Looking for advice on the best physical edition for my first time

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New Member
Apr 9, 2016
Hi all,

First off: this is my first post on the board!

I have decided to take on THE STAND as my next book, I am very excited! I am looking for some help in choosing the best physical edition of the book for my first read-through. I am a big fan of audiobooks as well, but after listening to the narration sample on Audible, I didn't feel like the audiobook was the right choice for me (I'd love to be convinced otherwise!).

I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts, thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2016
The complete extended edition is certainly the best. I have the HB version found it for £1 in a charity shop here in the UK! Bargain. However I listened to it from Audible and I can say with complete certainty that the narration is superb; Grover Gardener did a very good job and suits the characters very well.


This is my favorite place
Mar 26, 2008
The woods are lovely dark and deep
Dear YesPlz: The Stand ,in its unabridged form, should only be read in the HB format!!


Comfortably Roont
Nov 19, 2011
Behind you
Hardback. yes.

I've read both versions. One thing that really struck me was the point that Mr. SK said in the intro.

Stop! Before you get to checkout. Hopefully you are still holding this book before checkout. Don't buy this if you are expecting a new book - this is not a new book, just expanded.

(paraphrasing -went something like that.. :)) Gotta love SK.

If someone has the quote, I'd appreciate it. Lost that book with moves.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2010
Merseyside, UK
Hardback. yes.

I've read both versions. One thing that really struck me was the point that Mr. SK said in the intro.

Stop! Before you get to checkout. Hopefully you are still holding this book before checkout. Don't buy this if you are expecting a new book - this is not a new book, just expanded.

(paraphrasing -went something like that.. :)) Gotta love SK.

If someone has the quote, I'd appreciate it. Lost that book with moves.

There are a couple of things you need to know about this version of The Stand right away, even before you leave the bookstore. For that reason I hope I've caught you early--hopefully standing there by the K section of new fiction, with your other purchases tucked under your arm and the book open in front of you. In other words, I hope I've caught you while your wallet is still safely in your pocket. Ready? Okay; thanks. I promise to be brief. First, this is not a new novel. If you hold misapprehensions on that score, let them be dispelled right here and right now, while you are still a safe distance from the cash register which will take money out of your pocket and put it in mine. The Stand was originally published over ten years ago. Second, this is not a brand-new, entirely different version of The Stand. You will not discover old characters behaving in new ways, nor will the course of the tale branch off at some point from the old narrative, taking you, Constant Reader, in an entirely different direction. This version of The Stand is an expansion of the original novel. As I've said, you won't find old characters behaving in strange new ways, but you will discover that almost all of the characters were, in the book's original form, doing more things, and if I didn't think some of those things were interesting-- perhaps even enlightening--I would never have agreed to this project. If this is not what you want, don't buy this book. If you have bought it already, I hope you saved your sales receipt. The bookshop where you made your purchase will want it before granting you credit or a cash refund. If this expansion is something you want, I invite you to come along with me just a little farther. I have lots to tell you, and I think we can talk better around the corner. In the dark
May 15, 2016
Papillion NE
I am new here myself..I prefer written word to audio books. And I even though there is additional content in the 1990 unabridged version I recommend the original version published in the late 70s. In the unabridged version, he updates the timeline to 1990 and I don't think it is a good fit for the characters.
Just my thoughts.
Enjoy the Stand. My favorite.
Hi all,

First off: this is my first post on the board!

I have decided to take on THE STAND as my next book, I am very excited! I am looking for some help in choosing the best physical edition of the book for my first read-through. I am a big fan of audiobooks as well, but after listening to the narration sample on Audible, I didn't feel like the audiobook was the right choice for me (I'd love to be convinced otherwise!).

I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts, thanks in advance!