the counter up front.

No lasting problems either time except for a bruise on my chin from hitting the girl's head in front of me in choir. :biggrin2: