People's reactions to Stephen King

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Active Member
Jul 7, 2019
While it may be an awkward question, how do people react when they know you enjoy Stephen King? The reason i ask is because whenever i tell people Stephen King is my favorite author, some people look at me like there is something wrong with me. And i am not joking when i have had people take a step back and give me a look like they think i am crazy. This has happened on a few different occasions when i will be at a book store or when my coworkers are talking about their favorite authors and i say Stephen King, some people look like i am crazy. Does this happen to other people?

By the way, i should comment that when i tell people that i don't act crazy and start talking super fast or jumping up and down or anything like that.


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
What I have noticed over the years are two basic reactions--
One- they will start up a conversation of pure joy as SK is also a favorite author. Or
they will give you that look that you are totally whacked out and crazy. I've even had a neighbor tell me I;d rot in hell for reading such sacrilegious books. I am still reading them!!! :devil::)


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
What I have noticed over the years are two basic reactions--
One- they will start up a conversation of pure joy as SK is also a favorite author. Or
they will give you that look that you are totally whacked out and crazy. I've even had a neighbor tell me I;d rot in hell for reading such sacrilegious books. I am still reading them!!! :devil::)


Some people are pretty amazed.
"Oh, Stephen King ? Really ? Isn`t it very scary stuff ?"

And yes, some people give you "the look" like you are totally nuts.

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
They become very judgmental. And the judging starts with their thoughts on Stephen King. They tell me what kind of guy he is. Weird and creepy. Which translates to, I must be weird and creepy. Without making this hot topic, political and christian people start praising the lord and passing the ammunition.

After they put him down (back handedly putting me down) my first question is, "Have you ever read a Stephen King book or watched him discuss a topic on youtube or TV?" Almost always, they say no. And that's when I say, "How can you have an opinion when you have never read one of his books or listened to him speak on a topic? Shut the hell up." And I have said that. I have told people to shut the hell up. :laugh:

Now. Depending on the book, their assessment might be validated -- when it comes to the stories. We all know the stories can be ghastly, weird and creepy. But, we have an imagination. We can separate the creation from the creator. The Mrs. Carmodys of the world have no imagination. None. They can't fathom that a work of fiction is creativity, make believe. These writings must be the measure of the man. These must be personal stories, terrifying revelations and dark desires.

But, how many of us really know Stephen King personally? By all the interviews he's given (where the same question is asked and the same answer is given over and over for years where we learn nothing new because interviewers squander the opportunity,) well...not many insights are bestowed on us there.

We do "see" him more in real time by all the random things he's posted or said on twitter -- and I think he's a pretty cool guy. These wonderful serendipitous moments are so fun. I've always said I enjoy the non-fiction Stephen King more than the fictional one -- and that fictional guy has entertained me beyond words.

So back to Plato's Cave and the shadow watchers -- If they would read a book AND watch him speak on a variety of topics to get a really good picture of the man, and then they want to comment, I would give them the time of day.

Until then, shut the hell up.
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Stark Raving Normal
Mar 23, 2007
I usually get the "crazy" look when I say I love SK's stuff, followed by a short lecture of "how can you read that kind of stuff? It's just nonsense, it's no wonder you turned out the way you did....etc etc etc", I let them have their say then I ask, "have you ever read any of his work?, no? well then you don't know what you're talking about, come back to me when you have read something and we can talk then".


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
They become very judgmental. And the judging starts with their thoughts on Stephen King. They tell me what kind of guy he is. Weird and creepy. Which translates to, I must be weird and creepy. Without making this hot topic, political and christian people start praising the lord and passing the ammunition.

After they put him down (back handedly putting me down) my first question is, "Have you ever read a Stephen King book or watched him discuss a topic on youtube or TV?" Almost always, they say no. And that's when I say, "How can you have an opinion when you have never read one of his books or listened to him speak on a topic? Shut the hell up." And I have said that. I have told people to shut the hell up. :laugh:

Now. Depending on the book, their assessment might be validated -- when it comes to the stories. We all know the stories can be ghastly, weird and creepy. But, we have an imagination. We can separate the creation from the creator. The Mrs. Carmody's of the world have no imagination. None. They can't fathom that a work of fiction is creativity, make believe. These writings must be the measure of the man. These must be personal stories, terrifying revelations and dark desires.

But, how many of us really know Stephen King personally? By all the interviews he's given (where the same question is asked and the same answer is given over and over for years where we learn nothing new because interviewers squander the opportunity,) well...not many insights are bestowed on us there.

We do "see" him more in real time by all the random things he's posted or said on twitter -- and I think he's a pretty cool guy. These wonderful serendipitous moments are so fun. I've always said I enjoy the non-fiction Stephen King more than the fictional one -- and that fictional guy has entertained me beyond words.

So back to Plato's Cave and the shadow watchers -- If they would read a book AND watch him speak on a variety of topics to get a really good picture of the man, and then they want to comment, I would give them the time of day.

Until then, shut the hell up.
.....damn girl, you are just amazing.....your wordsmithing is so keenly on, I'll just shut the hell up......


All-being, keeper of Space, Time & Dimension.
Jul 11, 2006
Spokane, WA
Like those above, I get the 'look' also. But, I will usually ask them if they've seen the movies 'The Green Mile' or 'The Shawshank Redemption'. Most folks have seen Shawshank but don't know that it's from a novella written by King and are amazed when they find out. Then I get to be the one that gives a look of 'So there!' ;)


Sunny the Great & Wonderful
Jun 12, 2008
Three of my favorite clients became dear friends after they learned that I love reading Stephen King. We even have discussions during their hair appointments, and we've loaned each other books and gone to movies as a group.


I tell you one and one makes three...
Mar 16, 2010
Like those above, I get the 'look' also. But, I will usually ask them if they've seen the movies 'The Green Mile' or 'The Shawshank Redemption'. Most folks have seen Shawshank but don't know that it's from a novella written by King and are amazed when they find out. Then I get to be the one that gives a look of 'So there!' ;)

Stand By Me is another good one to spring on people that give you the look. Most people don't realize / don't believe the movie is based on a King novella.


very avid fan
Aug 7, 2009
dublin ireland
I get a lot of the same mixed reactions. The only time I get annoyed is when people start saying things like how can you read his stuff when you know his outspoken political views. First I don't care about his politics. As far as I'm concerened that comes under the category of not my business. If you only read authors whose politics you agreed with you'd be missing out on a LOT of brilliant writing. I do love the face of doubters who didn't realize he's the author of Shawshank, Greenmile, Stand by Me, etc.

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
I get a lot of the same mixed reactions. The only time I get annoyed is when people start saying things like how can you read his stuff when you know his outspoken political views. First I don't care about his politics. As far as I'm concerened that comes under the category of not my business. If you only read authors whose politics you agreed with you'd be missing out on a LOT of brilliant writing. I do love the face of doubters who didn't realize he's the author of Shawshank, Greenmile, Stand by Me, etc.


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
But, we have an imagination. We can separate the creation from the creator. The Mrs. Carmodys of the world have no imagination. None. They can't fathom that a work of fiction is creativity, make believe.
I'm sort of going off on a tangent here but I heard the same reaction to a Robert Munsch book called "Murmel, Murmel, Murmel" - a lady who was returning the book was offended that the baby was given away at the end to a truck driver.

I commented that it was just the author being silly and her reply was "So said the bank robber to the bank"


Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
I'm sort of going off on a tangent here but I heard the same reaction to a Robert Munsch book called "Murmel, Murmel, Murmel" - a lady who was returning the book was offended that the baby was given away at the end to a truck driver.

I commented that it was just the author being silly and her reply was "So said the bank robber to the bank"

You should've told her to take that stick out of her azz and maybe it wouldn't itch-up her brain.
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Happy to be here!
Feb 18, 2012
While it may be an awkward question, how do people react when they know you enjoy Stephen King? The reason i ask is because whenever i tell people Stephen King is my favorite author, some people look at me like there is something wrong with me. And i am not joking when i have had people take a step back and give me a look like they think i am crazy. This has happened on a few different occasions when i will be at a book store or when my coworkers are talking about their favorite authors and i say Stephen King, some people look like i am crazy. Does this happen to other people?

By the way, i should comment that when i tell people that i don't act crazy and start talking super fast or jumping up and down or anything like that.
Agree with what everyone has mentioned. So my advice to you is start doing the above. If they already think you are crazy, make 'em sweat!! :biggrin2:


Cantre Member
Apr 5, 2008
120 miles S of the Pancake/Waffle line
While it may be an awkward question, how do people react when they know you enjoy Stephen King? The reason i ask is because whenever i tell people Stephen King is my favorite author, some people look at me like there is something wrong with me. And i am not joking when i have had people take a step back and give me a look like they think i am crazy. This has happened on a few different occasions when i will be at a book store or when my coworkers are talking about their favorite authors and i say Stephen King, some people look like i am crazy. Does this happen to other people?

By the way, i should comment that when i tell people that i don't act crazy and start talking super fast or jumping up and down or anything like that.

I have that reaction when people tell me they read James Patterson. :)