When I Joined the SKMB Guns A Blazing!

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very avid fan
Aug 7, 2009
dublin ireland
I will put it this way, I was in - I think Rome on the inter-rail, 2 of us drank and me being me said lets have a drink, we had some money left over. We went into thi pub and asked for two Guinness and i watched with interest to see how they leave it standing for a minute. They poured it like a beer and didnt leave it to stand. I drank half and said in no uncertain i am not drinking this. If they import it from James gate it is not too bad.
You should see what they do to Guiness in the States.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA
I was at an "Irish pub" in Atlanta, and he kept yelling "20 Marbraugh!" at the bartender. He was standing next to me at the bar where no one who had somewhere to sit had to stand. He was drunk and happy and wearing a torn, oily T-shirt and sounding very foreign. The bartender didn't speak the frightening, giant, construction worker's foreign language, so I interpreted: "He wants a pack of Marlboros," I shouted, without trying to compete with my adopted Irish guest.

He turned to me, smiling and very happily drunk and laughing slapped me on the back of my right shoulder and broke every bone in my body. I have no idea what he said when he did it; I've always believed it was complimentary in nature.
While he awaited his cigarettes, he and I each ended up with a Guinness. He said something like, "Chit no good, man! G'ness! Areland! Yer shu get it Areland! Ain't the same...", and laughed anyway. He was sweaty with black curly hair and I liked him, of course, because he knew how to have fun after work, even in a foreign country which has no idea what Guinness really is.


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
You drink Guinness , are you mad? with Harp!!!!. Harp hasn't been around in Dublin in god knows when. It has a very sharp taste and supposedly Is made with ingredients that will damage your inside rather like Coke. Some people take to the taste of Guinness very quickly, for most it is an acquired taste. Do you buy your Guinness in an Irish Pub served by an Irish barperson, if not, you are not getting the best of the 'black stuff' Outside of Ireland and Irish Pubs, publicans do not and I repeat do not know how to pour Guinnes

Yes - Yes we do. We have a thing here in Winnipeg called Folklorama and each nationality has a pavilion every summer. You can go to the Irish Club (on Erin St, no less!) and you will be up to your eyeballs in "real Irish people" (some may be one generation removed, having been born here) but believe me they are Irish! (I went out with a fellow named Kieron Wall and he told me that to some people pouring and drinking a Guinness is like a religion)
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#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Good post Siggy. I am guilty as charged.... at least I was on Friday evening. Saw two newbie threads. Both with similar user names, one post just didn't make sense. And I was suspicious of the other one. But one of the posters has proved me wrong and I was happy to admit it, on his thread and on his page. The other one is no where to be seen. I guess I get protective of this board. :)
Do you mean Jacques Schitt and the other guy (who said he only smoked pot, farted etc.)? :facepalm_smiley:


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Oh that's Ok blunt,you and Neesy gettin on me..I feel like you guys are saying that

Whoa Nelly! (I was not getting on you (honest!) (I just like posting videos of someone saying "Yer a pu**y!" (Did you watch the video to the end - it was only eight seconds long, after all?)
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Waiting in Uber.
Jan 3, 2010
In your mirror.
I think the SKMB is very different from other message boards out there; this is a very closely knit community of people who truly believe in SK's worth as an author and are fiercely defensive of those who come here to bash him. I am sure this is because as constant readers, many of us have had to defend SK to our friends and family for a long time. That said, I think the people who come here with a gripe are ready to "fight" so to speak because on so many other message boards, that is the modus operandi from the beginning. Not so here. The ones who come to fight and spew a little venom but are sincere in their convictions are amazed to see how welcoming we all can be. Those are the ones who come back and settle in... like you Sigmund.

Zactly, Sir!

Thank you.



Waiting in Uber.
Jan 3, 2010
In your mirror.
I see what you are saying Sig. Everyone here is entitled to an opinion and I thing life would be really boring if we all thought the same. The only thing I really have a problem with is nit picking. It's called fiction for a reason, and some people don't get that.

Yes, Ma'am. I totally agree. Nit picking can be bothersome.

Thank you.



very strange person
Jan 12, 2014
I was at an "Irish pub" in Atlanta, and he kept yelling "20 Marbraugh!" at the bartender. He was standing next to me at the bar where no one who had somewhere to sit had to stand. He was drunk and happy and wearing a torn, oily T-shirt and sounding very foreign. The bartender didn't speak the frightening, giant, construction worker's foreign language, so I interpreted: "He wants a pack of Marlboros," I shouted, without trying to compete with my adopted Irish guest.

He turned to me, smiling and very happily drunk and laughing slapped me on the back of my right shoulder and broke every bone in my body. I have no idea what he said when he did it; I've always believed it was complimentary in nature.
My impression he was probaby a trademan, left school at 15 and was out drinking at 14. These people are rough. i worked with them. to construction workers especially irsh a few is 14 or 15 on a quiet night. Some of us irish like a few pints just to get the nerve up to chat up that redhead(apologies vamirelilly_ who is eyeing us up.. We don't get drunk. WOMEN DO NOT LIKE DRUNK MAN we only drink to get the nerve up to chat up the girl/woman who is giving you the eye. for the ladies, do you realise how nerve wrecking it is to chat to you at a disco.


Whoa Nelly! (I was not getting on you (honest!) (I just like posting videos of someone saying "Yer a pu**y!" (Did you watch the video to the end - it was only eight seconds long, after all?)
I did watch it,no worries, go ahead and kick a feller when he's down.. Sniff.. http://
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