Beating the Blues...

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Uber Member
Mar 23, 2008
Wasn`t the greatest of days I can remember in my life, but then again, I`ve seen worse.
One usually has, just when you feel like sh!t at the moment, you don`t think of all the other times you felt worse. Like when you have a tooth-ache. You swear to God that nothing ever has hurt so much like that mothertrucker, but alas...sure there was a time when the pain was greater.
But who likes to remember bad sh!t anyway?!
A good FB friend of mine told me today that I should put pen to paper, and as Shirley Jackson would say " write myself sane".
Sounds awesome. When you don`t have writer`s block, that is. I can`t write these days for some reason. Well, I did write a phone number here and there down, or some sticky on the fridge, but not much more. Don`t know when that will pass, either. It comes and goes and lately it stays longer and longer. Not that I actually really care, it`s not like I have a contract with Doubleday and I have to produce a book. Besides, who would read the crap I produce from my moronic imagination?! Not me.
Don`t know really what else I could say. I miss having friends, real friends. All the people I used to know are married ( like me ), have kid(s) ( like me ) and we grew apart. I don`t know exactly what happened there, did they all of the sudden grow up, got really mature or they simply don`t care anymore about anything else but themselves and their family. Hard to say.
That makes it a problem for me, though.
I can`t stay young if everybody around me grows old.
Not that they have an option, you gotta grow old, or at least you wish you will, but come about getting wild once in a while, just let loose, forget about the job, the mortgage, the car payment...headbang a bit, have a beer, smoke up maybe.
Once a month, man, hasn`t killed anybody. Or at least not too many, anyway. Yeah, yeah, sh!t happens, I know. Hopefully not to us, though.
Ah, I don`t know...
The kid`s asleep, my wife`s at work, I can`t leave the house, because the kid`s asleep. I said that already. Never mind.
So, what`s left?!
As always in the last few years - a book.
And so I disappear into the world of Lee Child and once again I`m gonna check out what Jack Reacher is up to.
At least he ain`t got no problems, or at least no big ones. He always stays alive. All beat up, and usually very grumpy, but alive.
May we all do the same.
Stay alive.

What do you do when the blues hits you?!
Love and lights, Gunners.


Comfortably Roont
Nov 19, 2011
Behind you
More later on the subject of when blues hits--- but for now. My dear friend, Srbo, do you realize you ARE writing. Each and every post you make like this to the SKMB should be saved, treasure, collected as thoughts. You just might be surprised as what they will collective become.

Very true, Spidey. Dear Srbo has a book of incredible posts right here.


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2010
The Twilight Zone
I feel for your Srbo because I've been having the blues too, I'm on my 3rd day of proper blues, full dark no stars kind of blues, so I can perfectly relate. I can give you the advise that I have been given and that is to contact someone, not necessarily to talk about your woes but just being in touch with someone and talk of anything non blues related, it should help lift your mood. And I would encourage you to get into something you really like, re-read a SK book maybe :) I know I'm trying to, I've been watching the Twilight zone, it's a good format, easy to get into and doesn't require too much focus. And I go with Spideyman that you ARE writing, and very well at that, maybe give that another go :) Hope you feel better soon


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio brother, your "scribblings" here ARE your book...and I assure you, this melancholy will pass-it hits me at the most unexpected of times, but always recedes like a dark tide...know that your friends and a well-spring of love are ALWAYS here for you on this Board...


Uber Member
Mar 23, 2008
Incredible people and friends you are.
Wow, what a sentence, I have become Yoda. :D
Thank you for the never-ending love...a love that`s going back now almost seven years.
Dang, man, I even remember when I posted here the pic of my daughter and I when she was only 2 hours old. It was almost in real time, half an hour delay.
Now she is six.
Yeah, no, don`t worry too much about all this, like the writers block, it comes and goes.
If it ever stays, then i will let you know for real that I need real help and I`m sure I`ll get it from you.
But for now...your understanding and friendship is making me feel much better already.
If only for a little while.
And when I feel down again, I`m just gonna come and re-read your posts.
As AC/DC would say on their new album - Srbo dude, Rock the Blues Away.


Uber Member
Mar 23, 2008
You know, I never saved all the posts I made on the SKMB. Actually, I never saved any.
I just write to my friends here, it`s just conversation and saying "hi" to you and wishing you all the best.
But after reading posts like these time after time, sometimes I feel sorry I didn`t.
Maybe it would have been a great book...probably even better if I had saved your comments as well.

" The Stephen King Message Board - thoughts for a day, friends for life "

Rings true to me...


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2010
The Twilight Zone
Incredible people and friends you are.
Wow, what a sentence, I have become Yoda. :D
Thank you for the never-ending love...a love that`s going back now almost seven years.
Dang, man, I even remember when I posted here the pic of my daughter and I when she was only 2 hours old. It was almost in real time, half an hour delay.
Now she is six.
Yeah, no, don`t worry too much about all this, like the writers block, it comes and goes.
If it ever stays, then i will let you know for real that I need real help and I`m sure I`ll get it from you.
But for now...your understanding and friendship is making me feel much better already.
If only for a little while.
And when I feel down again, I`m just gonna come and re-read your posts.
As AC/DC would say on their new album - Srbo dude, Rock the Blues Away.
That's the spirit :) . What a joy to read this post. Rock the Blues Away is a good one! I'm about to attempt going to my boxing lesson in an hour or so, I'll be keeping that quote in mind, thanks and big hug :)

Mary Strickland

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2009
Srbo, I've always liked your writing. One stands out in my mind. A few years ago you were expressing your anger or dislike for something.....don't remember what. Other members were trying to cheer you up. The result you expressed about it was very memorable. You went from a dark mood to being so cheered; from the post you were reading, that you were laughing with tears running down your face. Your description of it was so funny.


Comfortably Roont
Nov 19, 2011
Behind you
Incredible people and friends you are.
Wow, what a sentence, I have become Yoda. :D
Thank you for the never-ending love...a love that`s going back now almost seven years.
Dang, man, I even remember when I posted here the pic of my daughter and I when she was only 2 hours old. It was almost in real time, half an hour delay.
Now she is six.
Yeah, no, don`t worry too much about all this, like the writers block, it comes and goes.
If it ever stays, then i will let you know for real that I need real help and I`m sure I`ll get it from you.
But for now...your understanding and friendship is making me feel much better already.
If only for a little while.
And when I feel down again, I`m just gonna come and re-read your posts.
As AC/DC would say on their new album - Srbo dude, Rock the Blues Away.



Jamaica's Finest
Mar 7, 2014
United States
Srbo i don't know you or anything but you seem like you have a way with words lbvs and i hope you feel better about things

I understand what you mean about getting wild too i feel the same way sometimes and its hard to do with kids

Maybe if you find time invite some friends over to chat that might help cheer you up.


Comfortably Roont
Nov 19, 2011
Behind you


very avid fan
Aug 7, 2009
dublin ireland
Srbo I hope we have gone some littlte way to lifting your blues. Eveyone gets the blues sometimes. It's important to recognise them forwhat they are and to be able to find a way out. Sometimes just sayinig it out loud or online helps. More room out than in you know. We all come to a point in our lives whe responsibilties have to be dealt with and a time to get in touch with your inner troublemaker. You gotta do what you gotta do. I know you know that. People come into and out of our lives as circumsatnces change. In fact the only constant is change. We all love you and love hearing from you. Just keep doing whatyou do best.


Original Kiwi© SKMB®
Apr 11, 2006
New Zealand
((( Srbo ))) you've come (back) to the right place. You'll always find what you need here.. and oh boy, do I remember the first time we met your sweet little lady? You and I both had (not literally :biggrin2: ) babies so close together, they were MB babes and how precious was that? :love:

((( BeverleyMarsh ))) some great advice there. (That video was brilliant!) I'm wishing you happier too. :love:


Uber Member
Mar 23, 2008
((( Srbo ))) you've come (back) to the right place. You'll always find what you need here.. and oh boy, do I remember the first time we met your sweet little lady? You and I both had (not literally :biggrin2: ) babies so close together, they were MB babes and how precious was that? :love:

((( BeverleyMarsh ))) some great advice there. (That video was brilliant!) I'm wishing you happier too. :love:

Like it was yesterday. :)
One of the always beautiful memories from the SKMB


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
You know, I never saved all the posts I made on the SKMB. Actually, I never saved any.
I just write to my friends here, it`s just conversation and saying "hi" to you and wishing you all the best.
But after reading posts like these time after time, sometimes I feel sorry I didn`t.
Maybe it would have been a great book...probably even better if I had saved your comments as well.

" The Stephen King Message Board - thoughts for a day, friends for life "

Rings true to me... better time than the present my brother....start archiving your posts...your humility is what makes your heartfelt musings resonate with all of us...they are honest, genuine and damn may have some rough edges old friend-but you DO have the soul of a poet...all love to you and those you hold dear...