I always thought that Jud stayed up all night on the porch to make sure no one was using the Micmac Burial ground. Like Louis even comment "Maybe they stand watch." This lead me to think of something, maybe are a select number of people in the town that serve and guardians of the place. This group may have been in existance since the town was settled or maybe even before. Jud once mentioned there were other ways up to the Burial ground, maybe someone else watches over them. Maybe that is part of the reason that Jud brings Louis into the fold, one day he'd be in charge of watching the path and seeing is believing as far as something like this goes. It would make more sense. After watching the movies and even reading the book it does seem like there is a bit of a cover up in the town, that they kind sweep things under the rug. Maybe the 'guardians' also keep things quiet. What do you think?
On an slightly related note, there is an awesome documentary about the Pet Sematary movie and book on Amazon Prime. It actually shows the real Pet Sematary. Here is a pcuture

On an slightly related note, there is an awesome documentary about the Pet Sematary movie and book on Amazon Prime. It actually shows the real Pet Sematary. Here is a pcuture