Dalglish Road

  • This message board permanently closed on June 30th, 2020 at 4PM EDT and is no longer accepting new members.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2012
I thought the groups were still "seeable" when you visited the site, I take it this is not the case. I thought we could see them but just not post to them anymore. hmmm. I'll leave Jordan a message and see what he says. I don't think anyone's opinion was meant to be a mean spirited post, just everyone's opinion about the place.
Thank - you DJ. No, the threads or groups we collaborated in, (such as Dalgish Road, ??????????, Poets Place, Unofficial Halloween Story, ) are completely unviewable. When you go to look in, it says contact administrator and is blank. There is no ability to look at old, fun or past stories.
We know we are to post on the new board... would just like to see past connections is all. I did mention this to Jordan a few weeks after the site changed. He said he'd look into it, but then I'm not sure of what happened, each time I mentioned it not being able to view at all...said was addressed in another thread or takes time (I do understand).
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Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
Thank - you DJ. No, the threads or groups we collaborated in, (such as Dalgish Road, ??????????, Poets Place, Unofficial Halloween Story, ) are completely unviewable. When you go to look in, it says contact administrator and is blank. There is no ability to look at old, fun or past stories.
We know we are to post on the new board... would just like to see past connections is all. I did mention this to Jordan a few weeks after the site changed. He said he'd look into it, but then I'm not sure of what happened, each time I mentioned it not being able to view at all...said was addressed in another thread or takes time (I do understand).
I've got another message into him.

Stanley Ruiz

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2013
Didnt mean to sound pissy, just saying i was pissed is all. Cry pardon if it got your goat sunnie... But all my writings back then were done on ipad like V - and there is no 'save' button on this pad that i know of. I did have plans to sort it all out one day- dont we all.

But its everything i used to trawl through that has disappeared- all the funny banter in the groups that went, everything that tied us together as friends on here has gone. If you wanted to find out about someone- you read back...all the way back.

Did you watch the blooming romance between muskie and kobold? Fantastic to read, from day one to the magnificent blow off- all there for all to see. Poor guy. Or the argument between mark and nearly everyone he barged into- they were hilarious. Jd and his epic life story- gone. Poets corner -gone! what...was i meant to save everything on here to file. Thats just Impossible.

The old board was a document of our lives on here, and should not have been scrubbed so lightly, and then locked away from us just like that. I dont care what you reckon, it was wrong, and pissed off so many people on here that they have left never to return. Count them.

We were given very little time to act on the shift over, not even a PM. And i find it hard to grovel with apologies when my passion boils over at the loss of these things. Hell i cannot remember everything i wrote, every piece i added into 'mylifeforyousk' weekly competitions. Every funny someone added to the person before them. There was some great **** on there, years of funny memories that were wiped with the stroke of a finger. Did anyone think about that when they moved the group into the bin.

There was a group called 'on writing'

We were asked by sai king to try and write a story with role reversals in it. Many people done this and posted it for others to read. It was a fantastic idea. People began writing because stephen king egged them on. We had great stories on there. And we learned how to write. Not just write....really write!

It was wonderful.

Ahhhh....blah blah blah....i get too angry on here. Its wrong. You either get it or you dont - bottom line

IT IS ALL GONE - and i have not moved on!

Stanley Ruiz

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2013
Shakes fingers walking around room taking deeeeeeep breathes.

Basically, for me, the place is dull without the groups. Dull dull dull. Maybe its just me, most probably it is just me, but i'm sure i am not alone. All these avatars that have gone missing with 'computer problems' or ' life issues' seem to be adding up over in 'wherefore art thou' message board. I personally reckon they just switched off because we're sick of the daily blurb that is now cascading down the board, in a never ending scroll of blah.

Bring the fun times back please. I want to wake up to find sunnies daisies, and spideys happy fridays, or siggies bloody faeries posted on my wall!! Aggies funnies - or the guy who posted the gruesome movie stills. I want to be able to fly poster you all with nonsense again.



Ms. Mod
Jul 10, 2006
Shakes fingers walking around room taking deeeeeeep breathes.

Basically, for me, the place is dull without the groups. Dull dull dull. Maybe its just me, most probably it is just me, but i'm sure i am not alone. All these avatars that have gone missing with 'computer problems' or ' life issues' seem to be adding up over in 'wherefore art thou' message board. I personally reckon they just switched off because we're sick of the daily blurb that is now cascading down the board, in a never ending scroll of blah.

Bring the fun times back please. I want to wake up to find sunnies daisies, and spideys happy fridays, or siggies bloody faeries posted on my wall!! Aggies funnies - or the guy who posted the gruesome movie stills. I want to be able to fly poster you all with nonsense again.


This board software does not have an option for groups. We had to weigh the technological problems we were having and the fact that the vBulletin software was no longer going to support a piece of technology that is integral to running the entire site with keeping the groups and realized we could no longer continue with them. I'm sorry you and others are upset but many others are just fine with the site and we have to consider the overall working of the site first and foremost. If it's dull to you, then perhaps you could attempt to start a thread that is more in line with your tastes instead of just complaining about it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2012
This board software does not have an option for groups. We had to weigh the technological problems we were having and the fact that the vBulletin software was no longer going to support a piece of technology that is integral to running the entire site with keeping the groups and realized we could no longer continue with them. I'm sorry you and others are upset but many others are just fine with the site and we have to consider the overall working of the site first and foremost. If it's dull to you, then perhaps you could attempt to start a thread that is more in line with your tastes instead of just complaining about it.
Thank-you for checking this out. We can still conversation each other to talk directly...and this is appreciated. We are here to journey together, through the fantastic workings of Stephen King, to connect with world wide Ka-tet, and to discuss. Peace...and ...Love ....to all.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2012
Shakes fingers walking around room taking deeeeeeep breathes.

Basically, for me, the place is dull without the groups. Dull dull dull. Maybe its just me, most probably it is just me, but i'm sure i am not alone. All these avatars that have gone missing with 'computer problems' or ' life issues' seem to be adding up over in 'wherefore art thou' message board. I personally reckon they just switched off because we're sick of the daily blurb that is now cascading down the board, in a never ending scroll of blah.

Bring the fun times back please. I want to wake up to find sunnies daisies, and spideys happy fridays, or siggies bloody faeries posted on my wall!! Aggies funnies - or the guy who posted the gruesome movie stills. I want to be able to fly poster you all with nonsense again.

By the way... Happy Birthday you big lug:love::love:


Sunny the Great & Wonderful
Jun 12, 2008
Didnt mean to sound pissy, just saying i was pissed is all. Cry pardon if it got your goat sunnie... But all my writings back then were done on ipad like V - and there is no 'save' button on this pad that i know of. I did have plans to sort it all out one day- dont we all.

But its everything i used to trawl through that has disappeared- all the funny banter in the groups that went, everything that tied us together as friends on here has gone. If you wanted to find out about someone- you read back...all the way back.

Did you watch the blooming romance between muskie and kobold? Fantastic to read, from day one to the magnificent blow off- all there for all to see. Poor guy. Or the argument between mark and nearly everyone he barged into- they were hilarious. Jd and his epic life story- gone. Poets corner -gone! what...was i meant to save everything on here to file. Thats just Impossible.

The old board was a document of our lives on here, and should not have been scrubbed so lightly, and then locked away from us just like that. I dont care what you reckon, it was wrong, and pissed off so many people on here that they have left never to return. Count them.

We were given very little time to act on the shift over, not even a PM. And i find it hard to grovel with apologies when my passion boils over at the loss of these things. Hell i cannot remember everything i wrote, every piece i added into 'mylifeforyousk' weekly competitions. Every funny someone added to the person before them. There was some great **** on there, years of funny memories that were wiped with the stroke of a finger. Did anyone think about that when they moved the group into the bin.

There was a group called 'on writing'

We were asked by sai king to try and write a story with role reversals in it. Many people done this and posted it for others to read. It was a fantastic idea. People began writing because stephen king egged them on. We had great stories on there. And we learned how to write. Not just write....really write!

It was wonderful.

Ahhhh....blah blah blah....i get too angry on here. Its wrong. You either get it or you dont - bottom line

IT IS ALL GONE - and i have not moved on!

Shakes fingers walking around room taking deeeeeeep breathes.

Basically, for me, the place is dull without the groups. Dull dull dull. Maybe its just me, most probably it is just me, but i'm sure i am not alone. All these avatars that have gone missing with 'computer problems' or ' life issues' seem to be adding up over in 'wherefore art thou' message board. I personally reckon they just switched off because we're sick of the daily blurb that is now cascading down the board, in a never ending scroll of blah.

Bring the fun times back please. I want to wake up to find sunnies daisies, and spideys happy fridays, or siggies bloody faeries posted on my wall!! Aggies funnies - or the guy who posted the gruesome movie stills. I want to be able to fly poster you all with nonsense again.


Gregg.....Please.......stop for a minute, and just listen to yourself......You didn't get my goat, and I'm not upset with you....but the whining and griping really need to stop. I'm saying this with all the honesty and love that I have.....
You are taking a public forum on a message board way too seriously. I think there was plenty of notice given for everyone to copy and save anything they wanted to keep.....I know I saw several announcements with cut off dates posted. Jordan even posted very good directions for emailing files to ourselves along with other options to save the files.
Could it be that maybe the announcements and switch were made during one of your notorious "leaving the board episodes", and you missed the information? I was able to copy everything I wanted to keep, with plenty of time left over. Nobody here is so special that they deserved a PM to notify them of the change. Software eventually becomes obsolete, and changes are necessary.....we have to accept it and deal with it.
You can't continue to blame the admins for this....that is just wrong.

I did read the backstory of the writing group in its entirety......and I have to say that I disagree with the points you made about some of it being wonderful or hilarious.....I found the whole thing with Muskie's online romance kinda horrible....it had to have been awful for him, and to play out publicly like that....how embarrassing. I felt really bad for him.....and for me, the thing with Mark was anything but hilarious.....
and how many times did certain "group owners" get bent out of shape, and delete the entire group?....I can recall several times. I wouldn't call that fun.....at least it wasn't for me. I don't enjoy stuff like that.

I'm not saying that it was all bad, either.....there was a lot of laughter and friendships were built..... but those friendships won't fail simply by losing group writings, or entire message boards. True friendship stands.

I think that people move on from here for whatever reason, and I don't believe it really has anything to do with the format of the new site....Life throws us huge curveballs sometimes.....we have to deal with it the best way we can.

If you miss my daisies, I'll do better to post them more often.....you can find Spidey's Happy Fridays and all sorts of her fabulous "Spidey Zen" in the Cantina.....Siggie still posts Faeries from time to time, and has some really good discussion topics. All you have to do is look around and give the new place a real try.....the people haven't changed.....we just have a new house.

I know this is gonna make you angry....and I'm sorry. I hope that when the anger passes, you will realize that I have said all this in a true spirit of love and friendship.
Please give the new place a try.....start threads about things you like....if you build it, they will come ♥

Love & Daisies

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
Gregg.....Please.......stop for a minute, and just listen to yourself......You didn't get my goat, and I'm not upset with you....but the whining and griping really need to stop. I'm saying this with all the honesty and love that I have.....
You are taking a public forum on a message board way too seriously. I think there was plenty of notice given for everyone to copy and save anything they wanted to keep.....I know I saw several announcements with cut off dates posted. Jordan even posted very good directions for emailing files to ourselves along with other options to save the files.
Could it be that maybe the announcements and switch were made during one of your notorious "leaving the board episodes", and you missed the information? I was able to copy everything I wanted to keep, with plenty of time left over. Nobody here is so special that they deserved a PM to notify them of the change. Software eventually becomes obsolete, and changes are necessary.....we have to accept it and deal with it.
You can't continue to blame the admins for this....that is just wrong.

I did read the backstory of the writing group in its entirety......and I have to say that I disagree with the points you made about some of it being wonderful or hilarious.....I found the whole thing with Muskie's online romance kinda horrible....it had to have been awful for him, and to play out publicly like that....how embarrassing. I felt really bad for him.....and for me, the thing with Mark was anything but hilarious.....
and how many times tod certain "group owners" get bent out of shape, and delete the entire group?....I can recall several times. I wouldn't call that fun.....at least it wasn't for me. I don't enjoy stuff like that.

I'm not saying that it was all bad, either.....there was a lot of laughter and friendships were built..... but those friendships won't fail simply by losing group writings, or entire message boards. True friendship stands.

I think that people move on from here for whatever reason, and I don't believe it really has anything to do with the format of the new site....Life throws us huge curveballs sometimes.....we have to deal with it the best way we can.

If you miss my daisies, I'll do better to post them more often.....you can find Spidey's Happy Fridays and all sorts of her fabulous "Spidey Zen" in the Cantina.....Siggie still posts Faeries from time to time, and has some really good discussion topics. All you have to do is look around and give the new place a real try.....the people haven't changed.....we just have a new house.

I know this is gonna make you angry....and I'm sorry. I hope that when the anger passes, you will realize that I have said all this in a true spirit of love and friendship.
Please give the new place a try.....start threads about things you like....if you build it, they will come ♥

Love & Daisies
Well stated. Jordan did give everyone plenty of time to get what they wanted, or make arrangements to find some way to copy the work. And reminders were going out regularly how much time was left. I am very sorry this work was lost to you. It happens to writers all the time, that's why it's important to have a backup copy of things--always.
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Stanley Ruiz

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2013
So "- get what you can - because its all going for eva"- is alright?

Yeh, i know i missed the calling because of another of my tantrums, (sigh) but just taking it away from public viewing So noone else can see just seems wrong.

True, I lost count of how many times i left the board and came back. But the last time was a big shock to the system.

Call it a character building sabbatical.

Thanks for the daisies


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
Thank you Sunny. I didn't participate in the writing groups as I am not a writer, but there were groups I enjoyed. I have lost material I desired to keep in the past, so can understand a little how it must feel when treasured writings are lost. Never knew about "backing up "ones' work. I learned! Jordan did give us ample opportunity to copy any group material we felt we might need. Even I, the dinosaur of technology, managed to get what I felt was important to be saved. The groups always were an extra to the SKMB. The Ka-Tet is still here and stronger than ever. There will always be Happy Fridays, Daisies and Faeries. I send you Love and Green Lights!!

Gregg, have you tried using the conversation feature-- it allows up to 5 joining the discussion. Perhaps a "small" writing group could converse in that fashion. And, a bonus, if you use the feature to notify you via your private email, you will automatically have a "save" in your email of the writings.


Ms. Mod
Jul 10, 2006
So "- get what you can - because its all going for eva"- is alright?

Yeh, i know i missed the calling because of another of my tantrums, (sigh) but just taking it away from public viewing So noone else can see just seems wrong.

True, I lost count of how many times i left the board and came back. But the last time was a big shock to the system.

Call it a character building sabbatical.

Thanks for the daisies

I'd have to let Jordan answer this one to give a definitive answer but my recollection is that there wasn't a way to be able to keep the group discussions visible once we discontinued using their software.

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
Have you typed in the name of a particular writing piece or a remembered line into google search? You'd be surprised what Google has cached. What do you think all those little spiders and bots are doing? They are grabbing information!
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M e m b e r
Apr 11, 2006
UnParked, UnParked U.S.A.
So "- get what you can - because its all going for eva"- is alright?

Yeh, i know i missed the calling because of another of my tantrums, (sigh) but just taking it away from public viewing So noone else can see just seems wrong.

True, I lost count of how many times i left the board and came back. But the last time was a big shock to the system.

Call it a character building sabbatical.

Thanks for the daisies

There is an option to buy you own software.

. . .and there are no daises included in my comment.

Yeap, I'm being mean.

Stanley Ruiz

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2013
. . .If you put it on the net it no longer belongs to you. Find a way to save what's dear to you. Simple . . .

@Sundrop . . .

Spot on.


Thats exactly what i am saying - The whole site was dear to me and many more folks. Thats my arguement( bah cant get the bloody bold off)
What you are saying is i should have saved the entire site before it was moved. As for 'putting things on the net means it no longer belongs to me' what a lot of tosh.

I get it, my fault, say sorry.

Thanks for the info about the pm. Ill have a look- but i dont think i will have5 people to pm after this.

Have a nice day ya'll


Sunny the Great & Wonderful
Jun 12, 2008

Thats exactly what i am saying - The whole site was dear to me and many more folks. Thats my arguement( bah cant get the bloody bold off)
What you are saying is i should have saved the entire site before it was moved. As for 'putting things on the net means it no longer belongs to me' what a lot of tosh.

I get it, my fault, say sorry.

Thanks for the info about the pm. Ill have a look- but i dont think i will have5 people to pm after this.

Have a nice day ya'll

It isn't really anyone's fault.....that's what I've been trying to say. It was an unfortunate thing that happened, but the admins didn't set out to just wipe it all out.....they had to change website providers because the old system was basically broken. I could be wrong, but the way I understand it is that when they stopped using the old system, they were no longer able to access it or provide access for us.... therefore, they did the best they could do and announced that we would no longer have access after a certain time. If I misunderstood or misstated, I apologize..... I just really hate to see you or anyone else get so very bent out of shape.... and in anger, blame the admins for something they really had no real control over.

Stanley Ruiz

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2013
No worries sunnie - I just don't like being told to suck it up, or deal with it. I know what's done is done - but yeh, I'm kinda sad.

It's like, when I was a kid, we used to play down the local park where they were always digging the roads up. We used to wait until the road crew disappeared, then make shoe prints on the cement. We'd write stupid things hidden in corners , where posts were sunk, and run off into the hills thinking we were awesome. I would pass by these places for years to follow,and look down at the old handprints or initials of gc loves rd , or Neil rules, and chuckle to myself. They were there for years, decades- part of the bango skank in me. Even after the friendships had moved on

Then, one year, after getting back from my posting in Germany , I felt nostalgic , and took a walk down the park. Same park we all used to sit and drink our juice boxes , stamping our feet in the drying cement, then running of like Bonnie and Clyde from the security, sticking fingers up at any lingering authority figure .

It was all gone, and in the parks place - apartments.
A little piece of my connection to the past gone - all that I knew , all I was connected to with that park was gone. It was just another complex, on another new street.

The site was nostalgic to me in the same way. I left my mark like all the other kids, so that I could step back and laugh at the initials in the concrete.

Now, this is just another complex, on another new street corner.

Make new shoe marks I hear you cry. For how long this time I reply .

I will try.