Contact Us
Please Note
- This email goes to the webmaster of, not to Stephen King.
- We do not handle interview requests or questions about the rights to Stephen King's work through this website.
- The webmaster will not give out Stephen King's email address, home address, phone number, agents' contact information nor any other personal information.
- If you are reporting a broken link, please include the page the link was on (e.g. and which link was broken.
- If you are reporting a typographical error (typo), please include the page the typo was on (e.g., the word(s) which were misspelled and the approximate location of the typo on the page.
- If you are reporting a technical issue, please include the page upon which the issue arose (e.g. and what you were doing when the problem occurred.
- If you are contacting us regarding the newsletter, please include the email address with which you signed up.
- If your question has already been answered in the FAQ, you will not receive a response.
- If your question has to do with The Stephen King Library, please contact them through their website. We are not involved in their day-to-day operations.
- All messages are limited to 2048 characters or fewer (including spaces, punctuation, etc.).