Anyone Double Dipping In Mr. King's Word Pool?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Oklahoma City
My dad used to have two or three paperbacks stacked up on the arm of his easy chair: a Stephen King novel, a John D. MacDonald and invariably a book about Nazis. I was never such a multi-tasking reader. I would plod along one book at a time--until now.

With the appearance of audio books in my life (much thanks to my sister, Sylvia) I can now double dip in Mr. King's word pool--I am listening to Under The Dome in the car or on the treadmill or doing dishes and now I can carry my portable word pool in my purse because I just bought a paperback of The Stand while I was at Walmart getting provisions for our coming ice storm here in Ok City.

I may need a bigger purse.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Heart of the South
My dad used to have two or three paperbacks stacked up on the arm of his easy chair: a Stephen King novel, a John D. MacDonald and invariably a book about Nazis. I was never such a multi-tasking reader. I would plod along one book at a time--until now.

With the appearance of audio books in my life (much thanks to my sister, Sylvia) I can now double dip in Mr. King's word pool--I am listening to Under The Dome in the car or on the treadmill or doing dishes and now I can carry my portable word pool in my purse because I just bought a paperback of The Stand while I was at Walmart getting provisions for our coming ice storm here in Ok City.

I may need a bigger purse.
Did you get the ice storm? It was supposed to be here in Memphis hours ago and I haven't seen it yet. I'm going to head into the office and get heck out of here before the kids get up. Here's hopin' I make it home before it does hit. (Though my life would most surely be easier if I could just be iced in at the office)


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Heart of the South
Oh, but to the question at hand. I usually have an upstairs book and a downstairs book. Downstairs is for when the family if watching TV and it is usually a short story collection of other author's. Upstairs is always Sai King. In the car I can't listen to a book - it has to be music. Most often mixed cds my husband makes for me. I have a funny story about that too, but enough of me for now.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Oklahoma City
Did you get the ice storm? It was supposed to be here in Memphis hours ago and I haven't seen it yet. I'm going to head into the office and get heck out of here before the kids get up. Here's hopin' I make it home before it does hit. (Though my life would most surely be easier if I could just be iced in at the office)

About six inches of snow, ice underneath. Stuck at my daughter's house with her 15 month old and her four year old--writing sporadic!


The Fool on the Hill
Apr 12, 2014
My dad used to have two or three paperbacks stacked up on the arm of his easy chair: a Stephen King novel, a John D. MacDonald and invariably a book about Nazis. I was never such a multi-tasking reader. I would plod along one book at a time--until now.

With the appearance of audio books in my life (much thanks to my sister, Sylvia) I can now double dip in Mr. King's word pool--I am listening to Under The Dome in the car or on the treadmill or doing dishes and now I can carry my portable word pool in my purse because I just bought a paperback of The Stand while I was at Walmart getting provisions for our coming ice storm here in Ok City.

I may need a bigger purse.
Actually i often read several books at the same time. For some reason that doesn't apply to King. But otherwise i can have 2 or 3 books going at the same time. At least one of those are a fact-book. Often History of somekind. It is a mood thing which book you feel like.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2012

I am the same way; always with several books.

My current non -fictions include Quilting, Utilizing beads in edgings with Crochet (Turkish Embroidery), and Do Gentlemen Really Prefer Blondes ( by Jena Pincott).



The Fool on the Hill
Apr 12, 2014
Do gentlemen really prefer blondes. Doesn't that depend on the blonde? Or is it a sly wink at Marilyn Monroe. I liked that movie with Marilyn as the blonde and Jane Russell as the brownhaired one. Funny musical with among others "Diamonds are a girls best friend"

Walter Oobleck

keeps coming back...or going, and going, and going
Mar 6, 2013
The few times I read more than one--while attending one form of school or another--are nothing more than a memory now and returning to that memory, I'm surprised I was able to do that, and read something I wanted to read, something beyond the required reading. In the more recent past when I've tried reading more than one story I wondered why in the world anyone would want to do such a thing. Not for me. And then yet again, there was a time within the last year or two during which I read more than one story...due in part to one read being complicated--Pessoa--and also being a story one could put down without complications. The Book of Disquiet is one that includes a multitude of numbered passages and although they do have a kind of progression, a reader could pick and choose what order to read them. And that reading was as experimental as anything as other readers whose words I read suggested that could be done without the Library Police serving notification.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2012
Do gentlemen really prefer blondes. Doesn't that depend on the blonde? Or is it a sly wink at Marilyn Monroe. I liked that movie with Marilyn as the blonde and Jane Russell as the brownhaired one. Funny musical with among others "Diamonds are a girls best friend"
:fat: Guess it does depend on the blonde...:It is about the science behind sex, love and attraction...all types of curiosities :chew: