Valentine`s Day confusion...

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Uber Member
Mar 23, 2008
Well, I`m confused.
This Valentine`s Day thing ( for which I don`t care at all, I love my wife every day, not only on certain dates and I try to make her feel special every chance I get )...since when did it become a "thing" or a "special' day for children?
I mean, yesterday my daughter came back from school with a bag full of Valentine gifts her classmates gave her. Postcards, drawings, hearts, " I love you " cards...I don`t know, a hundred things.
We didn`t give any stuff to her to take to school, she had nothing to give her buddies...simply because I didn`t know they are even gonna mentioned it in school.
She is grade 3, man, what do children that little have to do with Valentine`s?
Could they not make a friendship day or something? I thought Valentine`s is for grown-ups or teenagers, well, people who are in love....
But kids?
Somehow that disturbs me on some deep level, I didn`t like it and I really didn`t know what to say yesterday.
I mean, she was all happy, had a good time, fun all around...
But I really don`t think this should be shoved into children`s heads at such an early age.
What do you say, care to enlighten me a bit?
Happy Hump Day.


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
Srbo. I am not sure about Canada customs regarding Valentine's Day and children. As you know I am well up there in age(72) and celebrating Valentine's Day has been part of my entire life. I do recall giving and receiving drawings, treats, cards even in kindergarten. By third grade it was a big event.

I am a little surprised that your daughter's teacher did not send home a reminder of the days event at her school. Way back when, students would actually have the other students name on the card. In time, it became more politically correct to have 'each' child receive a card, thus no names on cards. The teacher would provide a list of the students within her class and the parents would then know the number of cards to provide.

Again, back in the day, some parents would bake cookies, or cupcakes. Now, all food has to be store bought and individually wrapped. If a family could not afford cards, often the parent would help the child make simple cards from colored paper. And often, again, in my day, the teacher would have extra cards available.

Valentine's Day for child is more about caring and sharing. Not the adult meaning of "Love". I guess in a way, a child's Valenine's Day is a Friendship Day.

Again, it does concern me that the teacher did not mention this event in advance. Does your daughter's school have an event calendar?

Do not worry, Srbo, it is just a fun day for the children , and as you said, your daughter came home all happy and had a good time. That's what it's all about for a child. Not the "adult theme", but rather a day at school to have fun. Hope that helps.


Uber Member
Mar 23, 2008
Thanks, CYB and Spidey...I had no idea about all this.

Suzana did mention the day before VD that they will make some type of cards in school, on that day, but that is all I knew.
I just thought they`re gonna make them, share them with the classmates...and that`s it.
Had NO idea about actually buying small gifts for other children.
But some of the stuff she got, from boys especially...don`t look childish to me at all.
Very adult-like.
Or I`m dreaming, maybe looking too much into it?
It`s just...when this "love" thing is taught to children at such a young age...please don`t crucify me now, it`s just a question, not a fact or anything...should we really be surprised then when 13 year old kids get pregnant?
Is this not somehow an OK for kids to go right ahead and dive into stuff that isn`t meant for them at such an early age?
And does it somehow stay in their sub-consciousness that it is OK to explore "love" much earlier than they are supposed to?
Did that happen to you? Could it happen?
Or do I simply worry too much, `cause " Bevie, sometimes I worry. I worry A LOT! " :)

And no, no notice from the teacher to us, Spidey.


Not completely obtuse
Nov 14, 2013
Poconos, PA
Valentine’s Day is just one big conspiracy invented by evil corporations hell bent on ripping out both your heart and your money, and supported by the Government by catering to the greeting card, chocolate, flower, alcohol and jewelry lobbyists in order to increase sales and prices on all things associated with love. It forces you to spend money you don’t have on someone you may not love.

Can you tell I didn’t get anything for Valentine’s Day this year? ;):)


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
Thanks, CYB and Spidey...I had no idea about all this.

Suzana did mention the day before VD that they will make some type of cards in school, on that day, but that is all I knew.
I just thought they`re gonna make them, share them with the classmates...and that`s it.
Had NO idea about actually buying small gifts for other children.
But some of the stuff she got, from boys especially...don`t look childish to me at all.
Very adult-like.
Or I`m dreaming, maybe looking too much into it?
It`s just...when this "love" thing is taught to children at such a young age...please don`t crucify me now, it`s just a question, not a fact or anything...should we really be surprised then when 13 year old kids get pregnant?
Is this not somehow an OK for kids to go right ahead and dive into stuff that isn`t meant for them at such an early age?
And does it somehow stay in their sub-consciousness that it is OK to explore "love" much earlier than they are supposed to?
Did that happen to you? Could it happen?
Or do I simply worry too much, `cause " Bevie, sometimes I worry. I worry A LOT! " :)

And no, no notice from the teacher to us, Spidey.

Just my opinion, Srbo.... I think most children ( of your daughter's age) just think of the day as a fun day or treats at school.
The innocence of childhood. I really do not think they see it as an "adult" love. More a caring, sharing thing.

As they grow older, later years in grade school/ High School one would hope the changing meaningS of love would be instilled by parents. There are many ways to "love". Each is different in emotional feelings. I really never felt, even when my own children where in school, that Valentine's Day was connect to "adult" love.

I guess it goes back to what definition one places on the word love. You can love a picture, love a school subject, love a pet, love a toy, love a food, love a parent, love a teacher, and some males love their cars(smile). This is not the love adults feel for each other. I really do not think the celebration of Valentine's Day in school is connected or meant to "teach" children about adult love. That is something a parent instill within a child. Just my opinion.


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
Valentine’s Day just one big conspiracy invented by evil corporations hell bent on ripping out both your heart and your money, and supported by the Government by catering to the greeting card, chocolate, flower, alcohol and jewelry lobbyists in order to increase sales and prices on all things associated with love. It forces you to spend money you don’t have on someone you may not love.

Can you tell I didn’t get anything for Valentine’s Day this year? ;):)


Uber Member
Mar 23, 2008
Valentine’s Day is just one big conspiracy invented by evil corporations hell bent on ripping out both your heart and your money, and supported by the Government by catering to the greeting card, chocolate, flower, alcohol and jewelry lobbyists in order to increase sales and prices on all things associated with love. It forces you to spend money you don’t have on someone you may not love.

Can you tell I didn’t get anything for Valentine’s Day this year? ;):)

Yup, agreed and I knew that, of course.
Just like Christmas is about anything but the birth of Christ.

Yeah, Spidey, I agree, many types of love, I just worry somehow what impact this leaves on kids.
Maybe none, maybe it is all about friendship and fun.
But...there is this nagging in the back of my head...that this somehow isn`t right.
But..I've been wrong before.


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
Yup, agreed and I knew that, of course.
Just like Christmas is about anything but the birth of Christ.

Yeah, Spidey, I agree, many types of love, I just worry somehow what impact this leaves on kids.
Maybe none, maybe it is all about friendship and fun.
But...there is this nagging in the back of my head...that this somehow isn`t right.
But..I've been wrong before.
You are a good parent, Srbo and you will guide your daughter well in the many meanings of love. :smile:

carrie's younger brother

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2012
Valentine’s Day is just one big conspiracy invented by evil corporations hell bent on ripping out both your heart and your money, and supported by the Government by catering to the greeting card, chocolate, flower, alcohol and jewelry lobbyists in order to increase sales and prices on all things associated with love. It forces you to spend money you don’t have on someone you may not love.

Can you tell I didn’t get anything for Valentine’s Day this year? ;):)
Isn't that every holiday in the US?


First time caller long time listener
Jul 10, 2006
Indiana, USA
I know back in the day...When I was in school. We exchanged Valentine cards and had an actual Valentine day party. We also created our "mailboxes" to put the valentine cards. There were women called "homeroom mothers" that coordinated all holiday activities.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
Thank you everybody for the comments. :)


Just moseyin' through...
Oct 9, 2013
I've always liked the caring aspect of the holiday--although TV commercials make it about romantic love, we were raised that it's more about showing you care (and not to listen to commercials--lol). This year, though...I kind of get what SRBO is saying. I saw a third grader in tears because he gave a girl a 'gold' ring and asked her to be his girlfriend: she turned him down. My son said a fifth grade girl in his class received A THONG from a boy in another class! My friend's seventh grader went all out: flowers AND a teddy bear AND a necklace AND movie tickets for a girl he's 'dating' (eating lunch with, essentially, as he has no job, can't drive, and they go nowhere). The fact that a parent bought into this nonsense is another topic. But what the actual HELL?! The sexualization of children is insane.