Happy Birthday ghost19!

  • This message board permanently closed on June 30th, 2020 at 4PM EDT and is no longer accepting new members.


Ms. Mod
Jul 10, 2006
I want to very humbly thank everyone here for the birthday wishes. I'm long winded when I type as you all well know but there's a couple of things I want to say to everyone. The last two years of my life have been, hands down, the weirdest, worst, most confusing, depressing, surprising, and overall emotionally conflicting times of my life. I've seen my 21 year marriage come to an end because of factors beyond my control, I've watched my son go thru things a kid of his age should never have to see or experience from his birth mother, then come out the other side changed but still the independent, wonderful young man he's growing up to be. I've looked into the abyss of a wrecked marriage that started off as something out of a fairy tale and I really didn't understand how to deal with the aftermath of being with someone for so long then being on my own. I've pondered why things happen like they do and what my son and I did to deserve such upheaval in what was, for the most part, an ordinary life before 2012. It's been a very introspective grind for the last few years but I'm now starting to get some perspective and see some light at the end of the tunnel. That light goes by the name of Tamara and she blows me away with her dedication, love, and willingness to make our integrated family of four work on a daily basis thru mutual cooperation, trust in each other, and 5'6 height combined with a 10 foot tall attitude. She's allowed me finally begin to turn the corner on something I honestly didn't believe could be put behind me before I met her because it seemed too big, too devastating, too sad to deal with. For both of us, it's a daily process of letting go of what was and focusing on what we're becoming. We need each other to do that and we've been able to lean on one another on days where the past threatens to get the best of one of us.
What I wanted to say to all of you here at the SKMB is just...thank you, from the bottom of my jaded old heard. Thank you for always being here. The SKMB has been a constant, safe port in a years long storm and I've always been able to come here and take solace, make a wise-assed comment, read posts that make me laugh, make me think, make me know that we all share a common bond of relationships built off the mutual love of all things Stephen King. Mr. King's novels and stories have been a constant in my life since I was ten years old so it just makes sense that the people on the SKMB would be another constant in my life that I'm extremely grateful for. I thank you all for tolerating me here. Tolerating my long winded posts about nothing, boring stories, and the occasional good natured but tasteless "That's What She Said" zingers.

Ms. Mod, you are truly a wonderful team leader ma'am. Thank you for everything you do here and your granddaughter is cute as a button. Mr. King chooses his people well, and it shows in how you run the board. I thank you for your time and dedication.

GNT, your constant dedication to the SKMB members is unparalleled sir. Your posts remind me daily that there's someone in Ohio that I very much need to meet one day, shake his hand, and thank him personally for being the first person to welcome me to this wonderful board.

Doc Creed, I always look forward to reading your thought provoking and very interesting take on things. You are a good man sir, from a state that I have always greatly admired.

Neesy, thank you for the happy birthday wishes thread ma'am and I hope you have a wonderful holiday.

Dio and OOO., You guys crack me up constantly and I thank you sincerely for the last couple of years of posts and keeping me smiling.

Flake, you rock, end of story. You moderate like a rock star and I appreciate everything you do here and still don't understand how you do all this when you live upside down on the other side of the planet.:biggrin2:

Sunny, Dwight Yoakam loving, basketball watching, stump water drinking, Tar Heel. All those things are compliments and I could only think you were cooler if your teams would quit beating the Razorbacks to death.;;D

Danie, Holly, Cat, fljoe0, Pegasus, KRF, Mal, Musky, and the countless others who I've chatted with, thank you all for your words, your posts, your presence here. All of you make this place a wonderful haven and coming here is like strolling into your favorite watering hole, grabbing a chair, and having a drink....with the occasional bar stool thrown across the room at another member...lol

And finally,
DJ, Dana Jean, Dirty Pirate Hooker, Ms. Spinklebinks Esquire,
I appreciate every post, every kind word, every kick in the ass, just....everything over the last couple of years. Your friendship, counsel, insight, compassion is truly invaluable and I want you to know how very much it has meant to me on some very dark days. You are one the smartest ladies I've ever known and your dedication to the board is amazing. Don't ever change and I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season.

So, in closing, thank you to everyone here at the SKMB for the birthday wishes. Here's to another year of our favorite wordslinger doing what he does best and keeping us all sitting around the SKMB campfire in awe and appreciation of his amazing talent.
"We are ka-tet. We are one from many. Be grateful for warmth, shelter, and companionship against the storm. Others may not be so lucky."

I appreciate all of you and the birthday wishes. Let's see what my 45th year on this level of the tower brings.....Stay safe, stay warm, hug your family and your friends. Don't take anything for granted because the lesson I've learned the last year is that nothing is forever. As you look to see what's around the next corner, be wary of what's coming up behind you or from a direction you never anticipated. Watch your six, protect those important to you, stay vigilant. Everyone have a good Thanksgiving.

There are days when I wish retirement was already here but reading posts like this make me realize how important the Board has become to so many people and it gives me the strength to say not this year. I'm so glad we were (and will be) here for you to celebrate this new phase of your life. :love:


"Have I run too far to get home?"
Sep 25, 2011
There are days when I wish retirement was already here but reading posts like this make me realize how important the Board has become to so many people and it gives me the strength to say not this year. I'm so glad we were (and will be) here for you to celebrate this new phase of your life. :love:
Thank you ma'am. This place is amazing and you can't retire, no one else is qualified to run the wood chipper and flame thrower...lol


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I very much appreciate it ma'am. Thank you and have a wonderful holiday.
I'm going to try and celebrate along with you Americans.


I hope this is not considered an "abomination" (shades of The Chrysalids by John Wyndham) but I've got my eye on one of these "birds" - busy working woman and all that, eh?


Oh yes - here is your birthday cake - forgot to post this pic last night! :cupcake::biglove:
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"Have I run too far to get home?"
Sep 25, 2011
I'm going to try and celebrate along with you Americans.


I hope this is not considered an "abomination" (shades of The Chrysalids by John Wyndham) but I've got my eye on one of these "birds" - busy working woman and all that, eh?


Oh yes - here is your birthday cake - forgot to post this pic last night! :cupcake::biglove:
Thank you ma'am. I like the cake, wonder if I could make that...hmmmm..lol


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
I want to very humbly thank everyone here for the birthday wishes. I'm long winded when I type as you all well know but there's a couple of things I want to say to everyone. The last two years of my life have been, hands down, the weirdest, worst, most confusing, depressing, surprising, and overall emotionally conflicting times of my life. I've seen my 21 year marriage come to an end because of factors beyond my control, I've watched my son go thru things a kid of his age should never have to see or experience from his birth mother, then come out the other side changed but still the independent, wonderful young man he's growing up to be. I've looked into the abyss of a wrecked marriage that started off as something out of a fairy tale and I really didn't understand how to deal with the aftermath of being with someone for so long then being on my own. I've pondered why things happen like they do and what my son and I did to deserve such upheaval in what was, for the most part, an ordinary life before 2012. It's been a very introspective grind for the last few years but I'm now starting to get some perspective and see some light at the end of the tunnel. That light goes by the name of Tamara and she blows me away with her dedication, love, and willingness to make our integrated family of four work on a daily basis thru mutual cooperation, trust in each other, and 5'6 height combined with a 10 foot tall attitude. She's allowed me finally begin to turn the corner on something I honestly didn't believe could be put behind me before I met her because it seemed too big, too devastating, too sad to deal with. For both of us, it's a daily process of letting go of what was and focusing on what we're becoming. We need each other to do that and we've been able to lean on one another on days where the past threatens to get the best of one of us.
What I wanted to say to all of you here at the SKMB is just...thank you, from the bottom of my jaded old heard. Thank you for always being here. The SKMB has been a constant, safe port in a years long storm and I've always been able to come here and take solace, make a wise-assed comment, read posts that make me laugh, make me think, make me know that we all share a common bond of relationships built off the mutual love of all things Stephen King. Mr. King's novels and stories have been a constant in my life since I was ten years old so it just makes sense that the people on the SKMB would be another constant in my life that I'm extremely grateful for. I thank you all for tolerating me here. Tolerating my long winded posts about nothing, boring stories, and the occasional good natured but tasteless "That's What She Said" zingers.

Ms. Mod, you are truly a wonderful team leader ma'am. Thank you for everything you do here and your granddaughter is cute as a button. Mr. King chooses his people well, and it shows in how you run the board. I thank you for your time and dedication.

GNT, your constant dedication to the SKMB members is unparalleled sir. Your posts remind me daily that there's someone in Ohio that I very much need to meet one day, shake his hand, and thank him personally for being the first person to welcome me to this wonderful board.

Doc Creed, I always look forward to reading your thought provoking and very interesting take on things. You are a good man sir, from a state that I have always greatly admired.

Neesy, thank you for the happy birthday wishes thread ma'am and I hope you have a wonderful holiday.

Dio and OOO., You guys crack me up constantly and I thank you sincerely for the last couple of years of posts and keeping me smiling.

Flake, you rock, end of story. You moderate like a rock star and I appreciate everything you do here and still don't understand how you do all this when you live upside down on the other side of the planet.:biggrin2:

Sunny, Dwight Yoakam loving, basketball watching, stump water drinking, Tar Heel. All those things are compliments and I could only think you were cooler if your teams would quit beating the Razorbacks to death.;;D

Danie, Holly, Cat, fljoe0, Pegasus, KRF, Mal, Musky, and the countless others who I've chatted with, thank you all for your words, your posts, your presence here. All of you make this place a wonderful haven and coming here is like strolling into your favorite watering hole, grabbing a chair, and having a drink....with the occasional bar stool thrown across the room at another member...lol

And finally,
DJ, Dana Jean, Dirty Pirate Hooker, Ms. Spinklebinks Esquire,
I appreciate every post, every kind word, every kick in the ass, just....everything over the last couple of years. Your friendship, counsel, insight, compassion is truly invaluable and I want you to know how very much it has meant to me on some very dark days. You are one the smartest ladies I've ever known and your dedication to the board is amazing. Don't ever change and I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season.

So, in closing, thank you to everyone here at the SKMB for the birthday wishes. Here's to another year of our favorite wordslinger doing what he does best and keeping us all sitting around the SKMB campfire in awe and appreciation of his amazing talent.
"We are ka-tet. We are one from many. Be grateful for warmth, shelter, and companionship against the storm. Others may not be so lucky."

I appreciate all of you and the birthday wishes. Let's see what my 45th year on this level of the tower brings.....Stay safe, stay warm, hug your family and your friends. Don't take anything for granted because the lesson I've learned the last year is that nothing is forever. As you look to see what's around the next corner, be wary of what's coming up behind you or from a direction you never anticipated. Watch your six, protect those important to you, stay vigilant. Everyone have a good Thanksgiving.

The day you discovered the SKMB you become part of this family. As you said Ka-Tet. It has often been called the world's best playground. We play a lot, and we care a lot too. We care about you. It makes my heart sing to see the joy you have found in your life. Old saying.... good things come to those who wait. Your time is here and now. May this be a very special birthday---- and you know my wish for you---- Love and all Green Lights.


"Have I run too far to get home?"
Sep 25, 2011
The day you discovered the SKMB you become part of this family. As you said Ka-Tet. It has often been called the world's best playground. We play a lot, and we care a lot too. We care about you. It makes my heart sing to see the joy you have found in your life. Old saying.... good things come to those who wait. Your time is here and now. May this be a very special birthday---- and you know my wish for you---- Love and all Green Lights.
Thank you so much Spidey. I very much appreciate what you wrote ma'am. Have a wonderful holiday.