King Kon 2016

  • This message board permanently closed on June 30th, 2020 at 4PM EDT and is no longer accepting new members.


Comfortably Roont
Nov 19, 2011
Behind you
I would dearly love to go to Colorado and meet up with all of you guys, but I am a doubtful, as well. I do have a powerball ticket, so if anything changes, I will let you all know.:cool2:

I enjoyed seeing all of the posts from last Kon and if the t-shirts are available to non-attendees, I would love one. We will wear our shirts and enjoy hearing about all of the fun when you guys get a break!

Oh, and can we get a post-card list again??=D

I loved my post-card :love_heart:


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio all y'all Flatlanders need to reelacks!....for Lans sake, it ain't nuttin' to git yer overalls in a bunch over....we'uns here in Appalatchee speak some of the awfullest werds ever...usta was, we'd chin up a heap better, but Ima tell ya tweren't werth the trubbles....big heapin' pile uh leavins in the privy y'ask me....


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2014
Colorado all y'all Flatlanders need to reelacks!....for Lans sake, it ain't nuttin' to git yer overalls in a bunch over....we'uns here in Appalatchee speak some of the awfullest werds ever...usta was, we'd chin up a heap better, but Ima tell ya tweren't werth the trubbles....big heapin' pile uh leavins in the privy y'ask me....

FLATLANDERS?!?! Bud, yer Appalachians ain't even above timberline. Just remember to take extra breaths when you get to the real high country. ;)

You might be from Colorado if......
(Particularly applies to the Front Range.)

  • You know what the Front Range is.
  • You know what Rocky Mountain oysters are AND you know where to find them.
  • The bicycle on top of your car is worth more than the car itself.
  • You grew up planning your Halloween costume around your parka.
  • You know it’s called Elitch’s, not Six Flags.
  • It's Mile High, not Sports Authority Field.
  • You get ALL of South Park’s jokes.
  • Knowing that Texas and California are downstream gives you a certain feeling of satisfaction when you flush.
  • You know who Alferd Packer was.
  • You wonder why they even make sunscreen less than SPF 30.
  • You pay close attention to precipitation reports.
  • You think that formal wear is black denim.
  • You give directions by north, south, east, and west, and you're always oriented because the mountains are to the west.
  • You say “the interstate” and everybody knows which one.
  • You go to a restaurant that has a more extensive and descriptive microbrew list than wine list.
  • You go anywhere else on the planet and the air feels “sticky” and the sky is no longer blue.
  • You can now outdrink your visiting friends. Easily.
  • You don’t laugh at the word “Poudre."
  • You only go to Casa Bonita to take your out-of-town guests there.
  • You know what a “trust fund hippie” is, and you know its natural habitat is the People's Republic of Boulder.
  • Corollary: When you go to Boulder, you can actually smell arrogance.
  • You run the heater in the morning and the A/C in the afternoon.
  • You know what "urban sprawl" is, you curse it, and you buy a house in it.
  • You miss school to go skiing.
  • When people out East tell you they have mountains in their state too, you just laugh. (See response to Scott above)
  • You know the entire Shane Co. commercial by heart when it comes on the radio.
  • You bring a backpack full of warm clothes on a 95 degree day, just in case.
  • You have to drive in the middle of the highway because the bicyclists think they are cars.
  • A sudden loss of cabin pressure in an airplane is not a big deal.
  • People from out of state breathe five times as often as you do.
  • You see someone wearing a parka, shorts, and sandals, and it's not weird.
  • A red light means three more cars can go.
  • Your tap water tastes better than bottled.
  • You’ve gone off-roading in a vehicle that was never intended for such activities. (You might even rupture a quadricep doing so.)
  • You measure distance in time, not miles.
  • April showers bring May blizzards.
  • You have stood on solid ground and looked down on an airplane in flight.
  • Timberline is someplace you have actually been, many times.
  • You try to hide your eyeroll when someone is surprised you don’t have a foot of snow year round, ski, or smoke pot.
  • You’re happy if your windshield makes it 6-months without getting cracked.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
FLATLANDERS?!?! Bud, yer Appalachians ain't even above timberline. Just remember to take extra breaths when you get to the real high country. ;)

You might be from Colorado if......
(Particularly applies to the Front Range.)

  • You know what the Front Range is.
  • You know what Rocky Mountain oysters are AND you know where to find them.
  • The bicycle on top of your car is worth more than the car itself.
  • You grew up planning your Halloween costume around your parka.
  • You know it’s called Elitch’s, not Six Flags.
  • It's Mile High, not Sports Authority Field.
  • You get ALL of South Park’s jokes.
  • Knowing that Texas and California are downstream gives you a certain feeling of satisfaction when you flush.
  • You know who Alferd Packer was.
  • You wonder why they even make sunscreen less than SPF 30.
  • You pay close attention to precipitation reports.
  • You think that formal wear is black denim.
  • You give directions by north, south, east, and west, and you're always oriented because the mountains are to the west.
  • You say “the interstate” and everybody knows which one.
  • You go to a restaurant that has a more extensive and descriptive microbrew list than wine list.
  • You go anywhere else on the planet and the air feels “sticky” and the sky is no longer blue.
  • You can now outdrink your visiting friends. Easily.
  • You don’t laugh at the word “Poudre."
  • You only go to Casa Bonita to take your out-of-town guests there.
  • You know what a “trust fund hippie” is, and you know its natural habitat is the People's Republic of Boulder.
  • Corollary: When you go to Boulder, you can actually smell arrogance.
  • You run the heater in the morning and the A/C in the afternoon.
  • You know what "urban sprawl" is, you curse it, and you buy a house in it.
  • You miss school to go skiing.
  • When people out East tell you they have mountains in their state too, you just laugh. (See response to Scott above)
  • You know the entire Shane Co. commercial by heart when it comes on the radio.
  • You bring a backpack full of warm clothes on a 95 degree day, just in case.
  • You have to drive in the middle of the highway because the bicyclists think they are cars.
  • A sudden loss of cabin pressure in an airplane is not a big deal.
  • People from out of state breathe five times as often as you do.
  • You see someone wearing a parka, shorts, and sandals, and it's not weird.
  • A red light means three more cars can go.
  • Your tap water tastes better than bottled.
  • You’ve gone off-roading in a vehicle that was never intended for such activities. (You might even rupture a quadricep doing so.)
  • You measure distance in time, not miles.
  • April showers bring May blizzards.
  • You have stood on solid ground and looked down on an airplane in flight.
  • Timberline is someplace you have actually been, many times.
  • You try to hide your eyeroll when someone is surprised you don’t have a foot of snow year round, ski, or smoke pot.
  • You’re happy if your windshield makes it 6-months without getting cracked.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
...and right back atcha....

1. You know that real chili is poured over spaghetti.

2. You are clear on what a Buckeye exactly is.

3. Your hometown river is flammable.

4. You consider Kentucky “the South.” Michigan is “the North,” and during college football season, it’s also a curse word.

5. You have relatives that pronounce “wash” with an extra “r.”


6. You know that “OHIO” is properly spelled with your arms.

7. You often give directions using time measurements, as in “it’s 30 minutes outside of Akron.”

8. You almost never got off school during the winter, unless there was at least a foot of snow.

9. You can’t possibly fathom someone not having A/C during the summer, because Ohio summers are disgusting. Screw you, humidity.

10. You know there are only two seasons: Summer and Winter. (These may occur on the same day.) If you count “construction” as a season, then there are three.

11. There are more orange barrels in your town than people.

12. You consider going to Cedar Point or Kings Island “vacation.”

13. You know that cicadas are technically edible.

14. You know someone who knows someone who knows George Clooney and get really annoying during The Ides of March or The Avengers, because you keep pointing out the landmarks.

15. You know that there’s no other OSU than Ohio State, and that other OSU doesn’t exist.

16. You get really excited when the Bengals win because like Robert Downey Jr., they’ve been through so much to get to where they are now. You know that the Browns will never win.

17. You’ve never seen a hockey game and might be unclear as to what hockey actually is.

18. The only Big Boy that exists is “Frisch’s.”

19. You don’t see any difference between mayonnaise and Miracle Whip.

20. You have to go to another state to see your favorite rock band, because they won’t come to your city.

21. When an outlet mall opened near your town, it was a big deal.

22. You believe that ending your sentence in a preposition makes the statement or question more definitive. Thus, you might be heard asking, “Where’s my Indians jersey at?”

23. You measure time in sports games, like: “Oh, that happened three Bengals games ago.”

24. You know The Jake isn’t a person.

25. You’ve actually been cowtipping and can report that it’s kind of fun.

26. The street you grew up on is likely named after a dead tree.

27. You know who “Cincinnatus” is — or at least that he was a person who existed at some time.

28. You grew up thinking that Natural Light was a consumable beverage.

29. You think that people from all other states have an “accent,” but you definitely don’t.

30. You know that Lima is nothing like how it looks on Glee. (Like, where are you getting Alexander McQueen sweaters from? Do you have a dealer?)

31. You’ve been to a flea market before.

32. You know how to pronounce “Cuyahoga.”

33. If you live in Youngstown, you know someone connected to the mob.

34. You say “Please?” instead of “Excuse me?”

35. You knew what Graeter’s was before Oprah did.

36. You believe that going to Buffalo Wild Wings is an appropriate night out.

37. Your local bar has deer heads on the walls.

38. You know your carbonated beverages to be “pop,” not “soda.” And the idea that anyone calls Sprite a Coke is just downright confusing.

39. Your local paper has more sports coverage than all the other sections combined.

40. You know that Jerry Springer was once respectable and a productive member of society…a very, very long time ago.

41. You root for the teams of colleges you’ve never attended — or even visited.

42. You can Polka or Chicken Dance.

43. You know the real Miami University isn’t in Florida.

44. You pronounce both of the Ls in “Versailles” and don’t necessarily associate Athens or Oxford with Europe.

45. When people bring up Bowling Green, you know to ask which one.

46. You can’t hear the words “Lebron James” without spontaneously screaming or vomiting.

47. You hate Pittsburgh and think that Ben Roethlisberger is a traitor.

48. You know what city The Drew Carey Show took place in. (Hint: It rocks.)

49. You live near one of Dave Chappelle’s houses.

50. You know that real pigs have wings and ducks wear sunglasses.

51. You love to bash your city or state — but get really defensive when other people do it. Ohio might be like a drunk uncle, but it’s your drunk uncle, damn it.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2011
FLATLANDERS?!?! Bud, yer Appalachians ain't even above timberline. Just remember to take extra breaths when you get to the real high country. ;)

You might be from Colorado if......
(Particularly applies to the Front Range.)

  • You know what the Front Range is.
  • You know what Rocky Mountain oysters are AND you know where to find them.
  • The bicycle on top of your car is worth more than the car itself.
  • You grew up planning your Halloween costume around your parka.
  • You know it’s called Elitch’s, not Six Flags.
  • It's Mile High, not Sports Authority Field.
  • You get ALL of South Park’s jokes.
  • Knowing that Texas and California are downstream gives you a certain feeling of satisfaction when you flush.
  • You know who Alferd Packer was.
  • You wonder why they even make sunscreen less than SPF 30.
  • You pay close attention to precipitation reports.
  • You think that formal wear is black denim.
  • You give directions by north, south, east, and west, and you're always oriented because the mountains are to the west.
  • You say “the interstate” and everybody knows which one.
  • You go to a restaurant that has a more extensive and descriptive microbrew list than wine list.
  • You go anywhere else on the planet and the air feels “sticky” and the sky is no longer blue.
  • You can now outdrink your visiting friends. Easily.
  • You don’t laugh at the word “Poudre."
  • You only go to Casa Bonita to take your out-of-town guests there.
  • You know what a “trust fund hippie” is, and you know its natural habitat is the People's Republic of Boulder.
  • Corollary: When you go to Boulder, you can actually smell arrogance.
  • You run the heater in the morning and the A/C in the afternoon.
  • You know what "urban sprawl" is, you curse it, and you buy a house in it.
  • You miss school to go skiing.
  • When people out East tell you they have mountains in their state too, you just laugh. (See response to Scott above)
  • You know the entire Shane Co. commercial by heart when it comes on the radio.
  • You bring a backpack full of warm clothes on a 95 degree day, just in case.
  • You have to drive in the middle of the highway because the bicyclists think they are cars.
  • A sudden loss of cabin pressure in an airplane is not a big deal.
  • People from out of state breathe five times as often as you do.
  • You see someone wearing a parka, shorts, and sandals, and it's not weird.
  • A red light means three more cars can go.
  • Your tap water tastes better than bottled.
  • You’ve gone off-roading in a vehicle that was never intended for such activities. (You might even rupture a quadricep doing so.)
  • You measure distance in time, not miles.
  • April showers bring May blizzards.
  • You have stood on solid ground and looked down on an airplane in flight.
  • Timberline is someplace you have actually been, many times.
  • You try to hide your eyeroll when someone is surprised you don’t have a foot of snow year round, ski, or smoke pot.
  • You’re happy if your windshield makes it 6-months without getting cracked.

:clap::haha: Yes...Perfect!!


Comfortably Roont
Nov 19, 2011
Behind you
...and right back atcha....

1. You know that real chili is poured over spaghetti.

2. You are clear on what a Buckeye exactly is.

3. Your hometown river is flammable.

4. You consider Kentucky “the South.” Michigan is “the North,” and during college football season, it’s also a curse word.

5. You have relatives that pronounce “wash” with an extra “r.”


6. You know that “OHIO” is properly spelled with your arms.

7. You often give directions using time measurements, as in “it’s 30 minutes outside of Akron.”

8. You almost never got off school during the winter, unless there was at least a foot of snow.

9. You can’t possibly fathom someone not having A/C during the summer, because Ohio summers are disgusting. Screw you, humidity.

10. You know there are only two seasons: Summer and Winter. (These may occur on the same day.) If you count “construction” as a season, then there are three.

11. There are more orange barrels in your town than people.

12. You consider going to Cedar Point or Kings Island “vacation.”

13. You know that cicadas are technically edible.

14. You know someone who knows someone who knows George Clooney and get really annoying during The Ides of March or The Avengers, because you keep pointing out the landmarks.

15. You know that there’s no other OSU than Ohio State, and that other OSU doesn’t exist.

16. You get really excited when the Bengals win because like Robert Downey Jr., they’ve been through so much to get to where they are now. You know that the Browns will never win.

17. You’ve never seen a hockey game and might be unclear as to what hockey actually is.

18. The only Big Boy that exists is “Frisch’s.”

19. You don’t see any difference between mayonnaise and Miracle Whip.

20. You have to go to another state to see your favorite rock band, because they won’t come to your city.

21. When an outlet mall opened near your town, it was a big deal.

22. You believe that ending your sentence in a preposition makes the statement or question more definitive. Thus, you might be heard asking, “Where’s my Indians jersey at?”

23. You measure time in sports games, like: “Oh, that happened three Bengals games ago.”

24. You know The Jake isn’t a person.

25. You’ve actually been cowtipping and can report that it’s kind of fun.

26. The street you grew up on is likely named after a dead tree.

27. You know who “Cincinnatus” is — or at least that he was a person who existed at some time.

28. You grew up thinking that Natural Light was a consumable beverage.

29. You think that people from all other states have an “accent,” but you definitely don’t.

30. You know that Lima is nothing like how it looks on Glee. (Like, where are you getting Alexander McQueen sweaters from? Do you have a dealer?)

31. You’ve been to a flea market before.

32. You know how to pronounce “Cuyahoga.”

33. If you live in Youngstown, you know someone connected to the mob.

34. You say “Please?” instead of “Excuse me?”

35. You knew what Graeter’s was before Oprah did.

36. You believe that going to Buffalo Wild Wings is an appropriate night out.

37. Your local bar has deer heads on the walls.

38. You know your carbonated beverages to be “pop,” not “soda.” And the idea that anyone calls Sprite a Coke is just downright confusing.

39. Your local paper has more sports coverage than all the other sections combined.

40. You know that Jerry Springer was once respectable and a productive member of society…a very, very long time ago.

41. You root for the teams of colleges you’ve never attended — or even visited.

42. You can Polka or Chicken Dance.

43. You know the real Miami University isn’t in Florida.

44. You pronounce both of the Ls in “Versailles” and don’t necessarily associate Athens or Oxford with Europe.

45. When people bring up Bowling Green, you know to ask which one.

46. You can’t hear the words “Lebron James” without spontaneously screaming or vomiting.

47. You hate Pittsburgh and think that Ben Roethlisberger is a traitor.

48. You know what city The Drew Carey Show took place in. (Hint: It rocks.)

49. You live near one of Dave Chappelle’s houses.

50. You know that real pigs have wings and ducks wear sunglasses.

51. You love to bash your city or state — but get really defensive when other people do it. Ohio might be like a drunk uncle, but it’s your drunk uncle, damn it.

I moved, but you never really move.

You Know You're from or In Pennsylvania If:

You've never referred to Philadelphia as anything but "Philly." And New Jersey has always been "Jersey."

You refer to Pennsylvania as "PA" (pronounced Pee-ay). How many other states do that?

"You guys" is a perfectly acceptable reference to a group of men & women.

You know how to respond to the question "Djeetyet?" (Did you eat yet?)

You learned to pronounce Bryn Mawr, Wilkes-Barre, Schuylkill, Bala Cynwyd, and Monongahela.

You know what a "Mummer" is, and are disappointed if you can't catch at least highlights of the parade.

You know what "Punxsutawney Phil" is, and what it means if he sees his shadow.

You can use the phrase "fire hall wedding reception" and not even bat an eye.

You can't go to a wedding without hearing the "Chicken Dance," at least 1 Polka and either an Italian song (sung in Italian,) or "Hava Nagila."

At least 5 people on your block have electric "candles" in all or most of their windows all year long.

You know what a "Hex sign" is.

You know what a "State Store" is, and your out of state friends find it incredulous that you can't purchase liquor at the mini-mart.

Words like "hoagie", "crick", "chipped ham", "sticky buns", "shoo-fly pie", "pierogies" and "pocketbook" actually mean something to you.

You not only have heard of Birch Beer, but you know it comes in several colors: Red, White, Brown, Gold.

You know several places to purchase or that serve Scrapple, summer Sausage (Lebanon Bologna), and Hot Bacon Dressing.

You can eat a cold soft pretzel from a street vendor without fear and enjoy it.

You know the difference between a cheese steak & a pizza steak sandwich, and know that you can't get a really good one outside PA.

You live for summer, when street and county fairs signal the beginning of funnel cake season.

Customers ask the waitress for "drippy eggs" for breakfast.

You know that Blue Ball, Intercourse, Climax, Bird-in-Hand, beaver, Moon, Virginville, Paradise, Mars, and Slippery Rock are PA towns.

You can identify drivers from New York, New Jersey, or other
neighboring states by their unique and irritating driving habits.

A traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a horse-drawn carriage on the highway in Lancaster County.

You know several people who have hit deer more than once.

You carry jumper cables in your car and your female passengers know how to use them.

Driving is always better in winter because the potholes are filled with snow.

As a kid you built snow forts and leaf piles that were taller than you were.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Heart of the South
...and right back atcha....

1. You know that real chili is poured over spaghetti.

2. You are clear on what a Buckeye exactly is.

5. You have relatives that pronounce “wash” with an extra “r.”

12. You consider going to Cedar Point or Kings Island “vacation.”

18. The only Big Boy that exists is “Frisch’s.”

I have people in Ohio, I can identify with the above.