Bad News. The World Is Going To End Today.

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The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
I took it in today to be repaired.
They called and asked where the smashed bumper was. I told them the tow-truck driver took it and kept it.
They want to use several parts from it. I asked them when I got the insurance estimate if they needed the old bumper. No.
Now they want it--who knows if the guy kept it? Probably not.
He said if they don't get it, then they'll have to order more parts, so I won't get my car back until next week!!!!!
I am driving a rental. It's blue. Electric blue. At least it's a Nissan, but so very ugly. I tried to take a curve today in it like I was in my car.
Squealing wheels!!!! My son got a big kick out of it. Here's what it looks like:

So very un-Dana-like. not sexy like danie look like blue bread-box on wheels....danie not look like dat.....


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
Well I really wish now that I hadn't told my boss what I think about him and then gone round every desk in my office giving everyone the finger (on both hands) before laughing like a loon and running out the door butt naked.

It is making this morning really really awkward. The same thing happened in 2011. When will these 'scientists' get their information right?
...same thing here, only I crop-dusted everybutty too....oh time....


I am whatever you say I am.
Feb 26, 2008
Kentucky not sexy like danie look like blue bread-box on wheels....danie not look like dat.....
AND, of course, the guy doesn't have the old bumper anymore, so the body shop had to order more parts. Won't get my car until next week. :(
PLUS, the weather is gorgeous, and I so want to drive some curvy roads with the sunroof down.
I drove little blue bread box home yesterday and have avoided it ever since. ;-D


All-being, keeper of Space, Time & Dimension.
Jul 11, 2006
Spokane, WA
I took it in today to be repaired.
They called and asked where the smashed bumper was. I told them the tow-truck driver took it and kept it.
They want to use several parts from it. I asked them when I got the insurance estimate if they needed the old bumper. No.
Now they want it--who knows if the guy kept it? Probably not.
He said if they don't get it, then they'll have to order more parts, so I won't get my car back until next week!!!!!
I am driving a rental. It's blue. Electric blue. At least it's a Nissan, but so very ugly. I tried to take a curve today in it like I was in my car.
Squealing wheels!!!! My son got a big kick out of it. Here's what it looks like:

So very un-Dana-like.
Danie, hate to say it but this is worse than driving a Ford. Any Ford. ;;D