Decided to tackle my 1st Stephen King Novel (Carrie)

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Apr 17, 2017
And as for how i'm getting on with Carrie haven't read any of it since Wednesday night because after work on Thursday and Friday i was too tired should have it finished this weekend though
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Apr 17, 2017
I Finished Reading Carrie i also watched the Film if i hadn't read the book and i watched the film i probably would just have said what a load of ****e the book was a lot lot betterthan the film the ending to the film was rubbish too
the house burning down with them in it
i preferred the book ending it kind of annoyed me the stuff they changed or never put in i feel i could have done a better job on the film lol
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Apr 17, 2017
Sorry bad me i should have said a spolier could have been in my post anyway i love the book carrie like many of use cause in a way i connect to carrie no matter how bootch i am and say i can never get bullied i too big and beyond that end of the day no one is lol funny thing is tonight a girl i do not know probalby a thug bad girl well anyway i do not know her so i can not judge she pissed of a boucner so much her assualted her then loads of guys aslauted the boucner smahsed him up real bad one of my mates got involed in the unkwenking assuallt as much add i would love to jump on the ban wagging i stayed out but i do remember that same freind and sevral of my freind who back him up who not so ago would not come to my defence in a so call legal case what i was assalted in but did not bring to court but they they would not be my witness cause as they say they did not want to be grasses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what the **** im thinking the now do i want to br a grass lol more to the point what should be my next book wish i could do a carrie and sort them all out sorry if i dont make sence i have been drinking hope u get me
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The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
You're neither first, nor will be last on that one... :biggrin2:

Constant Reader XIX

Active Member
Apr 13, 2017
Every time I hit an excerpt from the local newspaper in a book, my reading speed slows to a crawl.

Besides that, I love Carrie! I love the book. I love the original film adaptation, and I very much enjoyed the 2014 version. The only one I didn't dig was the TV movie.
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Desert Kris

Feb 23, 2017
Correct, it's close to the book, but still a lot is left out and still the book is better.

With King there is always so much AROUND the main story, so many side stories and side characters. The films always take the main story line, there doesn't really seem to be a way to do all those side stories, which is one reason why the films and books always feel quite different.

This is something that has struck me as interesting about SK that's so interesting. From even the small amount that I've read so far, there are so many mini-stories scattered within the body of the main story, at time's I've had this thought that his larger stories are strung together by collections of mini-stories.

I started off with Carrie fairly recently as my first read of his fictional work, even though there were plenty of other options available. I went for it because of what he wrote about it in On Writing, because it's a shorter book, and because it felt like one natural starting point. I found it very readable, and liked just about everything about it. I collected a sample size of SK at the same time as picking it up; on the strength of it I subsequently began raiding bookstores with fanatical frenzy.

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
This is something that has struck me as interesting about SK that's so interesting. From even the small amount that I've read so far, there are so many mini-stories scattered within the body of the main story, at time's I've had this thought that his larger stories are strung together by collections of mini-stories.

I started off with Carrie fairly recently as my first read of his fictional work, even though there were plenty of other options available. I went for it because of what he wrote about it in On Writing, because it's a shorter book, and because it felt like one natural starting point. I found it very readable, and liked just about everything about it. I collected a sample size of SK at the same time as picking it up; on the strength of it I subsequently began raiding bookstores with fanatical frenzy.
I have always felt the same way. Each chapter of his books is like little stories unto themselves, and he just strings them together when a common character or story line. i tried to write myself using this same technique -- not as easy as it sounds when you don't know what the hell you are doing.

Desert Kris

Feb 23, 2017
I have always felt the same way. Each chapter of his books is like little stories unto themselves, and he just strings them together when a common character or story line. i tried to write myself using this same technique -- not as easy as it sounds when you don't know what the hell you are doing.

I've never written that way myself, but maybe it would be a fun exercise to experiment with echoing the method. I tend to be impatient to get to a certain point in a narrative, but I think reading it works ok because my own mind has a tendency to bounce around a lot, so the style agrees with me.

Constant Reader XIX

Active Member
Apr 13, 2017
This is something that has struck me as interesting about SK that's so interesting. From even the small amount that I've read so far, there are so many mini-stories scattered within the body of the main story, at time's I've had this thought that his larger stories are strung together by collections of mini-stories.

If you dig that, just you wait!

My advice is (and this is just what I did, and it took about two-and-a-half years):

  1. Read through everything in order of publication date.
  2. Tell everyone who gets excited when they see what you are reading to please not say ANYTHING!
  3. While perusing this site, never click on a
    No! You clicked one! It only takes one to ruin a good story!

After I finished reading the last book (there are more than 60, I believe), I, being someone who enjoys such things as the ones you referenced in the quoted text, was ready to start reading them all over again from Carrie!

Stephen King is awesome! (Especially when it comes to interwoven yarns.)


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2011
The Netherlands
This is something that has struck me as interesting about SK that's so interesting. From even the small amount that I've read so far, there are so many mini-stories scattered within the body of the main story, at time's I've had this thought that his larger stories are strung together by collections of mini-stories.

I think this is what gives his books their scope (and makes them often quite long). There's a whole world beyond the main story. The main characters don't just exist on their own in a vacuum (as in a lot of novels), but are part of this bigger world in which lots of things are going on. It also adds realism, in the real world not just one thing is going on, but lots of things at the same time.

What makes it difficult to film is, these side stories on their own are quite short. In a film I think it wouldn't work, you would wonder what these asides have to do with the main story, because in a film there's less a sense of an overall voice telling the story like in a novel.