Have you ever been in a Stephen King type situation?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2017
I'll start: This is kind of a long, strange, outrageous story but i'll try to shorten it if I can.
When I was a kid my mom left my dad for a cop named George, and I have to say I was terrified of him from the very first time I met him. Anyway, he was fired from the police (for reasons that came to light later) and he moved my mom and I to Gulfport, MS. Living there with him were the scariest 4 months of my young life, i'm not gonna say all the stuff he did to my mom and I but needless to say it was very bad and I ended up with a skull fracture. My mom started to finally pay attention to the **** he was doing and she called my real dad to come and get us. Here's where the story gets really scary, he followed us back to Oklahoma and then he started stalking my mom. He went into my grandma's house and put a cup of warm water in the microwave for reasons that only made sense to him. The scariest thing that ended up happening is that one night when my mom and I were driving home he was following us, we actually ended up in a car chase (nothing like you would see in an action movie) but we lost him. My dad was furious when he found out and after that he paid a visit to George, i'm not sure what my dad did (he and my mom refused to tell me) but George never bothered us again.

What about you? Have you ever been in an SK type situation?


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2017
Make a great short story, your narrative. Yes, I imagine myself in a Stephen King situation: writing a best seller.

I actually tried writing a novel about that terrifying ordeal but it didn't work out. The scariest detail I remember about the car chase is the sun was going down and I could see his silhouette the through his windshield.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2011
The Caribbean
I actually tried writing a novel about that terrifying ordeal but it didn't work out. The scariest detail I remember about the car chase is the sun was going down and I could see his silhouette the through his windshield.
Try again, only this time use an outline. Very difficult to write a book from inspiration only. Stephen King can do it, but not many have that gift.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2017
Try again, only this time use an outline. Very difficult to write a book from inspiration only. Stephen King can do it, but not many have that gift.

A few months ago I was writing an outline for a novel about a boy comes from a family of serial killers but doesn't want to follow in their footsteps, I got 37 pages in and realized I wanted to go back to drawing and writing comics. I might dig it out and write a better outline, some of the stuff I wrote in that first outline was problematic. One of the things I DID like about the story was the fact that the grandpa wore A Creature From the Black Lagoon mask when he killed people. I put that in just because i'm a fan of that movie and wanted to give him a cool mask but as I was writing the story I actually started to see similarities between The Creature and the grandpa, I was even going to have the grandpa get badly burned at the end of the first half of the novel and have him still killing people which is what happened with The Creature in the first movie. If I was to do a better outline I would play up the grandpa's monster like qualities. The grandpa in the story is based on my adopted grandpa who I've always been kind of afraid of, he's actually a pillar of the community in my hometown but I always got the vibe there was something really dark going on with him.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
Try again, only this time use an outline. Very difficult to write a book from inspiration only. Stephen King can do it, but not many have that gift.

Yes, do an outline! If that's too much, just write down what you remember. It doesn't have to be chronological, orderly, or even very coherent (pretty words and grammar does not count at this point IMO.) Just get it on paper and go from there. It would be a good read, but I'm awfully sorry you had to experience that...


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
I've been in a few. Some were cool, some were extremely unpleasant.
To keep the mood light, I'm almost done re-reading "It" and there was a spider in the rear kitchen today. I charged at it and it ran under the deep freezer, and I stood there motionless (the damn things always eventually crawl back out) for a moment.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2015
About four years ago I travelled to Melbourne for a family wedding with my wife and son. We were staying in a suburb on the bay and one evening I went out for run, it was around 8 o'clock I think. It was up and around 40 degrees centigrade most days when we were there at even at that time of night it was still hot. Anyway I headed down to the bay and took a right so that I was running toward the city which gave me a fantastic view. The heat made it a little tough but it was a lovely evening and there were plenty of people around enjoying it.
Strange city and all that I was wary of getting lost so I decided to stick to the road that followed the bay and after about twenty minutes or so I decided to head back to the house, so I simply turned around and headed back the way I came. I guess I got lost in my thoughts a bit because the next thing I remember is that I noticed that it was getting dark and when I checked my watch I saw that I had been running in the opposite direction for half an hour, much longer than I should have been. Realising I had missed the turning that would take me back to the house I turned around and ran back the other way again, but again I ran for longer than I should have had to and again I realised I must have missed the turning.
It was getting dark quickly now and all the people that had been around earlier had disappeared, there were a few cars on the road but that was all. I went up and down the road twice more I think before I gave up and decided that I must be lost. As there was no one around on the road I thought I would try heading down to the beach and I found a slope leading down to the sand, and as I made my way down I saw a dead rat. And then another, and another and on and on until by time I got to the bottom there were dozens of them and they had all been torn open or had limbs missing or their head hanging off.
I gave up on the beach and ran back up to the road and carried on running. Down the road I came across an old couple who were able to point me in the right direction and I made it back to the house in about five minutes.


Jun 23, 2007
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I've been in a few. Some were cool, some were extremely unpleasant.
To keep the mood light, I'm almost done re-reading "It" and there was a spider in the rear kitchen today. I charged at it and it ran under the deep freezer, and I stood there motionless (the damn things always eventually crawl back out) for a moment.
Hi Mel217, It's comments like this that make me wish I could hit 'Like' a bunch more times. Sometimes one Like is just not enough!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
....I look like a Slow Mutant.....

And you can watch Porn with a Cookie in every Hand...i heard about your Talents.
Damn wouldn`t you be a great America got Talent Aspirant ??!??