The Walking Dead ***please use SPOILER tags***

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Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2012
Following with Mr. Nobody's thoughts

I think there is some kind of a use going on in the hairdresser's family. But I also do not believe she's a victim. A victim of spousal abuse does not have such confidence and flirt right in front of her abuser. (Ya...he was in the next room and walked in. But she didn't seem the least bit worried.)

I had been thinking maybe Deanna was controlling who is in a relationship with whom and it was an arranged relationship. But the mother/wife as abuser actually fits better.

Regarding how Carol spoke to the kid

If his parents are verbally abusive, speaking to him like that probably would work better than anything else. If he is accustomed to obeying out of fear, then being mean and threatening are more likely to work than being sweet.


Dressing the Gothic interval in tritones
Jul 1, 2009
AnnaMarie Dana Jean Mr. Nobody... survival of the luckiest rather than survival of the fittest... yeah, I've heard of that before... flood wipes out the superior species, leaves the less adaptable but still-capable species behind that just happened to be out of range of the flood waters etc. I have been maintaining that, as per what Glenn said
some of Rick's group have been out too long... the fallen horse representing the out-of-luck Alexandrians.... I admit, even though Arista called it, I didn't see Father Gabriel/Reverend Rotinhell/ Judas Priest's wholesale betrayal of everyone in the group, not just the iffy ones like Rick, and especially Scarol (good ole Talking Dead). Also, was it just me or was Maggie in the shadows listening to Deanna and Gabriel's entire conversation? Also, mmm strawberries. And I didn't see Sam latching on to Carol that way coming either. I thought it was going to buy her some time until she and Rick started talking about knocking off Pete the doctor.
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Peripherally known member..
Nov 21, 2014
in reference to the strength of the zombies,I think it has been consistent from the start that they are clumsy,slow,and yet very strong..the evisceration stuff by bare hands,has been going on for a long time..being from the north,I would like to see zombies on ice..that would be cool,to see them in Rockefeller center,as the canned music is playing,trying to get around.. ;)

misery chastain loves co.

MORE Count Chocula please.....
Jul 31, 2011
I'm sure all of this has been discussed but I don't have time to go back and read a novel in this thread today ;) I think bad bad things are coming. I want to like Deanna and think she has good intentions but after Gabriel and the little devil on his shoulder got done with his little speech and her son getting killed me thinks she might not be able to hold up this friendly facade. At the very least her trust is getting tested. Who knows what Nicholas will say about Adrians death. Glenn should have killed him. They're also coming back empty handed. Carick wanting to kill Dr. Doom. Mad drama is on it's way! yay! While Noah's death was sad it was so awesome too the way they did it. I felt like I was watching Romeros's Day of the Dead during this ep.
Also, where is Morgan??????
P.S. Carol is my ultimate favorite right now. I love this Suzy Homemaker thing. Plus the story she told that kid was great. That's the kind of mom I would be. Hence why I don't have kids.
Mar 12, 2010
I have been thinking about what the Judas Priest said to Deanna. It seems that he was talking an awful lot about himself. I have question also-What is up the wax paper in the bible? Did he run out of bookmarks or just have it handy from cereal that day? :)

I thought he was describing himself too. I don't know what was up with the Bible.


Dressing the Gothic interval in tritones
Jul 1, 2009
arista, whatever it is these
'w' people have been cutting a wide swath of destruction from Noah's neighborhood, possibly Father Gabriel's church, and now they've come upon Alexandria. I think these are the real pack of Wolves everyone has been talking about, and they're about to continue their pattern. Maybe Father Gabriel has been this 'W' group's spy all along.


First time caller long time listener
Jul 10, 2006
Indiana, USA
arista, whatever it is these
'w' people have been cutting a wide swath of destruction from Noah's neighborhood, possibly Father Gabriel's church, and now they've come upon Alexandria. I think these are the real pack of Wolves everyone has been talking about, and they're about to continue their pattern. Maybe Father Gabriel has been this 'W' group's spy all along.
Excellent theory!!!