Just for Flake.......Norman Reedus Day!!!!

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Sunny the Great & Wonderful
Jun 12, 2008
As promised.......



Sunny the Great & Wonderful
Jun 12, 2008

1. I eat a chocolate bar almost every night before bed.

2. I have a weakness for Ancient Aliens.

3. When I was a kid, 3 was my favorite number because if rotated, it looks like a pair of boobs.

4. I'm usually very neat.

5. Favorite food: macaroni and cheese -- or chocolate.

6. Least favorite: peanut butter.

7. Contrary to popular belief, I have way more than just four shirts.

8. Growing up, The Clash's "Straight to Hell" was always our sing-along song while we washed the dishes. (Hi, Mom!)

9. I've never ridden a horse, except on set.

10. I own about 50 masks.

11. I don't follow any sports teams.

12. My first car was a Karmann Ghia.

13. Some of my top movies are Mad Max, Midnight Cowboy and Saturday Night Fever.

14. My favorite thing to do is lie down.

15. I think apple pie-flavored gum is a revolutionary concept and I love it.

16. I once tried using bacon as fishing bait, but I didn't catch anything.

17. My best friend is my cat.

18. My most essential household tool is the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.

19. I prefer to sleep without a pillow.

20. When I grow up, I want to be [Walking Dead costar] Scott Wilson.

21. I use Siri more often than I'm willing to admit.

22. I just got a microwave this year.

23. I still haven't turned it on.

24. I can only cook on a George Foreman grill.

25. One of the most important things I learned how to do this year is poach an egg (not on a George Foreman grill).