Quoting Steve

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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States
Quint breaks down the Akiva Goldsman/Jeff Pinkner draft of DARK TOWER: THE GUNSLINGER!

This is a link to a movie news site where the author claims to have read a draft of the script that SK and the director claim is the foundation for the shooting script. There are some spoilers, but nothing that will surprise you if you have read the books. It does sound like Roland has the Horn of Eld in this draft, as several of you mentioned and an idea that I also love. It sounds like things are changed around, but that the essence of the characters and their relationship is intact. It's a good read.


Dec 6, 2007
New York, NY
I've got to admit, I am a fan of The Dark Tower since about 1988, and re-read the entire series each time a book came out. When I first started hearing rumors of the changes, I was a little upset. With some more time, though, I've come to a realization...

If Roland's journey were verbatim (or as close as possible via film) from the books, wouldn't that be like cursing Roland to permanently repeat what we've already read... for all eternity?

César Hernández-Meraz

Wants to be Nick, ends up as Larry
May 19, 2015
Aguascalientes, Mexico
If Roland's journey were verbatim (or as close as possible via film) from the books, wouldn't that be like cursing Roland to permanently repeat what we've already read... for all eternity?

Yes. But people who have not read the books would get something closer to his original adventure.


Jun 8, 2015
East Texas
Why can't Idris and Matthew just swap characters??

Regardless.. I love both actors .. I love SK ... I love DT. I will watch the movie with NO expectations of it being anything like the books.
However.. I hope SK knows this is not well received by his CR's.
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Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
I've got to admit, I am a fan of The Dark Tower since about 1988, and re-read the entire series each time a book came out. When I first started hearing rumors of the changes, I was a little upset. With some more time, though, I've come to a realization...

If Roland's journey were verbatim (or as close as possible via film) from the books, wouldn't that be like cursing Roland to permanently repeat what we've already read... for all eternity?

It's early and no coffee on board, but here is a thought--- I do not think it would be cursing Roland to permanently repeat what we've already read.... for all eternity. If a movie was made true to the books, not an adaption, it would be Roland's journey on that level at that time frame- =the world's of the books as written. This would not prevent future movies--"adaptions", thus changing the time frame, other worlds, the consequences of his journey to the Tower. Roland would not be cursed to permanently repeat, instead it would change. Perhaps having the Horn of Eld.
I guess what I am trying to say is, there could be a movie made true to the books, and another, sequel (part two-- Other Worlds) and adapt the books however the script writers saw fit.

I understand the movie, soon to be in production is an "adaption", thus I also understand it will not be true to the books. Guess they went to "Other World's first.:)

Robert Gray

Well-Known Member
I understand the movie, soon to be in production is an "adaption", thus I also understand it will not be true to the books. Guess they went to "Other World's first.:)

That is an optimistic way of looking at it. For my own part, I am assuming that in a year or so I will be adding this to my list of "I don't know what you are talking about" films. These are the movies that I simply don't acknowledge exist. For example, in my mind, there are are only four Star Wars films, i.e. the original trilogy and this new one. Metachlorians have no place in my vocabulary. I don't say, "may the infection be with you." :D I live in a universe where there was only one Highlander movie, where the great Disney animated features don't have direct to DVD sequels. On my level of the Tower, Han shot first, the FBI chasing the boy and E.T. carried guns not flashlights, and Indiana Jones never jumped the shark (or rode out a nuclear blast) in a refrigerator. Best of all, on my level of the Tower, there is a long original series (perhaps on Netflix) that follows the Gunslinger through the books. I prefer to choose my level of the Tower, taking the stairs (or short cuts) to where things make a clearer sense and the narrative has not "moved on" to thinner and less satisfying places.

Bev Vincent

Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
So, the series/movies shouldn't be made with the readers in mind? :nudge:

Perhaps. I don't think the readers should be ignored, necessarily, but they represent a very small percentage of the movie-going public. I think a movie has to appeal to people who've never read a King book at all, let alone a Dark Tower book. I've come to believe that the fans of a book aren't the primary audience for a cinematic adaptation.

carrie's younger brother

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2012
Perhaps. I don't think the readers should be ignored, necessarily, but they represent a very small percentage of the movie-going public. I think a movie has to appeal to people who've never read a King book at all, let alone a Dark Tower book. I've come to believe that the fans of a book aren't the primary audience for a cinematic adaptation.
Exactly. I pretty much said this in another thread on this topic. Millions and millions of dollars are being poured into this movie; it has to have a wide appeal, not just to fans of SK. In the end, it's big business and the bottom line is to make back the investment and reap tons of profits. And most times that means retooling a property to fit the zeitgeist of the day. Right now, Mr. Elba is a hot property and people are clamoring for starring roles for African Americans in Hollywood productions (and rightfully so). If I were a Hollywood hotshot, this would be my call as well. It's a no brainer from a business point of view.

Out of Order

Sign of the Times
Feb 9, 2011
New Hampster

If this movie is to be a different version (level) of Roland on his journey to The Dark Tower, as some a have alluded to, does this also mean that his Ka-Tet will be a different version as well? Namely....there won't be an Eddie, Susannah, Jake and perhaps no Oy or Callahan? Or they will be there just all different in character and appearances but still called by those names?


Not completely obtuse
Nov 14, 2013
Poconos, PA

If this movie is to be a different version (level) of Roland on his journey to The Dark Tower, as some a have alluded to, does this also mean that his Ka-Tet will be a different version as well? Namely....there won't be an Eddie, Susannah, Jake and perhaps no Oy or Callahan? Or they will be there just all different in character and appearances but still called by those names?
I'm kinda looking forward to seeing a Ka-Stooges treatment.
