OMG I have missed you guys!!

  • This message board permanently closed on June 30th, 2020 at 4PM EDT and is no longer accepting new members.


All-being, keeper of Space, Time & Dimension.
Jul 11, 2006
Spokane, WA
Our black cats have always been wonderful. Even our veterinarian would comment on how relaxed and collected they were while on the exam table where most cats are unsure or not wanting to come out of their carrier. We had a black male cat that was (in my opinion) the most handsome cat we've ever owned. He wasn't drop dead gorgeous or flashy, but he was well put together with a thick, shiny coat and huge, inquisitive eyes and a heart of gold. Our current terror is a little tortie female. Sweet as pie but tough as nails, and has no sense of self preservation and (due to her poor conformation and poorly constructed frame, probably from bad nutrition as a baby) has injured herself playing several times in her short life. We've found a wonderful vet who has helped her with chiropractic adjustments and acupuncture, of all things. We took her in a few months ago unable to walk, and 48 hours later we had to lock her in a room because she was playing rough again!
We really have a hard time deciding to bring a new baby into the house whenever we have an old one around. A few have had the personalities in which a new, lively little sprout really woke them up and took years off their lives, and others have the opposite personality and consider young children of their own species to be pests. I have a lot of respect for anyone who is attuned to their elderly pets needs and does what needs to be done to ensure their golden years are happy, stress-free, and full of love as well as getting all the attention they deserve. Babies are fun, but the old ones are so special.
thank you very much.jpg


Baseball is a good thing.Always was,always will be
Apr 8, 2016
Okay click on this thread expecting to find a bunch of people suffering from digital world withdrawal. You know " I missed you guys", "What have you been doing" "How's the wife and them?" you know like the first few posts.

Then it turns into a black cat love fest somehow.

What the?

C'mon the things sit around all day ignoring the world until something, I don't know maybe a cat food bag shaking or can opener running, catches their attention and then they waller all over your leg shedding hair everywhere. Oh but don't worry they will clean themselves after being fed, adding to the fur carpet the living room is now sporting. And then they go back to ignoring you like before until the dinner bell sounds again, unless they allow you to pick them up and rub them. Did I mention something about fur flying?

If I wanted something that acted like that would have got married.

Wait...Did that.

Never Mind...

Missed this board too.


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Okay click on this thread expecting to find a bunch of people suffering from digital world withdrawal. You know " I missed you guys", "What have you been doing" "How's the wife and them?" you know like the first few posts.

Then it turns into a black cat love fest somehow.

What the?

C'mon the things sit around all day ignoring the world until something, I don't know maybe a cat food bag shaking or can opener running, catches their attention and then they waller all over your leg shedding hair everywhere. Oh but don't worry they will clean themselves after being fed, adding to the fur carpet the living room is now sporting. And then they go back to ignoring you like before until the dinner bell sounds again, unless they allow you to pick them up and rub them. Did I mention something about fur flying?

If I wanted something that acted like that would have got married.

Wait...Did that.

Never Mind...

Missed this board too.
Even Stephen King used to have a Siamese cat (apparently) although this is a very old photo



Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
Okay click on this thread expecting to find a bunch of people suffering from digital world withdrawal. You know " I missed you guys", "What have you been doing" "How's the wife and them?" you know like the first few posts.

Then it turns into a black cat love fest somehow.

What the?

C'mon the things sit around all day ignoring the world until something, I don't know maybe a cat food bag shaking or can opener running, catches their attention and then they waller all over your leg shedding hair everywhere. Oh but don't worry they will clean themselves after being fed, adding to the fur carpet the living room is now sporting. And then they go back to ignoring you like before until the dinner bell sounds again, unless they allow you to pick them up and rub them. Did I mention something about fur flying?

If I wanted something that acted like that would have got married.

Wait...Did that.

Never Mind...

Missed this board too.

Haha!! Don't forget they occasionally barf on the most expensive rug you own ;)
Our cats must be deranged because they're basically dogs in cat suits. They play fetch, they wrestle, they come when you call them and amuse us by noticing some little thing on the floor and staring at it as though it's a demon. Then when you cough, sneeze, or make noise they leap skyward about 10 feet into the air. Our yellow male is transfixed by food in any form and has been known to knock sandwiches, crackers, and cookies out of our hands. I would actually love to own a cat that spent the day ignoring stuff, vs. acting like the 2 or 3 year olds that people are constantly apologizing for!

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
Haha!! Don't forget they occasionally barf on the most expensive rug you own ;)
Our cats must be deranged because they're basically dogs in cat suits. They play fetch, they wrestle, they come when you call them and amuse us by noticing some little thing on the floor and staring at it as though it's a demon. Then when you cough, sneeze, or make noise they leap skyward about 10 feet into the air. Our yellow male is transfixed by food in any form and has been known to knock sandwiches, crackers, and cookies out of our hands. I would actually love to own a cat that spent the day ignoring stuff, vs. acting like the 2 or 3 year olds that people are constantly apologizing for!
No, you wouldn't want that. I have one cat who is the snootiest azzhole on this planet. The ONLY time he comes to me is if has sh*t himself and needs assistance.

Mr Nobody

Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2008
Walsall, England
Well I came back from a break to find we were on a break, so...

But at least my break was productive. I knocked one novel into shape and subbed a sample to a (very reputable) agent, so I'm now awaiting that rejection :), then I got cracking with the next one (with a bit of short story writing in between).
That novel took a lot of work, though. For a while it was kind of like...