Potty Training

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Just one more chapter...
Jul 14, 2015
My girl trained in a couple days, but still needed pull ups at night until she was about 4. She slept so deeply that she couldn't feel her need to pee.
My son is autistic. I couldn't train him. I bought every video, read every book, asked every mom. He went to preschool in pull ups, then within a couple weeks of starting kindergarten (special class) the teacher's aide had him in underwear with no accidents. I still don't know how they did it.
Wish you lots of luck with your little guy!


We all have it coming, kid
May 9, 2010
I babysit a couple little guys, one who is potty trained but still needs some help wiping his bum. He recently told me, "I'm a man, but I can't wipe my bum."

Apparently this part of it is more common than I thought.

Triston -- darling son of the prettiest girl in the trailer park -- at age four was very adept at using the potty, but less so at what came next.

His solution was to come out of the bathroom into the hallway, point his little bum at the living room, bend over and scream "Wipe me!"

Whenever Triston did that was the only time I ever saw his teenage siblings move with alacrity, and it was not towards him.


Rebel Rebel, your face is a mess.
Apr 4, 2008
Thank you all for your encouragement and stories!

Funny thing about "boy peeing" at my house. My husband is very nearly blind without his glasses/contacts, and even with them his vision can be iffy depending of the quality of the light, etc. So he does a fair amount of his peeing sitting down, because he is a wonderful and considerate human being. :) My almost 14 year old son learned to pee sitting down, which was awesome. I think he stands up now, but I am not sure because I haven't been allowed into the bathroom with him in YEEEAAAARSSSS!!!!


Rebel Rebel, your face is a mess.
Apr 4, 2008
Oh, and I need to add....

When we were shopping for what we would need, we got the potties and the potty books. And I jokingly said, "We're older now, should we get a megaphone for when he's yelling 'WIPE MY BUTT!!!!' because you know we won't hear the poor thing..."

But, even with all that, we forgot to buy any undies or Pull-ups! I'm telling ya, this parenting stuff is not like "falling off a log." My brain really did lose all the information the minute I stopped needing it, I didn't even think about that part until late last night. And I can't even take solace in the thought that Tor's daddy has his back(end), because he was right there with me.

Guess who's going BACK out to the store tonight to buy Big Boy Pants? If you guessed "Senior Citizen Parents" you get 10 points and the rest of the afternoon off!


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
...my favorite story about my bonus daughter, is when she was learning to drop a deuce-her sperm donor was all over the house looking for her and calling her name...finally she answers him from the bathroom...he inquires "what are you doing?", and the innocent little three year old maiden replies-"Takin' a sh*t, what's it look like????"......


Rebel Rebel, your face is a mess.
Apr 4, 2008

This is what happens when you're hanging out on the patio and the boy pees in the potty and wants it cleaned out right away. Then pees while you're inside with the potty bowl.

I believe he may have set me up. Like a bawss.


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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2009
...my favorite story about my bonus daughter, is when she was learning to drop a deuce-her sperm donor was all over the house looking for her and calling her name...finally she answers him from the bathroom...he inquires "what are you doing?", and the innocent little three year old maiden replies-"Takin' a sh*t, what's it look like????"......
From the mouths of babes....