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  1. DexterTan

    New Writer

    I wrote a 20000 word story in 10 weeks for my Masters course. It's not finished yet either =D
  2. DexterTan

    New Writer

    I've never looked at eggs the same since reading On Writing.
  3. DexterTan

    Funniest Scenes in SK Works.

    From "IT" Ben bounced to his feet. It was awesome to watch Ben Hanscomb bounce.
  4. DexterTan

    Only if you've finished it *SPOILERS*

    Favourite quotes: "What are you doing?" "Therapy!" The line about being a multi tasker had me laughing out loud. There are some books I haven't read of King but this is probably the first time I've read King writing Crime Fiction. And it was GOOD. I compare it to "best sellers" in the...
  5. DexterTan

    Funniest Scenes in SK Works.

    Funny in a sick kind of way. When I read it I just thought "King. Dude, you're sick!" Wizard & Glass. Something about Latigo and where he's from, Reindeer F**king was the chief sport. Unless your sister was slower than you. Only King would write something as sick and funny as that.
  6. DexterTan

    Stephen King is a Hack

    Apologies if there's a dedicated thread for Stephen King articles. I thought I'd share this story. Sure from what I've heard, the series of Under the Dome is NOTHING like the book - which I quite enjoyed. Hower to personally attack King? Really? ‘Under the Dome’: A ludicrous tale enters...
  7. DexterTan

    I wonder how you can write with acknowledgement to Stephen King's work without getting into trouble.

    I'm using the quote just like how SK uses quotes/poems at the beginning of his books....
  8. DexterTan

    I wonder how you can write with acknowledgement to Stephen King's work without getting into trouble.

    Well I'm writing a 20000 word fantasy story for university and I'll be using the quote from Jake Chambers (fully referenced of course). "Go then, there are other worlds than this" I think that's how it goes. I don't think I'll get into trouble for that!
  9. DexterTan

    Stephen King References In Popular Culture

    A recent ep of Castle, Steve is mentioned, YET AGAIN by Richard Castle that Steve's been invited to the wedding.
  10. DexterTan

    Which Stephen King's book makes you feel good?

    Shawshank Redemption, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, The Talisman
  11. DexterTan

    Who else.....

    The bit where
  12. DexterTan

    Favourite quotes and passages-spoilers of course.

    A few of my favourites are: From Wizard and Glass - taking a peek at where Roland has come from. I especially loved the bit where all the fathers were talking to their kids before they set off. Just why was Alain's Dad called "Burning" Chris is one of the things that makes me wish there was...
  13. DexterTan

    Who else.....

    So who else gets a little emotional at the ending? Every damn time, I re read the book, the ending just gets me. Love the lines such as it's not everyone's idea of a King book but it's certainly one of my favourites. As King said himself, was it in On Writing? It's a situational story...
  14. DexterTan

    What Are You Reading?

    Currently reading: The Complete Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and re reading SK's Under the Dome. I don't know who's the more unlikeable human beings SK has written - Selectman Remmie or Beverly's husband from IT . DEX
  15. DexterTan

    What was your reaction.

    When you finally had the book in your hands? I didn't even know the final chapter had been released. I was wandering around a book store, and then I saw it. The hardcover edition of The Dark Tower. I nearly fell to my knees. The only thing I kept thinking was "It's here, It's here!!!!"...
  16. DexterTan

    Can't Sleep? Read A Book!

    I don't know why, but I thought of a crazed Ned Flanders as Ed Deepneu, especially how Deepneu was introduced!
  17. DexterTan

    Can't Sleep? Read A Book!

    Probably one of my favourite SK novels.
  18. DexterTan

    Easy Big Fella....

    Going to have to Beep Beep him once in a while.
  19. DexterTan

    Easy Big Fella....

    I cry your pardon. Dammit, I got to stop talking Dark Tower talk or I'll have to read it all over again!
  20. DexterTan

    Stephen King References In Popular Culture

    Damn. It would have been great to just have a 1 minute clip of Castle calling King for advice on something :) OT. How do I do the spoiler tags? Is it ["spoiler"] ["/spoiler"] ?