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Just moseyin' through...
Oct 9, 2013
I liked this tale pretty well, but I was little let down by the fact that
all she did was punch a kid--horrible, I know, but not as extreme as King was making it out to be in the build-up
There was a reason that
the 'sin' wasn't huge--it's all the uglier because it's almost petty. If he'd asked her to kill someone, she would have had a clear and easy reason to refuse. By making the sin 'minor' (though, as a parent, this is NOT minor to me. The thought of someone hurting something helpless, particularly a child horrifies me), he points out 1) her hypocrisy-- everyday 'morality' lies in the little things we do far more than in the large things, and 2) makes it easier to justify. He really points out the ugliness endemic in her soul, if you will.
I'm really curious, though, if people think this is no big deal would react the same if it was happening to a dog? I will never understand how that makes people crazy, but they aren't bothered by HUMANS (particularly children) being hurt.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2012
Didn't enjoy this one. It started off OK.

I thought punching a toddler was quite a horrific sin. That was her sin, not his. His was convincing her to do something and involving her husband....I think he aimed to break up her marriage.

I can believe after punching the toddler, that makes committing other sins easier, you can always justify. And I definitely can believe this would have broken up their marriage. I just don't see that it would encourage either of them to enjoy violence in sex.

Another issue I had was how it ended. It reminded me of when I used to write, and I sometimes didn't have a clear idea of where my story was going and I would just toss in anything that ended it.


very avid fan
Aug 7, 2009
dublin ireland
There was a reason that
the 'sin' wasn't huge--it's all the uglier because it's almost petty. If he'd asked her to kill someone, she would have had a clear and easy reason to refuse. By making the sin 'minor' (though, as a parent, this is NOT minor to me. The thought of someone hurting something helpless, particularly a child horrifies me), he points out 1) her hypocrisy-- everyday 'morality' lies in the little things we do far more than in the large things, and 2) makes it easier to justify. He really points out the ugliness endemic in her soul, if you will.
I'm really curious, though, if people think this is no big deal would react the same if it was happening to a dog? I will never understand how that makes people crazy, but they aren't bothered by HUMANS (particularly children) being hurt.
Good point. I never looked at it that way. I was always disappointed by the pettiness of the sin, but fascinated by how it changed her.

Mr Nobody

Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2008
Walsall, England
There was a reason that
the 'sin' wasn't huge--it's all the uglier because it's almost petty. If he'd asked her to kill someone, she would have had a clear and easy reason to refuse. By making the sin 'minor' (though, as a parent, this is NOT minor to me. The thought of someone hurting something helpless, particularly a child horrifies me), he points out 1) her hypocrisy-- everyday 'morality' lies in the little things we do far more than in the large things, and 2) makes it easier to justify. He really points out the ugliness endemic in her soul, if you will.
I'm really curious, though, if people think this is no big deal would react the same if it was happening to a dog? I will never understand how that makes people crazy, but they aren't bothered by HUMANS (particularly children) being hurt.

Hm...if I may...little kids and animals are innocent; they don't - and probably can't - understand a lot of things. One of those is cause and effect, so they don't always see the danger. To a large degree, everyone is their friend - including that person with the strange look on their face who is striding towards them. Kiss or kick, they don't know - can't understand - what is coming...but they always prepare for 'kiss' because they're innocent. Hurt them once, though, and...
As for bigger kids and adults, who aren't innocent
Smack them in the mouth for $200k? Hell, for that kind of dough I'd do away with them and make hamburger patties. :belial:

I can't say that I liked Nora, though. Nor did I completely get why she changed so much. That stuff must have already been inside her. And tbh I thought the twist was going to be that the old Rev was actually the Devil, what with his long sheep's face (or maybe a wolf's) and all.

Doc Creed

Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2015
United States
I'm really curious, though, if people think this is no big deal would react the same if it was happening to a dog? I will never understand how that makes people crazy, but they aren't bothered by HUMANS (particularly children) being hurt.


I tried to quote you and highlight in red. Need to ask KRF how he does it.


Ms. Mod
Jul 10, 2006
I'm really curious, though, if people think this is no big deal would react the same if it was happening to a dog? I will never understand how that makes people crazy, but they aren't bothered by HUMANS (particularly children) being hurt.


I tried to quote you and highlight in red. Need to ask KRF how he does it.

Once you have the post you want quoted in your reply, you can edit it by highlighting the words you want to put in a different color, then go to the coding line above the text box and select the A icon which will bring up colors that you can then select to change the color of the font. Hope that makes sense.

Doc Creed

Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2015
United States
Once you have the post you want quoted in your reply, you can edit it by highlighting the words you want to put in a different color, then go to the coding line above the text box and select the A icon which will bring up colors that you can then select to change the color of the font. Hope that makes sense.
It does, I'll try to remember to follow these directions next time, lol. Thanks.


Just moseyin' through...
Oct 9, 2013
[QUOTE="Mr Nobody, post: 638699, member: ]

I can't say that I liked Nora, though. Nor did I completely get why she changed so much. That stuff must have already been inside her. And tbh I thought the twist was going to be that the old Rev was actually the Devil, what with his long sheep's face (or maybe a wolf's) and all.
To me, that was the point: she was already ugly inside. It may have been meant with a side of "We're all ugly inside"--this was a dark, ugly story--but I'd have to read it again before I felt safe making that judgment.