I wish you all the best in the coming year . . .

  • This message board permanently closed on June 30th, 2020 at 4PM EDT and is no longer accepting new members.


M e m b e r
Apr 11, 2006
UnParked, UnParked U.S.A.
I want nothing but the best for my Stephen King Message Board family (Okay, so I don't like abbreviations!).

Over the last year I've come to realize that you are my strongest crossing bridge for any type of crap. Even when I don't say anything you all come through with the kindest words right at the moment that I need to hear them. Thank you.

Much love to you.


Ms. Mod
Jul 10, 2006
I want nothing but the best for my Stephen King Message Board family (Okay, so I don't like abbreviations!).

Over the last year I've come to realize that you are my strongest crossing bridge for any type of crap. Even when I don't say anything you all come through with the kindest words right at the moment that I need to hear them. Thank you.

Much love to you.
And right back to you. :biglove: It's always a special treat to see your posts and even though they're not as frequent as in the past, I know you're there with us.


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
I want nothing but the best for my Stephen King Message Board family (Okay, so I don't like abbreviations!).

Over the last year I've come to realize that you are my strongest crossing bridge for any type of crap. Even when I don't say anything you all come through with the kindest words right at the moment that I need to hear them. Thank you.

Much love to you.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
...Sugah, you are one of the good'uns....like you, I very seldom get over serious here-but everyone should know, that this spot on the cyber-map is my oasis of escape, laughs, love and warmth...many times I have said it, and many times I will again...the folks that comprise this group are for the most part, more real, more kind and more thoughtful than people I have contact with daily.....there's something special in this gestalt, and I am glad I wandered in so long ago....from the GNT's DEN, I wish you all things good and kind, a lack of sorrow-but most of all I thank you for being my family and I love you.....


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2014
As we wind down to a much-deserved holiday closing time for the board...

I just want to wish everyone a warm and wonderful Christmas weekend, with a relaxed and happy segue to the promise of the New Year. Whatever our belief structures are or are not, whatever ill or joy may affect the world at a given moment, let's all bask in the enjoyment of the goodwill, bonhomie, and love that this season is capable of bringing.

All the best to the Stephen King Message Board family, many thanks to our Gracious Host and his Hostlings, and enduring gratitude on my part for welcoming me into your cozy abode this last couple of years.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Heart of the South
Much love and peace to you, MadamMack - if you're ever in my part of the south, look me up and let's go cause some mayhem!
And to all of you! I hope you're with people you love this weekend! And you have a good meal, happy moments, some babies or children to entertain you. We made it another year!! Good riddance 2016! May 2017 bring us all peace and joy!


M e m b e r
Apr 11, 2006
UnParked, UnParked U.S.A.
Do we have a date for the Academy Awards? I sure hope so. I look forward to sharing that with you every year! It was terrible the year you weren't here.

All the best to you always, Charlotte. Merry Christmas!

Standing date DJ. One day we will BE THERE. Our dresses will drag and collect stuff that we'll save for memories.

One day DJ . . .


M e m b e r
Apr 11, 2006
UnParked, UnParked U.S.A.
Much love and peace to you, MadamMack - if you're ever in my part of the south, look me up and let's go cause some mayhem!
And to all of you! I hope you're with people you love this weekend! And you have a good meal, happy moments, some babies or children to entertain you. We made it another year!! Good riddance 2016! May 2017 bring us all peace and joy!

I'd like NOTHING better, Girl.


M e m b e r
Apr 11, 2006
UnParked, UnParked U.S.A.
...Sugah, you are one of the good'uns....like you, I very seldom get over serious here-but everyone should know, that this spot on the cyber-map is my oasis of escape, laughs, love and warmth...many times I have said it, and many times I will again...the folks that comprise this group are for the most part, more real, more kind and more thoughtful than people I have contact with daily.....there's something special in this gestalt, and I am glad I wandered in so long ago....from the GNT's DEN, I wish you all things good and kind, a lack of sorrow-but most of all I thank you for being my family and I love you.....

Giant . . .that was Spot ON. Thank you. I love you, too. And HERE is something that we can't find elsewhere. We are Constant Readers. And, we care about each other.