Yeah! I Was Totally Waving At You! ...Not.

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"Have I run too far to get home?"
Sep 25, 2011
I actually sat down beside a guy at my favorite local Mexican restaurant one time and socked the guy next to me a good one in the shoulder and yelled "What's up amigo?" It's a restaurant we all eat at quite often and the very blond hair on my friend was always a dead giveaway....not this time....The guy spun around and almost fell off the bar stool he was so surprised. I guess the stunned look on my face when he turned around was enough of a disclaimer because the guy quickly changed his expression from "fight or flight" to a smile when he realized it was a case of mistaken identity. I stumbled all over myself apologizing and went ahead and bought his lunch right then and there. He was very cool about it. And, to their credit, the other friend I was with was already on the phone calling the guy I thought I had punched to tell him what an idiot I was....he handed the cell phone to me so my friend Travis could yell "HEY A$$hole, THAT'S NOT ME AT THE MEXICAN RESTAURANT YOU TOOL!!!!"...Ahhh, my co-workers, such caring examples of what Government workers should be


Original Kiwi© SKMB®
Apr 11, 2006
New Zealand
I actually sat down beside a guy at my favorite local Mexican restaurant one time and socked the guy next to me a good one in the shoulder and yelled "What's up amigo?" It's a restaurant we all eat at quite often and the very blond hair on my friend was always a dead giveaway....not this time....The guy spun around and almost fell off the bar stool he was so surprised. I guess the stunned look on my face when he turned around was enough of a disclaimer because the guy quickly changed his expression from "fight or flight" to a smile when he realized it was a case of mistaken identity. I stumbled all over myself apologizing and went ahead and bought his lunch right then and there. He was very cool about it. And, to their credit, the other friend I was with was already on the phone calling the guy I thought I had punched to tell him what an idiot I was....he handed the cell phone to me so my friend Travis could yell "HEY A$$hole, THAT'S NOT ME AT THE MEXICAN RESTAURANT YOU TOOL!!!!"...Ahhh, my co-workers, such caring examples of what Government workers should be


"Have I run too far to get home?"
Sep 25, 2011
I hate when people call me Catherine. They know it's Katherine.
I've worked at the same place for over sixteen years. One of the top guys there has called me "Shane" instead of Shannon ever since I started back in 1998. After a few years, I stopped trying to correct him. He still introduces me as "Shane" to new employees. It's become a running joke with my co-workers. They went so far as to have our building maintenance people construct a new name tag "Shane" for my office door.....then super-glued and pop riveted the thing to my bulletin board in case I had any intentions of removing it....


Original Kiwi© SKMB®
Apr 11, 2006
New Zealand
I've worked at the same place for over sixteen years. One of the top guys there has called me "Shane" instead of Shannon ever since I started back in 1998. After a few years, I stopped trying to correct him. He still introduces me as "Shane" to new employees. It's become a running joke with my co-workers. They went so far as to have our building maintenance people construct a new name tag "Shane" for my office door.....then super-glued and pop riveted the thing to my bulletin board in case I had any intentions of removing it....
Apart from the doofus that can't (after 16 years!) get your name right... the people you work with sound like a big load of fun to be around.

You do know that you'll forever be "Shane" for us now... don't you? ;;D :biggrin2:


"Have I run too far to get home?"
Sep 25, 2011
Apart from the doofus that can't (after 16 years!) get your name right... the people you work with sound like a big load of fun to be around.

You do know that you'll forever be "Shane" for us now... don't you? ;;D :biggrin2:
Oh yeah, I get called "Shane" more than I do Shannon. Some of the trainers even tell the new trainees that my name is Shane so I've almost established an alternate "How's Shane today?" "Shane, we're gonna need your assistance with this." Usually followed by throws of laughter. It's a running joke that never seems to get old to the gomers I work with. All the guys and the one very strong willed thick coated lady I work with in my division are the best people in the world. I would have quit the job a long time ago if not for them. We've all mentioned many times that Linda is going to need therapy when she transfers out of our division after working with all us guys for this many


Waiting in Uber.
Jan 3, 2010
In your mirror.
I'll bet the second one has happened to most of us; which begs the question if it the second happens more often than the first, how is that possible?


Let's see:

If Y > 50% and X < than 50% :nerd: ( takes off footsies to be able to count all fingers AND toes to figure this out... :grief: )


(I think I hurt myself.)

Thank you, Sir!



Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA

Let's see:

If Y > 50% and X < than 50% :nerd: ( takes off footsies to be able to count all fingers AND toes to figure this out... :grief: )


(I think I hurt myself.)

Thank you, Sir!

Well, it's like my supposition - that we've all waved at someone more times than we've been waved at - can't be true, since the same number of times someone is being waved at, you see.


Waiting in Uber.
Jan 3, 2010
In your mirror.

Thank you all!

Talking about wrong names...

I used to work at a large chain grocery store as a checker. All the young male courtesy clerks (baggers) were all enthralled by a new, young, beautiful female courtesy clerk and were falling over themselves trying to catch her eye. (And other things, I'm sure.)

Her name was (probably still is) Giselle. Finally, my male courtesy clerk got his courage up and approached her. "Hi! My name is (on my nameplate) Mike. It's nice to meet you...jizzle." :laugh:



Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA

Thank you all!

Talking about wrong names...

I used to work at a large chain grocery store as a checker. All the young male courtesy clerks (baggers) were all enthralled by a new, young, beautiful female courtesy clerk and were falling over themselves trying to catch her eye. (And other things, I'm sure.)

Her name was (probably still is) Giselle. Finally, my male courtesy clerk got his courage up and approached her. "Hi! My name is (on my nameplate) Mike. It's nice to meet you...jizzle." :laugh:


Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas

Thank you all!

Talking about wrong names...

I used to work at a large chain grocery store as a checker. All the young male courtesy clerks (baggers) were all enthralled by a new, young, beautiful female courtesy clerk and were falling over themselves trying to catch her eye. (And other things, I'm sure.)

Her name was (probably still is) Giselle. Finally, my male courtesy clerk got his courage up and approached her. "Hi! My name is (on my nameplate) Mike. It's nice to meet you...jizzle." :laugh:

:lol: THat is great!


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Heart of the South

Thank you all!

Talking about wrong names...

I used to work at a large chain grocery store as a checker. All the young male courtesy clerks (baggers) were all enthralled by a new, young, beautiful female courtesy clerk and were falling over themselves trying to catch her eye. (And other things, I'm sure.)

Her name was (probably still is) Giselle. Finally, my male courtesy clerk got his courage up and approached her. "Hi! My name is (on my nameplate) Mike. It's nice to meet you...jizzle." :laugh:

Oh gosh! That's hysterical! Did she correct him? Bless his heart! Jizzle!


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
I actually sat down beside a guy at my favorite local Mexican restaurant one time and socked the guy next to me a good one in the shoulder and yelled "What's up amigo?" It's a restaurant we all eat at quite often and the very blond hair on my friend was always a dead giveaway....not this time....The guy spun around and almost fell off the bar stool he was so surprised. I guess the stunned look on my face when he turned around was enough of a disclaimer because the guy quickly changed his expression from "fight or flight" to a smile when he realized it was a case of mistaken identity. I stumbled all over myself apologizing and went ahead and bought his lunch right then and there. He was very cool about it. And, to their credit, the other friend I was with was already on the phone calling the guy I thought I had punched to tell him what an idiot I was....he handed the cell phone to me so my friend Travis could yell "HEY A$$hole, THAT'S NOT ME AT THE MEXICAN RESTAURANT YOU TOOL!!!!"...Ahhh, my co-workers, such caring examples of what Government workers should be
..yeppur, we're always there to shove that knife in a LITTLE bit harder, twist it and call yer Mama names....


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
I've worked at the same place for over sixteen years. One of the top guys there has called me "Shane" instead of Shannon ever since I started back in 1998. After a few years, I stopped trying to correct him. He still introduces me as "Shane" to new employees. It's become a running joke with my co-workers. They went so far as to have our building maintenance people construct a new name tag "Shane" for my office door.....then super-glued and pop riveted the thing to my bulletin board in case I had any intentions of removing it....
...nice hat Sparky....they give you free bullets with that, and a bowl of soup???....


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio I have lived in small towns most of my life-and my jobs have been quite public in nature(oh the Man Jayzus, the jokes I'm gonna get from THAT)-I have gotten to know scads and scores of folks, and they I'm waving at people all the time-and if I mistakenly wave at someone that I thought I knew, I'll laugh and strike up a conversation-or if they don't seem receptive and look at me like I'm a ninny-I'll start drooling and ask em for a quarter....