I Am Angry Today Because . . .

  • This message board permanently closed on June 30th, 2020 at 4PM EDT and is no longer accepting new members.


Just moseyin' through...
Oct 9, 2013
LOL. Is it a learned or inherent trait in women to start a row, then a short time later exclaim ‘I’m done... Forget it... end of discussion?’ ;):)
Excuse me? I wasn't 'starting' anything. I didn't even think of it politically--I was making a common sense observation. Putting a smiley face on a gender or personal insult does not make it okay.


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2015
An impostor friended me on Facebook. I posted on Joan Baez's Facebook page and immediately received a Friend request apparently from Joan herself which I accepted. I then received a Personal Message saying I had been specially selected for a chat with Joan which she was doing as a service of appreciation to her fans, and to feel free to text her anything and she would reply when she could. I composed a brief and polite reply and went off to do a number of other things. When I went back on Facebook today, my reply seemed to have been answered, but it was blocked because the account was under investigation. Someone reported it as an imposter (who I dubbed Clone Joan) and Facebook took immediate action. What's more when you friend someone, a "Suggest Friends" box comes up listing all your Friends! I have over 200 and must have sent links to this page to 10% of them! So I had to post a retraction on my page and try to tag all the friends to whom I sent suggestions the other day. Of course in Facebook you can't have a post and your Friends list open at the same time, and no possible way could I remember all those names, so I had to open my Friends list on my phone and scroll through it to tag everyone in the post on my computer.

I told my mom about this and she said, "Some people are pretty sick." I also told her I had no reason to disbelieve it really was Joan, as some other people who are quite well known have corresponded with or even friended me on Facebook and no one doubted they were who they said. Thank God someone was sharp enough to nip it in the bud before I wrote anything to really humiliate myself! Other than, of course, mentioning it on some forums and having to go post retractions there as well.


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
An impostor friended me on Facebook. I posted on Joan Baez's Facebook page and immediately received a Friend request apparently from Joan herself which I accepted. I then received a Personal Message saying I had been specially selected for a chat with Joan which she was doing as a service of appreciation to her fans, and to feel free to text her anything and she would reply when she could. I composed a brief and polite reply and went off to do a number of other things. When I went back on Facebook today, my reply seemed to have been answered, but it was blocked because the account was under investigation. Someone reported it as an imposter (who I dubbed Clone Joan) and Facebook took immediate action. What's more when you friend someone, a "Suggest Friends" box comes up listing all your Friends! I have over 200 and must have sent links to this page to 10% of them! So I had to post a retraction on my page and try to tag all the friends to whom I sent suggestions the other day. Of course in Facebook you can't have a post and your Friends list open at the same time, and no possible way could I remember all those names, so I had to open my Friends list on my phone and scroll through it to tag everyone in the post on my computer.

I told my mom about this and she said, "Some people are pretty sick." I also told her I had no reason to disbelieve it really was Joan, as some other people who are quite well known have corresponded with or even friended me on Facebook and no one doubted they were who they said. Thank God someone was sharp enough to nip it in the bud before I wrote anything to really humiliate myself! Other than, of course, mentioning it on some forums and having to go post retractions there as well.
I try to avoid the evil "Eff Bee"
(Although the movie made about the inventor of FaceBook wasn't too bad)



Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2012
I woke with a headache this morning. I used to suffer migraines. Haven't had one in ages, and this one was (still is) threatening to become one. That means, feeling a bit sick. But no fever, no cough. Not contagious.

So I headed to the mall. (Tomorrow may be a dark room and ice for me.)

Usually I love my city. Not today.

I go to the bank to update my book. Used to be able to do it at the machine but they "upgraded". The line up to the tellers is about a dozen people, so I line up behind one customer waiting at customer service. Another guy comes along and asks me if I'm in line. I say yes. So, he cuts in front of me. My head is throbbing. I cannot argue. Some guy comes walking out of bank, gets a few feet away from me and coughs. I feel it hit my face. I say "Thank you so much!" Give up on Customer Service. Go line up at teller. Woman gets in line behind me. She is white as a ghost...with deep red fever blotches all over her face. Barely able to breath and coughing up a lung. RIGHT BEHIND ME IN LINE! I will use letters here...I used words when I turned to her and said "FFS" I get out of line and go back to Customer Service.

Leave bank. Walking down mall. I was walking fast, woman to my left pushing stroller walking slower. I realize, I'm going to be just barely ahead of her when I get to where I want to turn left into a store. I don't want to cut her off, so I slow down and step behind her. Poor woman jumped out of her skin. Turned to me with a look of utter TERROR in her eyes. I apologized and explained why I had gotten behind her. She smiled, gave a nervous laugh and adjusted her hijab. It could happen to anyone....but political climate makes me think she was more fearful because she was wearing a hijab. I hate that my city would make anyone feel that way.

Finally leave the mall. Trying to cross the road and three different vehicles almost run me over. I have the green light and the little walk signal. They are rushing out of the church parking lot...eager to escape I guess. Don't think God gives extra points for running over pedestrians.


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
I woke with a headache this morning. I used to suffer migraines. Haven't had one in ages, and this one was (still is) threatening to become one. That means, feeling a bit sick. But no fever, no cough. Not contagious.

So I headed to the mall. (Tomorrow may be a dark room and ice for me.)

Usually I love my city. Not today.

I go to the bank to update my book. Used to be able to do it at the machine but they "upgraded". The line up to the tellers is about a dozen people, so I line up behind one customer waiting at customer service. Another guy comes along and asks me if I'm in line. I say yes. So, he cuts in front of me. My head is throbbing. I cannot argue. Some guy comes walking out of bank, gets a few feet away from me and coughs. I feel it hit my face. I say "Thank you so much!" Give up on Customer Service. Go line up at teller. Woman gets in line behind me. She is white as a ghost...with deep red fever blotches all over her face. Barely able to breath and coughing up a lung. RIGHT BEHIND ME IN LINE! I will use letters here...I used words when I turned to her and said "FFS" I get out of line and go back to Customer Service.

Leave bank. Walking down mall. I was walking fast, woman to my left pushing stroller walking slower. I realize, I'm going to be just barely ahead of her when I get to where I want to turn left into a store. I don't want to cut her off, so I slow down and step behind her. Poor woman jumped out of her skin. Turned to me with a look of utter TERROR in her eyes. I apologized and explained why I had gotten behind her. She smiled, gave a nervous laugh and adjusted her hijab. It could happen to anyone....but political climate makes me think she was more fearful because she was wearing a hijab. I hate that my city would make anyone feel that way.

Finally leave the mall. Trying to cross the road and three different vehicles almost run me over. I have the green light and the little walk signal. They are rushing out of the church parking lot...eager to escape I guess. Don't think God gives extra points for running over pedestrians.
Calming vibes and some inner peace. Hope you did not "catch" anything. Take care of the headache.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
I woke with a headache this morning. I used to suffer migraines. Haven't had one in ages, and this one was (still is) threatening to become one. That means, feeling a bit sick. But no fever, no cough. Not contagious.

So I headed to the mall. (Tomorrow may be a dark room and ice for me.)

Usually I love my city. Not today.

I go to the bank to update my book. Used to be able to do it at the machine but they "upgraded". The line up to the tellers is about a dozen people, so I line up behind one customer waiting at customer service. Another guy comes along and asks me if I'm in line. I say yes. So, he cuts in front of me. My head is throbbing. I cannot argue. Some guy comes walking out of bank, gets a few feet away from me and coughs. I feel it hit my face. I say "Thank you so much!" Give up on Customer Service. Go line up at teller. Woman gets in line behind me. She is white as a ghost...with deep red fever blotches all over her face. Barely able to breath and coughing up a lung. RIGHT BEHIND ME IN LINE! I will use letters here...I used words when I turned to her and said "FFS" I get out of line and go back to Customer Service.

Leave bank. Walking down mall. I was walking fast, woman to my left pushing stroller walking slower. I realize, I'm going to be just barely ahead of her when I get to where I want to turn left into a store. I don't want to cut her off, so I slow down and step behind her. Poor woman jumped out of her skin. Turned to me with a look of utter TERROR in her eyes. I apologized and explained why I had gotten behind her. She smiled, gave a nervous laugh and adjusted her hijab. It could happen to anyone....but political climate makes me think she was more fearful because she was wearing a hijab. I hate that my city would make anyone feel that way.

Finally leave the mall. Trying to cross the road and three different vehicles almost run me over. I have the green light and the little walk signal. They are rushing out of the church parking lot...eager to escape I guess. Don't think God gives extra points for running over pedestrians.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2012
So, I get home and check the bank book. The one payment I wanted to see, due the first of the month, was not deducted yet. (Nobody's fault, just what it is.)

Sit down with ds to work on his taxes. It's his first time, so I suggested we do hard copy forms so he can actually "see" everything. I get the forms, pens, calculator. He opens his T4 (form given by employers with all the info needed to do your tax forms). I look at Box 14 total income. And laugh. I hand it back and say does that look like your annual income? He says it's about a weeks pay. Maybe they do it differently and we have to multiply by the number of weeks?

No honey. Government forms don't work that way.

So, he has to contact someone and find out what the heck happened.

On a brighter note, my head doesn't hurt so much anymore and I was even able to cook AND eat dinner.


Say hello to my fishy buddy
Apr 12, 2006
Bremerton, Washington, United States
So... the tenant from Hell has won again. Some time between 6:30 and 8:00 Thursday night, she stuffed a hastily filled-out response into our storm door. B found it when he came in from work. It was filled out incorrectly, did not have the stamp from the County Clerk, stated on Pg. 2 that she had "under penalty of perjury" hand-delivered the document to me. She did not. That's 3 strikes, right: 1) late, 2) not hand-delivered and 3) perjury regarding point #2.

The judge ignored all of that. She refused to enter a default judgment because "well, she did respond." Now, look... we had to have everything filled out properly, do everything at the proper time and place, everything just so. We jumped through every hoop. The eviction notice says, right at the top and in bold, that a response must come on or before March 2, 2017 at 4:30pm. It does not say "whenever you get to it, preferably at the last minute and incorrectly." If that deadline can be tossed aside so lightly, why is it there at all? WHY have a deadline if the law does not recognize it?

So we are forced to file yet another paper, pay an additional $112 and have a hearing date set. We managed to get all of that done before 4:00 today. Our hearing is set for the 17th and, by God/dess, I hope the luck of the Irish is with us because we are going to go broke with this. It's been 4 months now. We should have taken in $4400 over that time (plus a $700 deposit we never got); we were given $200 in December to cover that month's electric bill (the name change hadn't taken effect yet). Now, we don't charge the going rate for rent around here. $1100/mo is below average for a 4 bd/2 bath on land. So the rent is not meant to enrich us. It costs money to maintain this land and the buildings on it. We are not "rich landlords."

This is making my husband sick with stress and I am genuinely scared that he might have a heart attack. I don't know what to do! What does this evil person want? (And, yes, she is evil. She is purposely inflicting pain upon others) I mean, does she think that we're going to just let her live there as long as she wants for free? Does she want the house signed over? I'm at the end of my -- very frayed -- rope.

Thanks for letting me vent. I now return you to your regular MB reading experience. :love_heart:


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
So... the tenant from Hell has won again. Some time between 6:30 and 8:00 Thursday night, she stuffed a hastily filled-out response into our storm door. B found it when he came in from work. It was filled out incorrectly, did not have the stamp from the County Clerk, stated on Pg. 2 that she had "under penalty of perjury" hand-delivered the document to me. She did not. That's 3 strikes, right: 1) late, 2) not hand-delivered and 3) perjury regarding point #2.

The judge ignored all of that. She refused to enter a default judgment because "well, she did respond." Now, look... we had to have everything filled out properly, do everything at the proper time and place, everything just so. We jumped through every hoop. The eviction notice says, right at the top and in bold, that a response must come on or before March 2, 2017 at 4:30pm. It does not say "whenever you get to it, preferably at the last minute and incorrectly." If that deadline can be tossed aside so lightly, why is it there at all? WHY have a deadline if the law does not recognize it?

So we are forced to file yet another paper, pay an additional $112 and have a hearing date set. We managed to get all of that done before 4:00 today. Our hearing is set for the 17th and, by God/dess, I hope the luck of the Irish is with us because we are going to go broke with this. It's been 4 months now. We should have taken in $4400 over that time (plus a $700 deposit we never got); we were given $200 in December to cover that month's electric bill (the name change hadn't taken effect yet). Now, we don't charge the going rate for rent around here. $1100/mo is below average for a 4 bd/2 bath on land. So the rent is not meant to enrich us. It costs money to maintain this land and the buildings on it. We are not "rich landlords."

This is making my husband sick with stress and I am genuinely scared that he might have a heart attack. I don't know what to do! What does this evil person want? (And, yes, she is evil. She is purposely inflicting pain upon others) I mean, does she think that we're going to just let her live there as long as she wants for free? Does she want the house signed over? I'm at the end of my -- very frayed -- rope.

Thanks for letting me vent. I now return you to your regular MB reading experience. :love_heart:

welcome to "the system". Make sure you document everything- get some paperwork reguarding what other rents are in the area so you can also prove you are charging less rent. Anything and everything you have as a legal proof. ( to much Judge Judy) you do need recipes of any expenses. Bank statements if needed, texts, anything in email/ written.
Any doctor visits for you or hubby that proves under additional stress-- documentation is the key. Pictures of damages. Pictures she/he are spend $ and not paying rent. You probably know all this already-- but be prepared. The system is not fair.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
So... the tenant from Hell has won again. Some time between 6:30 and 8:00 Thursday night, she stuffed a hastily filled-out response into our storm door. B found it when he came in from work. It was filled out incorrectly, did not have the stamp from the County Clerk, stated on Pg. 2 that she had "under penalty of perjury" hand-delivered the document to me. She did not. That's 3 strikes, right: 1) late, 2) not hand-delivered and 3) perjury regarding point #2.

The judge ignored all of that. She refused to enter a default judgment because "well, she did respond." Now, look... we had to have everything filled out properly, do everything at the proper time and place, everything just so. We jumped through every hoop. The eviction notice says, right at the top and in bold, that a response must come on or before March 2, 2017 at 4:30pm. It does not say "whenever you get to it, preferably at the last minute and incorrectly." If that deadline can be tossed aside so lightly, why is it there at all? WHY have a deadline if the law does not recognize it?

So we are forced to file yet another paper, pay an additional $112 and have a hearing date set. We managed to get all of that done before 4:00 today. Our hearing is set for the 17th and, by God/dess, I hope the luck of the Irish is with us because we are going to go broke with this. It's been 4 months now. We should have taken in $4400 over that time (plus a $700 deposit we never got); we were given $200 in December to cover that month's electric bill (the name change hadn't taken effect yet). Now, we don't charge the going rate for rent around here. $1100/mo is below average for a 4 bd/2 bath on land. So the rent is not meant to enrich us. It costs money to maintain this land and the buildings on it. We are not "rich landlords."

This is making my husband sick with stress and I am genuinely scared that he might have a heart attack. I don't know what to do! What does this evil person want? (And, yes, she is evil. She is purposely inflicting pain upon others) I mean, does she think that we're going to just let her live there as long as she wants for free? Does she want the house signed over? I'm at the end of my -- very frayed -- rope.

Thanks for letting me vent. I now return you to your regular MB reading experience. :love_heart:
....I will gladly come your way and stomp somebody's ass....just point me in the right direction.....


Original Kiwi© SKMB®
Apr 11, 2006
New Zealand
So... the tenant from Hell has won again. Some time between 6:30 and 8:00 Thursday night, she stuffed a hastily filled-out response into our storm door. B found it when he came in from work. It was filled out incorrectly, did not have the stamp from the County Clerk, stated on Pg. 2 that she had "under penalty of perjury" hand-delivered the document to me. She did not. That's 3 strikes, right: 1) late, 2) not hand-delivered and 3) perjury regarding point #2.

The judge ignored all of that. She refused to enter a default judgment because "well, she did respond." Now, look... we had to have everything filled out properly, do everything at the proper time and place, everything just so. We jumped through every hoop. The eviction notice says, right at the top and in bold, that a response must come on or before March 2, 2017 at 4:30pm. It does not say "whenever you get to it, preferably at the last minute and incorrectly." If that deadline can be tossed aside so lightly, why is it there at all? WHY have a deadline if the law does not recognize it?

So we are forced to file yet another paper, pay an additional $112 and have a hearing date set. We managed to get all of that done before 4:00 today. Our hearing is set for the 17th and, by God/dess, I hope the luck of the Irish is with us because we are going to go broke with this. It's been 4 months now. We should have taken in $4400 over that time (plus a $700 deposit we never got); we were given $200 in December to cover that month's electric bill (the name change hadn't taken effect yet). Now, we don't charge the going rate for rent around here. $1100/mo is below average for a 4 bd/2 bath on land. So the rent is not meant to enrich us. It costs money to maintain this land and the buildings on it. We are not "rich landlords."

This is making my husband sick with stress and I am genuinely scared that he might have a heart attack. I don't know what to do! What does this evil person want? (And, yes, she is evil. She is purposely inflicting pain upon others) I mean, does she think that we're going to just let her live there as long as she wants for free? Does she want the house signed over? I'm at the end of my -- very frayed -- rope.

Thanks for letting me vent. I now return you to your regular MB reading experience. :love_heart:
I'm so sorry for the stress of all this my friend, I am sending (((you and B))) great big hugs and peaceful resolution vibes right now.
Please keep talking to us about it... vent it all out, (((Tery.)))


Comfortably Roont
Nov 19, 2011
Behind you
What kind of people do this?

Reminds me of my ex room mate. I had no idea that I was the only one paying rent and he was behind 3 months before I got there- because his other room mate got out of there. Now I know why. She was the only one paying as well.

Things were getting shut off the first week. Always an excuse. 'debate with electric co, someone stole my debit card, bank wont let me get money, debate with comcast about bill. on and on... He just never paid anything. Or even had a bank account. Ended up stealing and cashing a check from me.
Again, thanks SKMB, and ghost19 for your time and all that good advice. What's wrong with people?

Thank gan I never signed the lease, or I would have been responsible. (thanks again skimom2 for all your help)

He seemed to know all the loopholes. And yes, Spideyman , I paid attention to Judge Judy too during that mess. Go Judge Judy!

Good luck to you Tery, go get em.
Last edited:


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I woke with a headache this morning. I used to suffer migraines. Haven't had one in ages, and this one was (still is) threatening to become one. That means, feeling a bit sick. But no fever, no cough. Not contagious.

So I headed to the mall. (Tomorrow may be a dark room and ice for me.)

Usually I love my city. Not today.

I go to the bank to update my book. Used to be able to do it at the machine but they "upgraded". The line up to the tellers is about a dozen people, so I line up behind one customer waiting at customer service. Another guy comes along and asks me if I'm in line. I say yes. So, he cuts in front of me. My head is throbbing. I cannot argue. Some guy comes walking out of bank, gets a few feet away from me and coughs. I feel it hit my face. I say "Thank you so much!" Give up on Customer Service. Go line up at teller. Woman gets in line behind me. She is white as a ghost...with deep red fever blotches all over her face. Barely able to breath and coughing up a lung. RIGHT BEHIND ME IN LINE! I will use letters here...I used words when I turned to her and said "FFS" I get out of line and go back to Customer Service.

Leave bank. Walking down mall. I was walking fast, woman to my left pushing stroller walking slower. I realize, I'm going to be just barely ahead of her when I get to where I want to turn left into a store. I don't want to cut her off, so I slow down and step behind her. Poor woman jumped out of her skin. Turned to me with a look of utter TERROR in her eyes. I apologized and explained why I had gotten behind her. She smiled, gave a nervous laugh and adjusted her hijab. It could happen to anyone....but political climate makes me think she was more fearful because she was wearing a hijab. I hate that my city would make anyone feel that way.

Finally leave the mall. Trying to cross the road and three different vehicles almost run me over. I have the green light and the little walk signal. They are rushing out of the church parking lot...eager to escape I guess. Don't think God gives extra points for running over pedestrians.
Wow - sounds like the day from Hell!

Sorry you had such a crappy time out there - it is March (near the end of a long winter) and maybe Wednesday was just 'one of those days' for a lot of people :oops::cold:

Hope that next time you make it through and perhaps even see a smile or two out there! :encouragement:

p.s. It was Ash Wednesday too - maybe they had ashes falling into their Tim Hortons! :facepalm_smiley: haha just kidding - I don't know for sure it was a Catholic church they were rushing out of :bee:

Healing vibes AnnaMarie :cheerful:


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
welcome to "the system". Make sure you document everything- get some paperwork reguarding what other rents are in the area so you can also prove you are charging less rent. Anything and everything you have as a legal proof. ( to much Judge Judy) you do need recipes of any expenses. Bank statements if needed, texts, anything in email/ written.
Any doctor visits for you or hubby that proves under additional stress-- documentation is the key. Pictures of damages. Pictures she/he are spend $ and not paying rent. You probably know all this already-- but be prepared. The system is not fair.
What Spidey said!

(sounds like you and Judge Judy eat lunch together!) :yes_pig::clap:

Good luck that they will be out ASAP


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2012
Wow - sounds like the day from Hell!

Sorry you had such a crappy time out there - it is March (near the end of a long winter) and maybe Wednesday was just 'one of those days' for a lot of people :oops::cold:

Hope that next time you make it through and perhaps even see a smile or two out there! :encouragement:

p.s. It was Ash Wednesday too - maybe they had ashes falling into their Tim Hortons! :facepalm_smiley: haha just kidding - I don't know for sure it was a Catholic church they were rushing out of :bee:

Healing vibes AnnaMarie :cheerful:

Yes it was a Catholic Church. And it was people who do not normally go to church through the week but only went because it was Ash Wednesday.

My week did improve, and Friday was stellar.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Firstly: I apologise if i Insulted someone with one of my Postings, (Mankind...Idiots) for Example.
I am Angry becouse....i watched the News,.
Stupid People who wants to Control this World, (Turkey, Belgium, ,Germany)
...damn u know what i am talking about ;;D

And then there was a News here n Germany...yesterday
A couple on a Walk found a Corpse of a Baby, not more than 4 Weeks old.

2 Weeks ago they found a Childrens Body on a Dump in a Plastic Bag (2 years old)
People, they make me Angry