What have you learned on skmb

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Autumn Gust

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2012
I'm learning not to be such an egghead but I still have a ways to go!


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Heart of the South
Only a phlegmatic can deal with a bank account first thing in the morning.
Ah, so my true virtue remains hidden still. But I have a few choleric traits as well. I know when to bring it.

About that bank account. Once I went to a store and used my debit card, knowing I should have enough for my purchase in the bank, and yet the card was declined. So with a sick feeling my stomach, I rushed home, logged on and discovered that 2 airline tickets for a foreign airline had been charged on my account - checking, not credit - and drained my account to a sickeningly negative number. It took about 10 days for the bank to fix all that. Never mind all the bills I had paid that I had to call and reverse and ugh it was a nightmare. I am obsessed now with checking the account.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA
I see, you're a primary phlegmatic.
Ah, so my true virtue remains hidden still. But I have a few choleric traits as well. I know when to bring it.

About that bank account. Once I went to a store and used my debit card, knowing I should have enough for my purchase in the bank, and yet the card was declined. So with a sick feeling my stomach, I rushed home, logged on and discovered that 2 airline tickets for a foreign airline had been charged on my account - checking, not credit - and drained my account to a sickeningly negative number. It took about 10 days for the bank to fix all that. Never mind all the bills I had paid that I had to call and reverse and ugh it was a nightmare. I am obsessed now with checking the account.
I'm sorry to hear about your bad experience. Kudos for catching it, and for successfully following it up. Do you have an idea how the identity theft happened? The melancholic/sanguine of me might never have even noticed it, nor have responded well to it. So, you think you might be a phlegmatic/choleric?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Heart of the South
I'm sorry to hear about your bad experience. Kudos for catching it, and for successfully following it up. Do you have an idea how the identity theft happened? The melancholic/sanguine of me might never have even noticed it, nor have responded well to it. So, you think you might be a phlegmatic/choleric?
Well, I've tested as phlegmatic. I don't think I'm always a doormat, thought but I am pretty peaceful and gravitate toward resolution rather than conflict, sacrifice over self, I'd rather let someone think they're right than argue about it - who cares as long as I know I'm right? I'll always have that victory.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA
Well, I've tested as phlegmatic. I don't think I'm always a doormat, thought but I am pretty peaceful and gravitate toward resolution rather than conflict, sacrifice over self, I'd rather let someone think they're right than argue about it - who cares as long as I know I'm right? I'll always have that victory.
Pretty certain you're a phleg, alright. =D What do you mean you've "tested" as one? All I know about it is that I'm almost certainly a primary melancholic.


Original Kiwi© SKMB®
Apr 11, 2006
New Zealand
Have you learned anything new from being on the message board?
Soooo very much.

On an emotional level, I have learnt to trust... and that I have value. Once I became more confident in those things, I learned how to navigate the Internet and quite a bit about different message boards. Jordan and Marsha have taught me so many valuable things on both a technical and personal level.
Daily interactions with all of you wonderful people over the last ten years, have taught me the value of friendship, it matters not whether we are face to face; you guys mean so much to me.

I am incredibly grateful to Stephen for providing this community, it means more to me than I am able to express.


The Fool on the Hill
Apr 12, 2014
I have learned that there actually is a place where one can discuss things, just gibber a little if you feel like it, or ask questions and get interesting reading tips. And people are friendly! Thought people on the net was mostly calling other people names but here were at least polite to each other even if opinions differ. I've found friends and companions and people to talk to.


Prolific member
Jan 8, 2009
I've learned that here is definitely my second family. Everybody is nice and I've probably got lifelong friends here. I've
also learned that some dreams can become true. I could never believe that I would get to met friends that I have here on
SKMB someday, but I got. It's something that I won't forget. Since this MB is about King and his work. I've learned a lot new
things about Steve that I didn't knew before, I've got new book recommendations and a lot of other news about the bestselling
author. I would never change to any other MB, this is just the best.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
I've learned that here is definitely my second family. Everybody is nice and I've probably got lifelong friends here. I've
also learned that some dreams can become true. I could never believe that I would get to met friends that I have here on
SKMB someday, but I got. It's something that I won't forget. Since this MB is about King and his work. I've learned a lot new
things about Steve that I didn't knew before, I've got new book recommendations and a lot of other news about the bestselling
author. I would never change to any other MB, this is just the best.
...you do indeed have lifelong friends young lady....