Why you shouldn't support independent bookstores...

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On his shell he holds the earth.
I avoid places like Walmart unless I absolutely have no other choice.
I have a funny story.

I despise Walmart with everything in me. It takes an act of god to get me to go in. For so, so many reasons.

Well, my husband and I started juicing about three weeks ago. It's great, but messy. We use reusable cups because, well, we like the world. But our reusable straws got so gross we realized we HAD to get disposable straws.

Of course, for the next two weeks every time we went to the store we forgot to get them.

So I go to Joann's on lunch last Tuesday and there's a Walmart right next store. And STRAWS come to mind.

I decide, no. I'm not going to do it. And then I decide I am, because MAN I need straws. And then I decide I'm not. Because it's WALMART!!!

I stood outside for probably five minutes trying to decide before I finally decided to call the hubby and ask him.

He couldn't decide either. Finally, I did it. I took the plunge.

I bought $0.98 worth of straws, stood in line for just over half an hour for my one item, and felt dirty after.


Not completely obtuse
Nov 14, 2013
Poconos, PA
I have a funny story.

I despise Walmart with everything in me. It takes an act of god to get me to go in. For so, so many reasons.

Well, my husband and I started juicing about three weeks ago. It's great, but messy. We use reusable cups because, well, we like the world. But our reusable straws got so gross we realized we HAD to get disposable straws.

Of course, for the next two weeks every time we went to the store we forgot to get them.

So I go to Joann's on lunch last Tuesday and there's a Walmart right next store. And STRAWS come to mind.

I decide, no. I'm not going to do it. And then I decide I am, because MAN I need straws. And then I decide I'm not. Because it's WALMART!!!

I stood outside for probably five minutes trying to decide before I finally decided to call the hubby and ask him.

He couldn't decide either. Finally, I did it. I took the plunge.

I bought $0.98 worth of straws, stood in line for just over half an hour for my one item, and felt dirty after.

When you entered, were you greeted by a friendly senior citizen or disabled person that the evil Walmart provided a job in order to help supplement their limited income? ;)


Not completely obtuse
Nov 14, 2013
Poconos, PA
I was, though, asked to sign a petition by a Tea Party group on my way out. True story.

Odd. Things must be different out there in West Coast compared to here on the Left Coast. Here every Walmart has a senior citizen or disabled greeter, and the only groups allowed to solicit are the girl scouts, volunteer firefighters or veterans groups. You didn’t sneak out the back door out of fear of being seen did you? ;)

And what did you think of their book prices? Pretty good, eh? I get all my new releases of Stephen King novels there.
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Aug 20, 2011
Cincinnati, Ohio
Odd. Things must be different out there in West Coast compared to here on the Left Coast. Here every Walmart has a senior citizen or disabled greeter, and the only groups allowed to solicit are the girl scouts, volunteer firefighters or veterans groups. You didn’t sneak out the back door out of fear of being seen did you? ;)

Walmart stopped having seniors and disabled greeters a few years ago. The people who greet also have to be able to push carts and stock products, which most seniors and disabled people can't do. If they are still at the WalMart you shop at, that store has gone rogue.


Ms. Mod
Jul 10, 2006
Odd. Things must be different out there in West Coast compared to here on the Left Coast. Here every Walmart has a senior citizen or disabled greeter, and the only groups allowed to solicit are the girl scouts, volunteer firefighters or veterans groups. You didn’t sneak out the back door out of fear of being seen did you? ;)

They don't have a senior citizen greeter at the local Walmart. Whenever I've been there, it's been a much younger person--probably in the 20s or 30s range. Haven't yet been approached by any group soliciting but maybe just haven't been there at the same time as they were. It's been more likely to happen at the SAM's Club but from service organizations such as you mentioned.


Not completely obtuse
Nov 14, 2013
Poconos, PA
Walmart stopped having seniors and disabled greeters a few years ago. The people who greet also have to be able to push carts and stock products, which most seniors and disabled people can't do. If they are still at the WalMart you shop at, that store has gone rogue.

The ones in our area do have senior citizens, but now that you mention it I haven't seen any disabled greeters in awhile. Of course our seniors are a hearty bunch. Its the youngins that are wimps. And anyway... I'm a fan of those who go "rogue"... you betcha. ;;D


On his shell he holds the earth.
Odd. Things must be different out there in West Coast compared to here on the Left Coast. Here every Walmart has a senior citizen or disabled greeter, and the only groups allowed to solicit are the girl scouts, volunteer firefighters or veterans groups. You didn’t sneak out the back door out of fear of being seen did you? ;)

And what did you think of their book prices? Pretty good, eh? I get all my new releases of Stephen King novels there.
I know how cheap Walmart is. I choose to spend more and support smaller business or businesses who's values I agree with. Because I may be able to buy less stuff that way, but at least I can sleep at night.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio

Bryan James

Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2009
South Cackalacky
^ I used to make some hairy housecalls as an attorney. Stories there, to be sure. Now I'm just hairy and housebound.

Re: Local Bookstores, I had a few I frequented, and I got a lot of ARCs in exchange for a review that some of them used. There was/is something cool about an "unborn" book. The pre-view before the re-view. Dunno if a nobody like me would get the same shot at a Chainstore.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2012
You're probably right, but I wouldn't have wanted any other. Doc was my doctor for 18 years and a real life example of the storybook characterization of a nutty physician. He lived two blocks down the street from me, and his office was the lower half of his home. It was filled with the most unusual collection of eclectic stuff he took as payment from those with little funds. His dog Rags, a large red and black Airedale terrier ruled the roost and the block. He would often be laying in the examination room while Doc saw patients or his favorite place to sleep -- the middle of the road in front of the office. I can't tell you the amount of times we had to drive around the block cause Doc's dog was sleeping in the road again. Doc had a sense if humor bar none. I'd say overall a fine doctor at day. And most importantly i survived. It was a whole different time and mindset and Doc was loved by everyone.

And I swear his nurse served as the basis for Buelah Balbricker of Porky's.
Beulah... sorry, It is my Mom's name... :angel:


very strange person
Jan 12, 2014
I prefer local bookstores, the bookstores in ireland are reasonably-mid priced. they have author signings, fun shows to get children to read and gasp, they actually talk to you about books you buy. yes, i kid you not. if they like a book you bought, they talk and talk.. about say stephen king or whoever and well it gives me a good feeling that they like SK or whoeve rtoo. Amazon is cheap, and delivers fast but i still prefer going into my bookstore and having a chat. just like, i prefer to go to a travel agent to book a holiday. although, i know a bit about computers, i am still old fashioned in certain things. i try to use the library, but i don't know, i guess i want my own books say SK collection that i can pick or choose whenever i want to.


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Odd. Things must be different out there in West Coast compared to here on the Left Coast. Here every Walmart has a senior citizen or disabled greeter, and the only groups allowed to solicit are the girl scouts, volunteer firefighters or veterans groups. You didn’t sneak out the back door out of fear of being seen did you? ;)

And what did you think of their book prices? Pretty good, eh? I get all my new releases of Stephen King novels there.
Why didn't I think of that? Instead I bought Doctor Sleep at one of those fancy schmancy book stores with the overpriced lattes (smacks self in forehead).
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The Fool on the Hill
Apr 12, 2014
How about the fact that bookstores create massive amounts of jobs that Amazon never could?

It's a bolster to the economy and your local community.

I think we need to support ANY book store. And you and anyone else who don't agree also need to watch Inequality for All, which is apparently become my new mantra. It talks about this exact thing.
I love bookstores. Not because of the economy or something like that. It is a feeling. To walk between shelf after shelf with books, be able to toch, read a few lines, put i back, go on and take the next book. When youre on the internet that feeling is completely missing. The net is great when you know exactly what you want but the feeling of just wandering around in a bookstore and just look for something inresting is impossible to get there. I can loose myself for hours in a bookstore, sometimes without buying anything but i didn't consider it a wate of time. It was fun. That can't happen on the internet.


Apr 19, 2014
Hood River, Oregon
I don't know exactly where I fit into this conversation. I am fairly new to the boards. I live in a small town. I write using landmarks in my home state, even used my home town in my first book. I approached both of our local bookstores about carrying my book, doing a book signing in their stores, hopefully generating some business for them. they were all excited until I mentioned I was carried by Amazon. I realize the profit from a book such as mine. P.O.D. is limited at best. They suggested I self publish and then they would gladly carry me. I was a little put off. Like I said at the beginning not sure where I fit into this thread.