Beautiful Novel

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Just moseyin' through...
Oct 9, 2013
It is lovely, isn't it? I thing Lisey's is the most 'literary' of Mr. King's books, too. The things he did with time jumps were just incredible--flashbacks are very difficult to do without it feeling 'clunky' to the reader, or without the writer's own voice intruding. In this, though, the transitions were absolutely seamless--lets you get caught up in the story without that, "Oh wait--we've jumped around here" feeling.

The story of a marriage and loss is so compelling that Booya Moon almost feels incidental. I cried a lot, too, and it made me think about my own long-time marriage. It even got my 'non fiction only' reading husband to sit down with a novel! That's an accomplishment!


Oct 14, 2007
Deerfield, OH
The first time I read it, I thought it was good, but not great. The second time, after I was in a good relationship, and older and 'wiser' (not! ;;D), it just blew me away. I loved it so much. And I totally cried in more than one spot.
And I'm still afraid of looking into mirrors after dark! :eek:


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2014
It is lovely, isn't it? I thing Lisey's is the most 'literary' of Mr. King's books, too. The things he did with time jumps were just incredible--flashbacks are very difficult to do without it feeling 'clunky' to the reader, or without the writer's own voice intruding. In this, though, the transitions were absolutely seamless--lets you get caught up in the story without that, "Oh wait--we've jumped around here" feeling.

The story of a marriage and loss is so compelling that Booya Moon almost feels incidental. I cried a lot, too, and it made me think about my own long-time marriage. It even got my 'non fiction only' reading husband to sit down with a novel! That's an accomplishment!

Yes, I loved how seamless it was too. That is what I was thinking when I read it. It was very smoothly transitioned. I felt a deep love and connection w/ Scott and Lisey (and even Amanda). When Scott was telling Lisey story about his childhood in flashback and reverted to childish way of talking my heart leaped and I just wanted to hug him. And when Lisey read Lisey's Story at end I was weeping. This novel, to me, is a masterpiece. I honestly cannot wait for movie. I just hope right actors are picked. Actors that'll make you love the cinematic versions as much as the novel version. Right actor has to pull off Scott's boyishness and pain and for Lisey's her vulnerability and strength.

Sunlight Gardener

Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2013
I feel the same as a lot of others in that I liked it pretty well the first time, but I didn't remember it being exceptional in any way. I have read it once more and listened a 3rd time on Audiobook. Every time it has resonated more for me and I really, really like it. The childhood parts particularly blew me away.


Active Member
Nov 7, 2007
Loved and love Lisey's Story too. I had the same experiece, as some of you, on first reading. A good story, and put it back in my bookcase, and didn't think i would read it again.
But it obviously was something with it that made me read it again and again, and i felt like I discovered something new everytime.
And then i bought it as a audiobook. It is narrated by Mare Winningham, and her voice and performance adds Even more depth in the book! I really recommend this book as audio


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2008
London, England
Yep. Swept away by this book too, because it's about loss and how we deal with it (or not), among other things.
And the "Incunk" hunters are so irredeemable that they truly deserve what they get
But that deep connection between Lisey & Scott. . I don't feel it, because I've never had it.
Them's the breaks:baffle:


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Yep. Swept away by this book too, because it's about loss and how we deal with it (or not), among other things.
And the "Incunk" hunters are so irredeemable that they truly deserve what they get
But that deep connection between Lisey & Scott. . I don't feel it, because I've never had it.
Them's the breaks:baffle:
That is a nice new avatar rudiroo!


Active Member
Dec 5, 2015
This is actually the one SK novel I'm not crazy about. But the descriptions of boo'ya moon were still wonderful, and I loved those parts.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2014
I finished it a couple of days ago. I'm re-reading all the King books in their proper order and this was one of the books i never read before. It took a while to get into it but once i did i loved it. Loved Boo'Ya Moon, even dreamed a couple of times about it, although in my dreams i couldn't control it and kept switching back there at the most inconvenient moments when i accidently thought about it.

Towerbent BreakSlinger

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2016
1. Got very excited to hear news of Norris Ridgewick, sad we didn't get to see him again, even just to say hello. Bit of tear in my eye when heard he was the new sheriff in town. He may not be a gunslinger but I've liked him ever since needful things.
2. Great story, but kind of surreal reading about Scott and knowing he's at least part Steve but already dead in the story, as though he were writing it and transmitting from beyond the grave. - of course it brought on the existential blues and the "treasure precious love" mode, brought on thoughts of mortality in every form, too, and one in particular;
3. Kept making me think about Steve himself and how really morbid and eerie it must have been to write it. Made me realize just how much I want and maybe even need Steven King to continue to live, and how much I hope that the happiness he's given to so many of us is returned to him and his loved ones. How many of these stories were written with His wife in mind? How much poorer would my life and self be without her acting as his muse? So, thanks, if you get this, Tabitha (hope I spelled it correct) for putting up with all the stuff husbands do. Thanks for doing what you do.
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