Dalglish Road

  • This message board permanently closed on June 30th, 2020 at 4PM EDT and is no longer accepting new members.


M e m b e r
Apr 11, 2006
UnParked, UnParked U.S.A.
I'm interested in having a copy of the LiveWriting story "Dalglish Road". Did any of you make a copy of it? If so answer in this thread and/or PM me. Thanx! :)

This isn't much but it may help Blunt . . .I didn't read the whole page . . .scanned it . . .I saw a web address at the bottom of the page and maybe it can give you some kind of leads . . .

Happy hunting . . .

Print Page - A Kobold in Forumland: Border Town


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio

Stanley Ruiz

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2013
Say true!

Sorry guys, i too have nothing- not a bean saved from those 'bar & grill' days. It was very upsetting to lose all that Live writing - almost two years work was taken from us with only a weeks warning. Left me very bitter. I was working away at the time, and no idea things were changing.(think it was after i handed my watch and warrant in to flake after a halloween cat fight with the site boss)

What really pisses me off though, is losing touch with the likes of aggies and her squeeky cockroaches,muskie the whites charge to every story, chris and his comic book store full of time travelling baddies, Swarley Paxmore double entaundered slapstick capers in Muskies weekly penny illustrations, V and her ability to fit a veggie stall into every chapter she wrote.Or Blunt, and his beautifully penned depictions of the rear guard protectors of Old. What about GNTLGNT and his bag of mad frogs that he let loose every turn of a dark secluded corner.( still have that Cujo insert mucka!!)

...or what about the bump slithers, or the nudie porn weilding mark. The guy who wound everyone up with his naked throbbing antics!!

The halloween unofficial special from 2012/13 - with the spider witch/Salems lot twist -all gone, cant find any of that.

If you could save one thing in the fire sale- give us back access to ' ??????????????????


Or worse still, its like Calvin Tower locking away all those first additions away from the world.

...oh yeh, muskie ya sunova'b*tch - i know yer pissed at losing all your work, believe me i am too- but drop me a line lard a** - miss ya buddy.

Sheemus p Dingleberry.
Ruunt of the Ruiz
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Heart of the South
Say true!

Sorry guys, i too have nothing- not a bean saved from those 'bar & grill' days. It was very upsetting to lose all that Live writing - almost two years work was taken from us with only a weeks warning. Left me very bitter. I was working away at the time, and no idea things were changing.(think it was after i handed my watch and warrant in to flake after a halloween cat fight with the site boss)

What really pisses me off though, is losing touch with the likes of aggies and her squeeky cockroaches,muskie the whites charge to every story, chris and his comic book store full of time travelling baddies, Swarley Paxmore double entaundered slapstick capers in Muskies weekly penny illustrations, V and her ability to fit a veggie stall into every chapter she wrote.Or Blunt, and his beautifully penned depictions of the rear guard protectors of Old. What about GNTLGNT and his bag of mad frogs that he let loose every turn of a dark secluded corner.( still have that Cujo insert mucka!!)

...or what about the bump slithers, or the nudie porn weilding mark. The guy who wound everyone up with his naked throbbing antics!!

The halloween unofficial special from 2012/13 - with the spider witch/Salems lot twist -all gone, cant find any of that.

If you could save one thing in the fire sale- give us back access to ' ??????????????????


Or worse still, its like Calvin Tower locking away all those first additions away from the world.

...oh yeh, muskie ya sunova'b*tch - i know yer pissed at losing all your work, believe me i am too- but drop me a line lard a** - miss ya buddy.

Sheemus p Dingleberry.
Ruunt of the Ruiz
Hey there! I was new on the old board and never read any of that coolness, but mayhap someone has it somewhere. Sounds awesome.

Stanley Ruiz

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2013
...oh realy
...there was indeed some very well done scribblings...most of which I would stack up against "published" writers of any era...and then there was my comical interludes, though they were SUPPOSED to be serious...

...oh ...really :O_O: $h*t, I read your pieces with the benny hill sketches music on in the background.

You know what is really annoying- i actually had those early ' ???????? ' days printed off, and read them frantically to try and catch up with ya'll who were already mourning JDs character by the time I switched on. Bloody characters everywhere . Great combination of writing styles -
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Sunny the Great & Wonderful
Jun 12, 2008
Yep.....there was some really good writing.
.....but I do remember quite a bit of behind the scenes drama as well......and one writer even tried to sabotage everything the others had written.
That part wasn't fun at all.....at least not for me. I probably wouldn't revisit the group, even if I could.
Of course, that's just my personal perspective.....not trying to be negative or discouraging.....I just think that sometimes, people tend to tint the past with rose colored glass, when in reality, it wasn't really that pretty.

On a side note....it seems to me that if the writing had been all that important to those who keep making comments about losing it....well, it just seems like if it was really important to them, they would have saved the work on personal systems as it was being written... It is not the responsibility of the admins on this site to save and store anything we write....that responsibility is ours alone
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Stanley Ruiz

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2013
Yep.....there was some really good writing.
.....but I do remember quite a bit of behind the scenes drama as well......and one writer even tried to sabotage everything the others had written.
That part wasn't fun at all.....at least not for me. I probably wouldn't revisit the group, even if I could.
Of course, that's just my personal perspective.....not trying to be negative or discouraging.

(Still awaiting the last moderation) This chat page takes waaaayyy to long

So ill just say hay sunnie, 'how yoo doin?' And move on ...with great power comes great responsibility


Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
Yep.....there was some really good writing.
.....but I do remember quite a bit of behind the scenes drama as well......and one writer even tried to sabotage everything the others had written.
That part wasn't fun at all.....at least not for me. I probably wouldn't revisit the group, even if I could.
Of course, that's just my personal perspective.....not trying to be negative or discouraging.....I just think that sometimes, people tend to tint the past with rose colored glass, when in reality, it wasn't really that pretty.

On a side note....it seems to me that if the writing had been all that important to those who keep making comments about losing it....well, it just seems like if it was really important to them, they would have saved the work on personal systems as it was being written... It is not the responsibility of the admins on this site to save and store anything we write....that responsibility is ours alone
Exactly and thank you.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2012
Hi Guys,
I wrote quite a bit on those little threads and stories. The site was new to me, as well as the concept of collaborative writing. Writing on a tablet versus a regular computer presents difficulties in saving and editing for me. I can't save on a tablet.

I'm upset (and yes probably considered the 'complainer' who this is directed at) because I didn't realise all of my work and revisions and wonderful beginings would be erased and gone forever. I know everything that is typed into this website becomes property of 'the King'(and that is okay with me), just believed the old stories and poems we wrote would be accessable in a history.

This was my first connection with real and talented people, who encouraged me to begin writing. We would gently review and discuss each of our offerings and try to figure ways to make what we were saying clearer.

Don't recall a lot of drama during writing, but maybe this happened amongst others, or I was too green to notice. Any time several people voice opinions differences occur. For the loss, I'm sorry. For whining, I'm sorry. Just for the record, I am grateful the King family provides a place for fans to gather and connect.


Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
Hi Guys,
I wrote quite a bit on those little threads and stories. The site was new to me, as well as the concept of collaborative writing. Writing on a tablet versus a regular computer presents difficulties in saving and editing for me. I can't save on a tablet.

I'm upset (and yes probably considered the 'complainer' who this is directed at) because I didn't realise all of my work and revisions and wonderful beginings would be erased and gone forever. I know everything that is typed into this website becomes property of 'the King'(and that is okay with me), just believed the old stories and poems we wrote would be accessable in a history.

This was my first connection with real and talented people, who encouraged me to begin writing. We would gently review and discuss each of our offerings and try to figure ways to make what we were saying clearer.

Don't recall a lot of drama during writing, but maybe this happened amongst others, or I was too green to notice. Any time several people voice opinions differences occur. For the loss, I'm sorry. For whining, I'm sorry. Just for the record, I am grateful the King family provides a place for fans to gather and connect.

I thought the groups were still "seeable" when you visited the site, I take it this is not the case. I thought we could see them but just not post to them anymore. hmmm. I'll leave Jordan a message and see what he says. I don't think anyone's opinion was meant to be a mean spirited post, just everyone's opinion about the place.