Fake Stephen King Book?

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Pauline Pedley UK

New Member
Apr 27, 2016
I have just been looking on Amazon (Europe) site and came across a book for sale called Descendants by Stehen King! Reading the reviews most of the readers say this is NOT a Stephen King book but by someone using his name! Surely this is not LEGAL - can StephenKing.com do something about it? Maybe it's different in the states but they wouldn't get away with it here in the UK.
Best wishes from a 'Devoted Reader' - Pauline

Robert Gray

Well-Known Member
Wow. I can't believe someone would do something so idiotic. It is only going to upset those suckered in, and the author is going just going to look utterly awful by comparison to the original. Even if the guy's name is Stephen King, I think he should have considered taking on another name for writing purposes.


Ms. Mod
Jul 10, 2006
Wow. I can't believe someone would do something so idiotic. It is only going to upset those suckered in, and the author is going just going to look utterly awful by comparison to the original. Even if the guy's name is Stephen King, I think he should have considered taking on another name for writing purposes.
He sells books on the US Amazon site as well which is where we've had most of the complaints. You would think he would as well or that there would be the same sort of practice as is done with actors where they have to either change their name or add an initial to distinguish one from the other. Amazon has to be reminded every so often not to link his name with the books written by "the" Stephen King but otherwise have taken the caveat emptor attitude.

Robert Gray

Well-Known Member
I suppose the thing that I struggle with as an aspiring "wannabe" writer is just how horrific it would be try and steal someone's sun. Even worse, why would anyone who writes want to court the obvious comparisons to a master's work? It is the literary version of shooting oneself in the head with a double barrel shotgun. You just can't come back from that. Even if one were a competent writer, nobody would ever take you seriously again.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
....the two faces is appropriate dontcha think???....

Walter Oobleck

keeps coming back...or going, and going, and going
Mar 6, 2013
Why can't Dean Koontz have a more memorable name? I got suckered into buying a "Koontz" story at Amazon...saw Something Koontz, I.P.O. or something like that, hit buy or whatever it is you do, have the kindle there by my side. Doesn't "bing!" like the phone when you get one of those happy messages and you have to refresh the "books" page. See it downloaded and I go take a nap. Waking up a bit later, I open the kindle...Dan? Who the hell is Dan? Dan? I thought it was something else. K.L. Ryder Koontz...Leslie Koontz...Trixie Koontz. I get a Dan. Read the story and it wasn't a complete loss. Unrelated story, tried to start (actually I did start) a website using my name and the name of a Major Window Manufacturer. Could not use my name. "It's spelled differently!" I tell the lady setting it up, registering a name, that sort of thing. She's shaking her head, "Doesn't matter. Major Window Manufacturer registered a gadzillion names, even names with variations on how their name is spelled." That's how I became a super-hero. If you're following this, you're a superhero, too. :)