one story after another

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2018
does anyone else wonder how mr king puts out so many books so quickly? does anyone know how long it took him to write his super long books like the stand and it? like he and owen king just put out sleeping beauties now hes coming out with the outsider? is he writing two stories at once? that blows my mind! :cower: lol. is flight or fright new stories? I was a little confused on what this book was about. the outsider sounds really good i can't wait for it to come out! :D anyway i always thought it was so amazing how quickly he can pump out books!

Doc Creed

Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2015
United States
does anyone else wonder how mr king puts out so many books so quickly? does anyone know how long it took him to write his super long books like the stand and it? like he and owen king just put out sleeping beauties now hes coming out with the outsider? is he writing two stories at once? that blows my mind! :cower: lol. is flight or fright new stories? I was a little confused on what this book was about. the outsider sounds really good i can't wait for it to come out! :D anyway i always thought it was so amazing how quickly he can pump out books!
I don't know how he works it out these days but in his younger years he said he'd stagger his books, wrote them concurrently, and often times would lay aside one novel for a while to pick up the strand of another novel. I think he got in the habit during college of collecting his WIPs in a drawer and just kept the train moving at full speed. He's joked in interviews that in his early career he had so many ideas vying for his attention that he could barely keep up with his fingers as they raced across the typewriter.


Not completely obtuse
Nov 14, 2013
Poconos, PA


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Just yesterday I find out that Stephen King made another novel Outsider which is in stores this month.

Jeez louise lol. I still need to buy and read Sleeping Beauties
Maybe go straight to Outsider (just a thought).

Or get a copy of Sleeping Beauties from your local library first. Not that I am trying to discourage you from buying the book, or anything. It seems it is one of those "difficult" books, with some people having a hard time finishing it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2015
In a word: gifted. Not trying to be glib or anything, and I'm not speaking out of blind loyalty to the man. But that's really what it boils down to. I honestly don't know if I'll ever see another writer like him in my lifetime.