Sign of the Times

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Out of Order

Sign of the Times
Feb 9, 2011
New Hampster


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Heart of the South
Winter seems to have changed months here in the midsouth. Once upon a time winter for us was January and February, now it's happening in March. Global warming? Shift in the alignment of the planets? We also don't get the intense storms we used to get - they seem slide north of us now. Things are changing. The world is moving on. The weather man keeps saying the word "winter lasagna" - meaning, we've got a layer of ice, then a layer of snow, and now that the cars are moving on top of it, there's another layer of ice on top. Winter Lasagna. If I had some ricotta in the house I might make that for dinner.

Out of Order

Sign of the Times
Feb 9, 2011
New Hampster
Winter seems to have changed months here in the midsouth. Once upon a time winter for us was January and February, now it's happening in March. Global warming? Shift in the alignment of the planets? We also don't get the intense storms we used to get - they seem slide north of us now. Things are changing. The world is moving on. The weather man keeps saying the word "winter lasagna" - meaning, we've got a layer of ice, then a layer of snow, and now that the cars are moving on top of it, there's another layer of ice on top. Winter Lasagna. If I had some ricotta in the house I might make that for dinner.

Agreed, Holly, on the weather change and the lasagna for dinner.... ;;D
Mar 12, 2010
Yep! The one road out to Hhy has two small lakes on each side. One summer that had heavy rains, the road was always flooded over and yep Mr. Gator be swimming between the two. Didn't see him last year:down:

Oh man, I would have loved to have seen him. From the safety of my car, of course......:D

ohmygosh... I would have loved to seen that too! We don't have gator road crossings here lol

Lily Sawyer

Jun 27, 2009
South Carolina
I call it pothole roulette. They're bad around here, too.

Winter seems to have changed months here in the midsouth...Global warming?

Climate change. It makes exactly for what you mentioned: more intense, violent storms in places that have usually been more temperate. The cold in the American South last year (and this year, come to think of it), along with the unusually large amounts of snow in New England are here to stay unless we drastically reduce our industry CO2 emissions.