UTD: Season 2

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Mar 12, 2010
Happy UTD day! :)

Things to look forward to, hopefully:
the red door, Barbie's dad and his involvement, what's going to happen to Barbie, please Julia don't jump, Big Jim and what he may or may not know

I'm really looking forward to...
finding out what's beyond that red door. I'm also hoping we find out soon who/what created the dome... aliens? the military? something supernatural? one of SK's mythos creatures? something else? AND I want to find out more about Melanie! Did the military put her in cryogenic sleep? Can the military enter the dome through the lake? I have too many questions lol


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2014
I'm really looking forward to...
finding out what's beyond that red door. I'm also hoping we find out soon who/what created the dome... aliens? the military? something supernatural? one of SK's mythos creatures? something else? AND I want to find out more about Melanie! Did the military put her in cryogenic sleep? Can the military enter the dome through the lake? I have too many questions lol

You ask good ones! :)
Love the idea of one of SK's mythos creatures! That would be totally out there and different!
Mar 12, 2010
Remaining shows:

229"The Red Door"[29]
August 25, 2014TBA

2310"The Fall"[30]
September 1, 2014TBA

2411"Black Ice"[31]
September 8, 2014TBA

September 15, 2014TBA

September 22, 2014TBA

YAY! I thought there would only be 13 episodes. I don't want this season to end - it's too nerve wracking waiting for the next season to begin.


Happy to be here!
Feb 18, 2012
Shew! I am only caught up thru 8/18 episode, but I've been away too long from the thread and needed to see what ya'll were talking about. LOL

Hope to catch up with Red Door tonight. So from Spidey's post it looks like we get 2 more Episodes!!! Yeay!!!

I have to admit, I did give a snort when...
Barbie "hid" under the military truck. Sure, they'd never notice that! :rolleyes:
but all in all I am hooked! Can't wait for the rest!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2014
No balloons :( I really wanted Pennywise to emerge and kick some butt lol

Finally watched the episode and no balloons, indeed :( So
Barbie, Pauline, Sam, and Hunter (who I really like!) made it back to Chester's Mill. Big question: what happened to Lyle? Also, JIM SEEING PAULINE. I guess he didn't know more than we thought...also is Melanie starting to get on anyone's nerves, or is it just me???


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
Finally watched the episode and no balloons, indeed :( So
Barbie, Pauline, Sam, and Hunter (who I really like!) made it back to Chester's Mill. Big question: what happened to Lyle? Also, JIM SEEING PAULINE. I guess he didn't know more than we thought...also is Melanie starting to get on anyone's nerves, or is it just me???

Since Lyle didn't go down the tunnel hole like Barbie and Sam, am thinking he may not be able to get back. Yes, Melanie is hitting a sour note with me too.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2014
Dana Jean and TrueGeneration -- you are correct
I just thought being he fell, rather than jumped like Sam, or a fall due to malfunctioning equipment with Barbie,it may have made his "journey" different. Especially since he was having mental issues. Just something different that later caused him not to return to the dome????

^^Interesting! Honestly, I feel like I need to rewatch that whole scene again! ;-D


Committed member
Jun 24, 2009
Finally watched the episode and no balloons, indeed :( So
Barbie, Pauline, Sam, and Hunter (who I really like!) made it back to Chester's Mill. Big question: what happened to Lyle? Also, JIM SEEING PAULINE. I guess he didn't know more than we thought...also is Melanie starting to get on anyone's nerves, or is it just me???
I thought
Lyle just could not go through the portal for some reason, I guess mental reason... Maybe, I missed something... And yes, Melanie is really starting to get on our nerves. But I guess now she is the one who knows (or guesses) more than everyone think. She said not to give the military the egg, that the dome is here to protect them. I am also still thinking that the dome is to protect the town from some danger. Maybe, the danger is from the military guys? They already tried to use some kind of weapon on the dome (was it nuclear weapon? I don't remember, it was the first season).

And I am also thinking now ... What if the dome
protects not the town, like everyone thinks. They are right that the dome did not save Angie or Linda or others. I think the dome protects the egg, so it won't fall into the hands of the military! It's obvious they want it for some reason... What if this egg could destroy all the humanity if used the wrong way, for instance? The military want it, but some supernatural force cannot let it happen. And Melanie is back because since the very first second she was to protect the egg and she will be doing it no matter what. Julia could give away the egg just to save Barbie who she loves, but Melanie does not have any attachments in Chester's Mill, she will protect the egg no matter what.

Okay... too much thinking... Sorry for the long post.
Mar 12, 2010
Finally watched the episode and no balloons, indeed :( So
Barbie, Pauline, Sam, and Hunter (who I really like!) made it back to Chester's Mill. Big question: what happened to Lyle? Also, JIM SEEING PAULINE. I guess he didn't know more than we thought...also is Melanie starting to get on anyone's nerves, or is it just me???

I was surprised Big Jim was surprised to see Pauline too. Maybe he thought he killed her? I don't trust Melanie. I pretty much share Norrie's feelings about her. Melanie seems to have her own agenda and will flirt with whoever she thinks can help her.
Mar 12, 2010
^^Interesting! Honestly, I feel like I need to rewatch that whole scene again! ;-D

lol... I guess I need to rewatch that scene too. I had thought
Lyle went through the portal but didn't surface. I was really upset at the others for swimming to the shore before diving immediately back down to see if Lyle was in trouble. He might not be able to swim! or one of those lobstrosities could have caught him :( Lyle had best be ok. I feel the same way about Lyle as I do Daryl lol. Interesting characters must not die!!!