Imaginary Conversations With Stephen King In The Afterlife

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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Oklahoma City
Okay there's little chance that any of us will have a "My Dinner With Andre" conversation with Mr. King and since he has already explored the "kidnap the famous writer" scenario in Misery that's out so the only way we can really experience his Kingness when we all pass on to the OTHER WORLD and have that long conversation that we've been dreaming of. (yes I'm aware I ended that sentence with a preposition).My fantasy kinda goes like this:

I meet with the big G or His or Her appointed person who is charged with showing me the after-life ropes. He or She (let's call her Opal) asks me if I have any questions ....and I have a few.

1. Is there a library? Oh yes! says Opal All the books that ever were or even thought of. Doesn't matter what language, you can read them all--and there are no return dates! And if you want to have a "My Dinner With Andre" conversation with the writer of a particular work that can be arranged. (you know who I had in mind of course).

2 My second question is --at this point Opal interrupts me and says, "I know you want to know the source of all truth as lived through the lives of all the prophets and messengers in time and what they purpose was coming" I shake my head in amazement!

"Wow how could you get that sooo wrong!" I say, "I want to know what happened to my keys in 1982? I know laid them on the kitchen counter because I had to go pee right before I went to work and when I came back they were gone!"

Opal blinks a celestial deer in the headlights blink. Also quite surprised that she got that wrong and says, "Uh, boy, I didn't see that one coming. Most folks want to know the meaning of life not where are their keys from 1982."

Opal kinda sighs at the banality of of the current line of questioning and seeks to redirect--"You want to meet anyone famous? Lincoln, Jesus, the guy who played Petrocelli?" "STEPHEN KING!" I yell and it echoes and reverberates like an earthquake in the Grand Canyon.

Opal shakes her head again and mumbles as she is leading me to the "conversation palace", "Stephen King, they all want to talk to Stephen King!" I am beside myself with giddiness. Finally after all these years, I can sit down with Stephen King and watch him eat romaine lettuce with artichoke hearts and be able to talk about books and writing and not be tackled by security! The conversation place was filled with natural light---there was no ceiling to the palace and green grass grew out of the floor--huge trees sprang up everywhere wrapped in every orchid you can imagine. And animals wander around the crystal tables--not begging for food or pooping just looking quizzically at the people engaging in intense conversation.

Finally I am let to the Stephen King table but he isn't there! Just this other guy short, portly and balding who is fishing the food out of the sides of his teeth because he thinks no one is looking. Opal leaves me there and I sit and wait. Bald guy looks at me and smiles. I smile back and look around thinking Mr. King would be coming any second and wondering why this goober is here. "I wonder when he's going to come?" I said.

"Who's coming?" bald goober asks.

"Stephen King."I say kinda rolling my eyes.

"I'm Stephen King." He says smiling.

"The writer?" I ask

"No, salt and pepper shaker collector from North Platt, Nebraska!" Stephen King says. " I collected 10934 salt and pepper shakers from all over the world--I was kind of a big deal." I nod and smile and look around for Opal while Stephen King starts talking about the shakers he got in Borger, Texas--they were little tumble weeds, he says. Meanwhile there is a huge line forming behind me--either shaker enthusiasts or more misdirected fans directed by Opal who never saw a book jacket apparently.

Please post your afterlife encounter with Mr. King maybe you will have better luck than I did.


Ms. Mod
Jul 10, 2006
Didn't mean to offend anyone. I guess I have a different view of the next installment than most folks. --It's all good. Maybe I should have said, "you and Stephen King are stuck in an elevator for 27 hours...what would that conversation be like lol

It would probably go along the lines of "I'm sort of wishing astronaut pants had become more of a fashion statement. How about you?" as I'd be more worried about having to soil myself after trying to hold it for 27 hours and I imagine he'd be thinking the same thing. :p

Walter Oobleck

keeps coming back...or going, and going, and going
Mar 6, 2013
I imagine he's sitting on a bench enjoying the sunshine, the green grass, blue skies...and he nods as I walk over and sit down. We sit there without talking for a introductions are necessary as everyone knows everyone in heaven.
"Any regrets?"
"I don't think so."
Were wiggling our toes in the grass, angels are going about their business hosting things, Jesus cruises by on one of those things...dunno what they're called...or I forgot, handlebar, two wheels...looks like a miniature chariot but no horses. I imagine they sound like George Jetson's space-plane. We wave to Jesus and he waves back, big smile.
" monsters here."
"Do you believe that?"
I look around for faces I knew on earth...

Not sure where this is headed...but probably something like this...keep thinking of this joke I heard at one point...


Finally Uber!
Aug 14, 2009
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
I think if I was stuck in an elevator with SK, I'd have to start talking movies with him. He is a big fan of movies and so am I, so I'm sure we could have some great conversations along those lines.

Another thing that might be cool would be to get a story out the situation, "So, if this was a Stephen King story, what would happen next?" An impromptu collaboration might be fun!


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Oklahoma City
I imagine he's sitting on a bench enjoying the sunshine, the green grass, blue skies...and he nods as I walk over and sit down. We sit there without talking for a introductions are necessary as everyone knows everyone in heaven.
"Any regrets?"
"I don't think so."
Were wiggling our toes in the grass, angels are going about their business hosting things, Jesus cruises by on one of those things...dunno what they're called...or I forgot, handlebar, two wheels...looks like a miniature chariot but no horses. I imagine they sound like George Jetson's space-plane. We wave to Jesus and he waves back, big smile.
" monsters here."
"Do you believe that?"
I look around for faces I knew on earth...

Not sure where this is headed...but probably something like this...keep thinking of this joke I heard at one point...

That is awesome! What's the joke? Is it Jesus and Krishna walk in a bar with a duck? I love that one!


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA
Alone, he sips iced tea with a slice of lemon impaled perfectly on the glass's rim, and reclines serenely on a beach in Paradise. You know, the one with the sun setting over calm, soothing waves, some of them yellow, some orange, some deep purple. He is under a spread of the palm fronds of a tree which curves upward from behind him toward a full moon which is emerging from behind a light blue cloud. You know.

I approach, unnecessarily wearing a pair of off-brand sunglasses, my spankin' new Hawaiian shorts and shirt, from which dangle price tags with orange, mark-down stickers on them. I am forgiven for these and all things because it's Paradise and the Afterlife, after all. Another recliner which I had not noticed is there, including another glass of iced tea. I recline, serenely.

I smile and ask, "Are you Stephen King?"

He looks at me, smiles and replies, "Yessir."

I say, "I've always wanted to ask you a question."


"Ever et raw meat?"

His eyes grow large, the tea in his glass is rattling. He says, "I thought for sure this was Heaven". Then he starts to laugh.

We are both laughing.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Oklahoma City
Alone, he sips iced tea with a slice of lemon impaled perfectly on the glass's rim, and reclines serenely on a beach in Paradise. You know, the one with the sun setting over calm, soothing waves, some of them yellow, some orange, some deep purple. He is under a spread of the palm fronds of a tree which curves upward from behind him toward a full moon which is emerging from behind a light blue cloud. You know.

I approach, unnecessarily wearing a pair of off-brand sunglasses, my spankin' new Hawaiian shorts and shirt, from which dangle price tags with orange, mark-down stickers on them. I am forgiven for these and all things because it's Paradise and the Afterlife, after all. Another recliner which I had not noticed is there, including another glass of iced tea. I recline, serenely.

I smile and ask, "Are you Stephen King?"

He looks at me, smiles and replies, "Yessir."

I say, "I've always wanted to ask you a question."


"Ever et raw meat?"

His eyes grow large, the tea in his glass is rattling. He says, "I thought for sure this was Heaven". Then he starts to laugh.

We are both laughing.

I love it!

Walter Oobleck

keeps coming back...or going, and going, and going
Mar 6, 2013
That is awesome! What's the joke? Is it Jesus and Krishna walk in a bar with a duck? I love that one!

No...actually it is about this man who dies and finds himself before The Gate...Peter lets him in pats him on the back and they begin a long walk down this hallway of doors. The man, curious, asks Peter what's behind the doors. Peter opens the first and inside there's a pile of people who are in the Baptist way of churching, drinking and carrying on, this that the other. The man nods Peter closes the door and they continue down the hall. Who's behind this one? the man asks. Peter opens the door and there's a pile of folk inside and they're carrying on in the Catholic way of churching, the whiskey is flowing, tales are being told, and all is they are all in the Catholic way of churching. The man nods Peter closes the door and after a time the man asks about another door...Peter opens the door...and there's a number of people inside, crying and wailing, scolding one another in this group's way of churching, scolding one another about one sin or another, chewing tobacco maybe, drinking a beer after a hard day's work...this that the other. The man asks Peter who these guys are.

Oh, that's (fill-in-the-blank) they think they're the only ones here.

There's this line in Doctor Sleep that I'd seen before I began to read the story (on page 214)...two lines actually: There came a time when you realized that moving on was pointless. That you took yourself with you wherever you went.

I worried a friend at one time about heaven, asking him how in the world one could be happy there if people you knew and loved were not there with you. I guess He can wipe every tear from every eye...and there's a song that says as much...and a verse or line or two in the Bible, Revelation, may it do ya fine. Anyway...if monsters exist here on there any reason that they will take themselves off to heaven along with the rest? Or maybe those folk in that last room will be the only ones there.