Are You a Super-Recognizer?

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The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
And this child in the class would have been called what? I know! Dana Jean!

....annnnnd, still drunk......


Happy to be here!
Feb 18, 2012
That's what The Internet Movie Database is for! You can search any movie, TV show, even most short films; foreign and domestic, and get a list of everyone involved in the production. Everyone! From the cast and director to the writers and best boy and probably the guy who changes the light bulbs, if you know what his job is called. Then you can click their names and see anything they've worked on.

Most every person listed has a biography, and most every movie etc, has a plot synopsis, trivia section (short interesting facts), quotes, and FAQ. And more!

The IMDb has some pretty cool search functions, too, so if you want to find only movies where Danny DeVito and Billy Idol worked together (I don't think there are any, but if there were) there is a way to check that. You can search for plot elements, or character names, or films made in any location.

I can lose hours clicking from one thing to another, and it often starts just like you say above. We'll be watching something and I'll say, "Oh man, who is that guy? Isn't he the one that was in that other movie? With the pretty lady who hated him at first but them they ended up together And they were running all over trying to get that thing before the bad guys could find it?" (Which, you may notice, is the plot of about eleventy thousand movies....)

So now, I just type whatever we're currently watching into the IMDb and in a few clicks I find the name I'm looking for. I've been known to access it by sticking both my head and my smartphone inside my shirt at movie theaters to I can know RIGHT NOW without (hopefully) annoying the people around me. :a11:

Check it out, you won't be disappointed!
Thanks Jen! I do know about IMDb. Have the app and will use it only if I can't figure it out myself. It usually goes something like this :

"Oh, that's the guy that played so and so's friend. What was that movie? Oh it was _____! And he was in _____ and _____, too! Remember? "

I even do it for voice overs in animated movies. Good thing my family loves me!:rolleyes:


Waiting in Uber.
Jan 3, 2010
In your mirror.
I am observant by nature and I reinforced it by studying how to be observant.

I can remember large amounts of information but it might take me a while to bring up the information. I tend to store the information in a weird way. (Philip tried to figure out how I keep so much crap in my head but he was baffled. Ha!) If I have trouble bringing up the info, I don't chase it. It tends to get further away the more I struggle. I have a *secretary* in my mind. When I can't remember something I let it go and let her look for it. (Like I said, I tend to file information in a weird manner.) In 5 or 10 minutes, it comes to me.


carrie's younger brother

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2012
That's what The Internet Movie Database is for! You can search any movie, TV show, even most short films; foreign and domestic, and get a list of everyone involved in the production. Everyone! From the cast and director to the writers and best boy and probably the guy who changes the light bulbs, if you know what his job is called. Then you can click their names and see anything they've worked on.

Most every person listed has a biography, and most every movie etc, has a plot synopsis, trivia section (short interesting facts), quotes, and FAQ. And more!

The IMDb has some pretty cool search functions, too, so if you want to find only movies where Danny DeVito and Billy Idol worked together (I don't think there are any, but if there were) there is a way to check that. You can search for plot elements, or character names, or films made in any location.

I can lose hours clicking from one thing to another, and it often starts just like you say above. We'll be watching something and I'll say, "Oh man, who is that guy? Isn't he the one that was in that other movie? With the pretty lady who hated him at first but them they ended up together And they were running all over trying to get that thing before the bad guys could find it?" (Which, you may notice, is the plot of about eleventy thousand movies....)

So now, I just type whatever we're currently watching into the IMDb and in a few clicks I find the name I'm looking for. I've been known to access it by sticking both my head and my smartphone inside my shirt at movie theaters to I can know RIGHT NOW without (hopefully) annoying the people around me. :a11:

Check it out, you won't be disappointed!
Oh sure. Of course. IMDB is a great resource. But part of the fun is remembering on your own... the old-school way!