Mr Mercedes - Please read, Mr King *Possible Spoilers*

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The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
Yes, yes, yes, yes... but....
...if I had known all those years ago that all it would take for me to be passed over Steve's desk [DON'T GO THERE] in the form of some personal correspondence, was to waltz in here and trash talk (mostly kidding... we're all definitely entitled to hate on his books) his work....

"Steve, you suck, my dog could write better than you... and she's just a b1tch."
"Steve, (may I call you that?) what the hell were you thinking? Glocks don't have safeties... I come from a land Down Under--and even we know that! (Okay... I really didn't..)
"Steve, New Zealand is NOT a God Awful Place.. it's the people, that suck... get yer facts straight."

Marsha? (Moderator) Please would you forward Stephen my correspondence and let him know that he can call my people when he's ready to make amends.
...and you forgot his personal mantra-"worship at my feet Constant Peons, whilst buffing my shoes with thine Ben Franklins!".....


Sunny the Great & Wonderful
Jun 12, 2008
I didn't know about this Forum, otherwise I would have posted on here long ago. And my posts state quite clearly how much of a SK fan I am, by default meaning that he has brought me much joy over the years. I eagerly await every new book, but Mr Mercedes was such a disappointment, I just had to state my opinion somewhere. Ideally I wanted to write directly to him, but apparently that is not possible. Looks like by far the majority of opinion on here is in favor of Mr Mercedes, which is very surprising. Maybe everyone is so overawed by SK that you just can't bring yourselves to say anything negative about his work, or otherwise you do not have very high expectations.

First..... Welcome, Adam :)

I wouldn't go so far as to say any of us are overawed or that we don't have high expectations. I find that statement more than a little insulting, but am hopeful that you're merely venting your personal frustration, and were not throwing stones at fans who enjoyed the book.
I think the main thing to keep in mind is that no one, not even Stephen King is going to please everyone all the time. For instance, I didn't particularly enjoy 11/22/63.....but almost everyone else in the free world seems to have loved it.

Maybe you'll stick around and find something here that you like......we're a lot of fun, and a pretty smart bunch once you give us a chance. :)

Now that I know how you feel about Mr. Mercedes, what are some of your favorite books?
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Eternal Members
Jul 9, 2007
That's exactly my point - he doesn't need to do it for the money, so why start churning out inferior novels, Dean Koontz-style? I would rather wait 3 years for a decent book than getting 2 crap books a year from SK. (Just as an example, not meaning that his last two books were crap.)
I guess you are not a Dean Koontz fan then? Like King's novels, not every one is a winner, but there are some good ones. I wouldn't call his books inferior though. Obviously, you have some very strong opinions.

John Adam

Jul 31, 2014
...oh now come on!....I am "overawed" by the chutzpah it takes to roll in here as a Noob, and proceed to demolish not only us, but King as well....I need to find this feller, coz I'm sure to be rich when I do-since everything he doth touch, turneth into gold....and his farts smell like raspberry sherbert...
You remarks are completely off-kilter, and out of context.
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John Adam

Jul 31, 2014
I guess you are not a Dean Koontz fan then? Like King's novels, not every one is a winner, but there are some good ones. I wouldn't call his books inferior though. Obviously, you have some very strong opinions.
Dean Koontz? I liked some of his earlier books, "Whispers" and the brilliant "Twilight" comes to mind, but his later works became lazy, just cashing in on his own success with little effort.
Yes, I do have strong opinions and I have very high standards. I feel cheated when authors become mediocre in their efforts.
PS. I sometimes suspect the King wrote "Twilight" for Dean Koontz. It was just too good a book for Koontz, certainly something he could never replicate...

John Adam

Jul 31, 2014
View attachment 4222
First..... Welcome, Adam :)

I wouldn't go so far as to say any of us are overawed or that we don't have high expectations. I find that statement more than a little insulting, but am hopeful that you're merely venting your personal frustration, and were not throwing stones at fans who enjoyed the book.
I think the main thing to keep in mind is that no one, not even Stephen King is going to please everyone all the time. For instance, I didn't particularly enjoy 11/22/63.....but almost everyone else in the free world seems to have loved it.

Maybe you'll stick around and find something here that you like......we're a lot of fun, and a pretty smart bunch once you give us a chance. :)

Now that I know how you feel about Mr. Mercedes, what are some of your favorite books?
You are completely right, I was/am still just venting my disappointment, and certainly not throwing stones or trying to insult anybody. Btw, I am in Australia, hence the delay in my responses due to the time zone difference.
Some of my favorite books (by SK I assume you meant?): The Stand, IT, The Shining, Misery, Lisey's Story, Duma Key, Bag of Bones, The Dark Tower series, The Green Mile, Rose Madder, too many to mention really. Least favorite: Mr Mercedes (obviously), Insomnia, Dr Sleep

John Adam

Jul 31, 2014
Also, Firestarter and especially The Dead Zone are right up there as my all-time favorites. For me, the story really needs to pull you in on an emotional level. That's what's wrong with Mr Mercedes, maybe a good yarn, but it left me cold, un-involved, unconvinced.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio