Struggled with this one

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2015
Just finished the book this morning,have to tell ya i struggled to get through this one. It wasnt a horrible story it just didnt keep my attention,i just couldn't get into it. Oh well, no biggie ive still got a bunch of SK books to read that i know will be no ddisappointment, cant wait to get started.


We all have it coming, kid
May 9, 2010
Don't let it bring you down, lowman.

They're not all going to grab you, despite what some of the more zealous acolytes around here will tell you. ; )

I had to slog my way through this particular story,too, not so much because the style didn't appeal to me, but for whatever reason, I just didn't care about the characters. That's unusual for me. While I am not automatically in love with everything King writes, I've always maintained that his character development is his strongest suit. In this one -- and a couple others you may find -- his obsession with Roland's obsession may not resonate with every reader the way it does in the author's mind.

That's just the way it goes sometimes.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
Don't let it bring you down, lowman.

They're not all going to grab you, despite what some of the more zealous acolytes around here will tell you. ; )

I had to slog my way through this particular story,too, not so much because the style didn't appeal to me, but for whatever reason, I just didn't care about the characters. That's unusual for me. While I am not automatically in love with everything King writes, I've always maintained that his character development is his strongest suit. In this one -- and a couple others you may find -- his obsession with Roland's obsession may not resonate with every reader the way it does in the author's mind.

That's just the way it goes sometimes.
...quick question...where did you grab the concept of Roland's Tower obsession in this novel?....

Sunlight Gardener

Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2013
Wow, this one is in my SK Top 10 list. I was riveted all the way through and found it emotional and touching. But then there are some books that are almost universally loved that didn't really hold my attention either, so I get it totally.

I'm curious too, I've read it at least 4 times and don't remember anything having to do with Roland or the Tower stories.

Ted Brautigan

Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2009
Wow, this one is in my SK Top 10 list. I was riveted all the way through and found it emotional and touching. But then there are some books that are almost universally loved that didn't really hold my attention either, so I get it totally.

I'm curious too, I've read it at least 4 times and don't remember anything having to do with Roland or the Tower stories.

I loved this story too. Def. top 10 SK for me. As for the Tower, I think it was just implied that the car was from another world in the Tower Universe. At least that's what I got from it as his later Tower novels (Wolves of Calla) the books that are Tower related are bold.


Jun 22, 2015
I was shocked at how quickly this one grabbed me. Some of Mr. King's books take some time before they really pick up the pace, but I thought this one was pretty great from the get go.

I think if Frank Darabont was going to give another Stephen King book his Shawshank/Green Mile treatment, it should be this one. Dumbing down some of the supernatural elements just a touch and focusing on the meat of the story, the relationships among the troop, would make phenomenal cinema, imho.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2015
I'm different as I loved it but can readily accept that it isn't immediately a hook and that it is one of those where the explanations are thin on the ground. I also like stories that are told in a slow flashback, I thought the characterisations were excellent. I also found it creepy about the car just acting out like a child.

Oddly enough though, the other 'crazy' car book (Christine) is one of my least favourite King books and that puts me in a bit of a minority I know.

Each to their own though!

Arbitrary Refrain

Active Member
Jan 5, 2016
Interesting to see the different opinions, and how the same book can inspire such a range of reactions - I absolutely loved this book. The alien stuff was cool (especially the snapshot of the alien world at the end) but it was all about the relationships, the characterizations, the setting and the slow build to the climax for me. I just found it moving, and the world was so fully realized I even found the police procedural stuff interesting.


New Member
Feb 4, 2016
Just finished the book this morning,have to tell ya i struggled to get through this one. It wasnt a horrible story it just didnt keep my attention,i just couldn't get into it. Oh well, no biggie ive still got a bunch of SK books to read that i know will be no ddisappointment, cant wait to get started.
Read Finders Keepers.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2008
London, England
After I read Buick 8, most phone conversations with my Mom (doesn't feel right saying 'mum' to so many US readers) managed to include "curiosity killed the cat" (from me) and "satisfaction brought it back" (from Mom, not-at-all and by-no-means a fan of SK or anything spooky or ooky).

This weirdness went on for six months or so:a11: because Mom and me like to share quotable quotes.

Maybe Buick 8 isn't one of SK's masterpieces, but it slipped into my head and snuggled up to my heart.:okay:

Ted Brautigan

Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2009
I loved this book! I'm being a little bias here but I liked the rural Pennsylvania setting and one of the main characters name is Curtis (and I'm a Kurt).

I feel like this book was SK's long approach at explaining SSDD happens and you may never know why and nobody is deserved an explanation. Things happen and that's that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA
Don't let it bring you down, lowman.

They're not all going to grab you, despite what some of the more zealous acolytes around here will tell you. ; )

I had to slog my way through this particular story,too, not so much because the style didn't appeal to me, but for whatever reason, I just didn't care about the characters. That's unusual for me. While I am not automatically in love with everything King writes, I've always maintained that his character development is his strongest suit. In this one -- and a couple others you may find -- his obsession with Roland's obsession may not resonate with every reader the way it does in the author's mind.

That's just the way it goes sometimes.

...quick question...where did you grab the concept of Roland's Tower obsession in this novel?....
I missed something if there's anything at all about Roland Deshain in Buick 8, especially an obsession with him.