The Ka-tet Cantina 2

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Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
Well, after 17 years I'm officially done with Law Enforcement as of 5pm next Friday April 24th. Accepted the analyst position I was offered and made it official earlier this week. I have absorbed ten times the amount of ribbing I'm used to in the last three days. It's my day off so I've had the house to myself today and it seems more quiet than usual. I think it's finally started to hit home today. Been thinking a lot about all the guys and gals I've worked with for so many years. More than that, been thinking about the place itself. Every office in that whole building has some type of funny, terrible, or just important memory attached to it. Weird feeling.... However, over the course of the last few days, I HAVE been given some good tidings and well wishes from my co-workers and colleagues, for example:

"How will we coordinate date night with your mom after you're gone?"

"It's about GD time. If you didn't leave we were going to plant dope in your desk and frame you."

"Who's going to wax the Sergeant's chest and lovingly cup his .....?" (You can use your imagination on this one)

"Who in their right mind would actually hire someone who hasn't produced JACK S&%T as far as work in ten years?"

"Christ, were you the ONLY applicant for the job? Because that's the only friggin' way I could see you getting hired by ANYONE!"

"Who did you put down as a reference? It sure as S@%T better not have been me, because I would have told them you had a problem with tardiness and bestiality." (My personal favorite so far)

All this and then yesterday I'm at lunch with my friend and co-worker of seventeen years. We literally started here almost the same week back in 1998. Myself as a 911 dispatcher, he started as a jailer. We've both rotated through several divisions but we've been in the same division now for over six years, most of those spent in cubicles right across from one another. We were talking and finishing our sub sandwiches. We've both been kinda quiet this week, well, as quite as either of us ever are. He's known for a long time I've been wanting to leave LE but when you actually make the decision to leave LE it's different. I'm starting to realize that now. As we walked out of the restaurant, he just said "Man, this place is going to be so weird without you.", and just shook his head. It wasn't anything ground shaking or monumental that he said, but somehow it drove it home more than anything else has so far. It's not like I can't still see everyone but once you're gone, you're not cleared for hearing about criminal information, what cases are being worked on, etc. It's almost the voluntary Dark Tower equivalent of being sent West. So, what do you talk about? I've had that experience with other guys and girls who've quit or retired. If they come back into the building to visit, it's with an escort and you can't really talk shop anymore with them, just "how you doing, how's your family?' type conversation. I still think I made the right call, but the place seems really close today. I guess I'm just not as much of a hard ass as I used to Everyone have a good weekend.

Your post actually brought tears to me eyes. I know, I'm a crier. The changing of jobs, the changing of your lifestyle from the past 17years has to weigh on your mind. Hold each and every good memory close. Hold the bad ones a little further away--
as they are still part of those 17 years. As you said, it will not be the same. You won't have the discussion of cases, but you will still have your friends. Things may change, but true friends will remain friends.

You will soon begin a new chapter in your life. The making of new friends at the new job, learning new skills, and most important becoming a full time father and husband. I think- I hope- in years to come, you will see how important this decision was to your family life.

The leaving of a job held so long and working so close with co workers is like losing a dear friend in real life. You will grieve, you will go through the steps of grief and eventually you'll see yourself on the new path-- you may feel like being sent West, but think of the new journey in life you will experience. May the Tower that awaits be filled with love and green lights!


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA
Well, after 17 years I'm officially done with Law Enforcement as of 5pm next Friday April 24th. Accepted the analyst position I was offered and made it official earlier this week. I have absorbed ten times the amount of ribbing I'm used to in the last three days. It's my day off so I've had the house to myself today and it seems more quiet than usual. I think it's finally started to hit home today. Been thinking a lot about all the guys and gals I've worked with for so many years. More than that, been thinking about the place itself. Every office in that whole building has some type of funny, terrible, or just important memory attached to it. Weird feeling.... However, over the course of the last few days, I HAVE been given some good tidings and well wishes from my co-workers and colleagues, for example:

"How will we coordinate date night with your mom after you're gone?"

"It's about GD time. If you didn't leave we were going to plant dope in your desk and frame you."

"Who's going to wax the Sergeant's chest and lovingly cup his .....?" (You can use your imagination on this one)

"Who in their right mind would actually hire someone who hasn't produced JACK S&%T as far as work in ten years?"

"Christ, were you the ONLY applicant for the job? Because that's the only friggin' way I could see you getting hired by ANYONE!"

"Who did you put down as a reference? It sure as S@%T better not have been me, because I would have told them you had a problem with tardiness and bestiality." (My personal favorite so far)

All this and then yesterday I'm at lunch with my friend and co-worker of seventeen years. We literally started here almost the same week back in 1998. Myself as a 911 dispatcher, he started as a jailer. We've both rotated through several divisions but we've been in the same division now for over six years, most of those spent in cubicles right across from one another. We were talking and finishing our sub sandwiches. We've both been kinda quiet this week, well, as quite as either of us ever are. He's known for a long time I've been wanting to leave LE but when you actually make the decision to leave LE it's different. I'm starting to realize that now. As we walked out of the restaurant, he just said "Man, this place is going to be so weird without you.", and just shook his head. It wasn't anything ground shaking or monumental that he said, but somehow it drove it home more than anything else has so far. It's not like I can't still see everyone but once you're gone, you're not cleared for hearing about criminal information, what cases are being worked on, etc. It's almost the voluntary Dark Tower equivalent of being sent West. So, what do you talk about? I've had that experience with other guys and girls who've quit or retired. If they come back into the building to visit, it's with an escort and you can't really talk shop anymore with them, just "how you doing, how's your family?' type conversation. I still think I made the right call, but the place seems really close today. I guess I'm just not as much of a hard ass as I used to Everyone have a good weekend.
Good luck and congratulations!

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
Well, after 17 years I'm officially done with Law Enforcement as of 5pm next Friday April 24th. Accepted the analyst position I was offered and made it official earlier this week. I have absorbed ten times the amount of ribbing I'm used to in the last three days. It's my day off so I've had the house to myself today and it seems more quiet than usual. I think it's finally started to hit home today. Been thinking a lot about all the guys and gals I've worked with for so many years. More than that, been thinking about the place itself. Every office in that whole building has some type of funny, terrible, or just important memory attached to it. Weird feeling.... However, over the course of the last few days, I HAVE been given some good tidings and well wishes from my co-workers and colleagues, for example:

"How will we coordinate date night with your mom after you're gone?"

"It's about GD time. If you didn't leave we were going to plant dope in your desk and frame you."

"Who's going to wax the Sergeant's chest and lovingly cup his .....?" (You can use your imagination on this one)

"Who in their right mind would actually hire someone who hasn't produced JACK S&%T as far as work in ten years?"

"Christ, were you the ONLY applicant for the job? Because that's the only friggin' way I could see you getting hired by ANYONE!"

"Who did you put down as a reference? It sure as S@%T better not have been me, because I would have told them you had a problem with tardiness and bestiality." (My personal favorite so far)

All this and then yesterday I'm at lunch with my friend and co-worker of seventeen years. We literally started here almost the same week back in 1998. Myself as a 911 dispatcher, he started as a jailer. We've both rotated through several divisions but we've been in the same division now for over six years, most of those spent in cubicles right across from one another. We were talking and finishing our sub sandwiches. We've both been kinda quiet this week, well, as quite as either of us ever are. He's known for a long time I've been wanting to leave LE but when you actually make the decision to leave LE it's different. I'm starting to realize that now. As we walked out of the restaurant, he just said "Man, this place is going to be so weird without you.", and just shook his head. It wasn't anything ground shaking or monumental that he said, but somehow it drove it home more than anything else has so far. It's not like I can't still see everyone but once you're gone, you're not cleared for hearing about criminal information, what cases are being worked on, etc. It's almost the voluntary Dark Tower equivalent of being sent West. So, what do you talk about? I've had that experience with other guys and girls who've quit or retired. If they come back into the building to visit, it's with an escort and you can't really talk shop anymore with them, just "how you doing, how's your family?' type conversation. I still think I made the right call, but the place seems really close today. I guess I'm just not as much of a hard ass as I used to Everyone have a good weekend.
You'll do great! I just know you will and your family will either love it or you will drive them nuts! hahahhaha! Congrats and good luck on this next adventure!


All-being, keeper of Space, Time & Dimension.
Jul 11, 2006
Spokane, WA
Well, after 17 years I'm officially done with Law Enforcement as of 5pm next Friday April 24th. Accepted the analyst position I was offered and made it official earlier this week. I have absorbed ten times the amount of ribbing I'm used to in the last three days. It's my day off so I've had the house to myself today and it seems more quiet than usual. I think it's finally started to hit home today. Been thinking a lot about all the guys and gals I've worked with for so many years. More than that, been thinking about the place itself. Every office in that whole building has some type of funny, terrible, or just important memory attached to it. Weird feeling.... However, over the course of the last few days, I HAVE been given some good tidings and well wishes from my co-workers and colleagues, for example:

"How will we coordinate date night with your mom after you're gone?"

"It's about GD time. If you didn't leave we were going to plant dope in your desk and frame you."

"Who's going to wax the Sergeant's chest and lovingly cup his .....?" (You can use your imagination on this one)

"Who in their right mind would actually hire someone who hasn't produced JACK S&%T as far as work in ten years?"

"Christ, were you the ONLY applicant for the job? Because that's the only friggin' way I could see you getting hired by ANYONE!"

"Who did you put down as a reference? It sure as S@%T better not have been me, because I would have told them you had a problem with tardiness and bestiality." (My personal favorite so far)

All this and then yesterday I'm at lunch with my friend and co-worker of seventeen years. We literally started here almost the same week back in 1998. Myself as a 911 dispatcher, he started as a jailer. We've both rotated through several divisions but we've been in the same division now for over six years, most of those spent in cubicles right across from one another. We were talking and finishing our sub sandwiches. We've both been kinda quiet this week, well, as quite as either of us ever are. He's known for a long time I've been wanting to leave LE but when you actually make the decision to leave LE it's different. I'm starting to realize that now. As we walked out of the restaurant, he just said "Man, this place is going to be so weird without you.", and just shook his head. It wasn't anything ground shaking or monumental that he said, but somehow it drove it home more than anything else has so far. It's not like I can't still see everyone but once you're gone, you're not cleared for hearing about criminal information, what cases are being worked on, etc. It's almost the voluntary Dark Tower equivalent of being sent West. So, what do you talk about? I've had that experience with other guys and girls who've quit or retired. If they come back into the building to visit, it's with an escort and you can't really talk shop anymore with them, just "how you doing, how's your family?' type conversation. I still think I made the right call, but the place seems really close today. I guess I'm just not as much of a hard ass as I used to Everyone have a good weekend.
You made the right call.


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

OOOOPS! Disregard post #890 - I see not_nadine has already done it!


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
A bit introspective for sure. Everyone at work has a sure cure for that, relentless
Maybe good thing you made that change now rather than waiting until you hit the bit "two-oh" anniversary - full steam ahead! (Nothing but positive thoughts now and look at it as a new adventure) :lol2::okay:


Comfortably Roont
Nov 19, 2011
Behind you
Woo Hoo - so now you'll be living in the loft? (Thinking lofty thoughts? Lofting tennis birdies into the air?) - sounds mighty fine - enjoy the new place! :biggrin2::thumbs_up::love:

Nopers. Ain't the loft, but I still get to furnish it with my stuff. I get this big ole back room with walk in's and bath.


So I am looking for movers, I emailed someone and here is my response. Do you think that they have been swimming beforehand? Who is wet? And why?
Will they recite to me along the way?

"Thank you for your inquiry. Wet can do this job for $350 flat rate. Poetic includes truck and 2 movers.
Please give us call at 215.758.XXXX"



Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Heart of the South
ghost19 Bittersweet - I like what Don Henley said with the Eagles split - "It was a horrible relief". You'll miss the camaraderie for sure, but you'll be so happy to be less stressed and home with the family more. No doubt it will take some getting used to. The Ogre started a new job - after many years with the same company (1500 IT layoffs across the board nationwide) - he has been there almost 2 months and still getting used to things. It takes a bit. I'm happy for you.

Lepplady How fun to chaperone prom and get to dress up fancy like that every Spring! We didn't have a prom in the town I grew up in - it was kind of like that town in Footloose. We had a banquet, so we had to head to river or the sand pits to party hard afterwards. They should have just let us have a prom.

Good morning, and Happy Friday! RJ got his 1st haircut yesterday. :)

View attachment 9132

He looks so grown up now! It was not an experience he enjoyed very much, Alyssa said. ;-D

Scott went and had lunch at school with Ty and Ali yesterday. It was a surprise, and it totally made their day.

View attachment 9133

View attachment 9134

I was going to go too, but then got word RJ would be coming the same time they eat lunch, so stayed home.

I am so glad it is Friday. What a week it has been. Hope you all have a great weekend! Sending big hugs and positive vibes to all! :love_heart:

Adorable kids - RJ's so big now! So glad you found the $100! You're a good mom, cat!

Holy Crap! I just got word that I was approved for the lease in the townhouse..

Woohooo!!! New job, new home - so happy for your new start with everything.


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
ghost19 Bittersweet - I like what Don Henley said with the Eagles split - "It was a horrible relief". You'll miss the camaraderie for sure, but you'll be so happy to be less stressed and home with the family more. No doubt it will take some getting used to. The Ogre started a new job - after many years with the same company (1500 IT layoffs across the board nationwide) - he has been there almost 2 months and still getting used to things. It takes a bit. I'm happy for you.

Lepplady How fun to chaperone prom and get to dress up fancy like that every Spring! We didn't have a prom in the town I grew up in - it was kind of like that town in Footloose. We had a banquet, so we had to head to river or the sand pits to party hard afterwards. They should have just let us have a prom.

Adorable kids - RJ's so big now! So glad you found the $100! You're a good mom, cat!

Woohooo!!! New job, new home - so happy for your new start with everything.

Yeah !! (What Holly said) I will ride on your coat tails tonight Renee! (Hope I spelled that right).

Good wishes all around to all the Tet-Mates


New jobs - exciting yet kinda makes one nervous at first - you will both do great

Love and green lights this weekend - even if you are just on your way to shopping!

Hi HollyGolightly

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