1 year anniversary (almost) and what have i learned here?

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The Fool on the Hill
Apr 12, 2014
I've been here a little more than a year now so i thought i would make an inventory. What did i expect when i joined? I hoped for some discussions on King, of course and that i cetainly got. I also hoped for some reading tips and that i also got. Thank you for making me discover Margaret Atwood and Robert McCammon (among others)
What i didn't expect was all the funny discussions on topics that was very unrelated to King or reading. It has been a fun experience to learn about other peoples views on many both important and less important issues. It gives one a wider perspective. It also makes one think about your own opinions which is very healthy for the mind.

A totally unexpected result of my joining has been that i eat a lot more chocolate than earlier (Flake, i blame you! You lured me into it!!). But no complaints. It tasted delicious. Also rather unexpected was that everyone i encountered has been so kind, helpful and supporting, especially earlier this spring when i was rather down. I have no earlier experience with Message board but have difficult to imagine such a nice cummunity where people actually care instead of shouting abuse at eachother.

I've made friends here and even if we never meet you are no less friends than the ones i meet in real life so to speak. So the impulse to join was a good one and i hope i will be able to celöebrate many more skmb-anniversarys with you my friends.:biglove:


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
We are well met, Kurben. I am so happy you found and joined the SKMB. Let me say this- what I have learned from you being part of the Ka- Tet. Culture from your country, a renewed interest in archeology, seeing the awesome pictures from your recent vacation, reading about your likes and dislikes and all your contribution to the forums. You too have introduced me to many authors unknown to me. Feeling your happiness and sadness that your have shared.
I wish you a Happy Anniversary, and many more with the SKMB. Love and green lights- always.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2014
Happy anniversary, Kurben!

I missed my one-year, and probably because I didn't realize that it had already been a year. You've been one of the stalwarts to me on the board, someone with great good sense, a valuable perspective from me as being outside of my country (and being able to communicate so wonderfully in English!), as well as a memorable personal resource for the archaeology fact-check (family and friends love the story, by the way).

Keep on doin' what you're doin', my friend. Please.


Original Kiwi© SKMB®
Apr 11, 2006
New Zealand
I've been here a little more than a year now so i thought i would make an inventory. What did i expect when i joined? I hoped for some discussions on King, of course and that i cetainly got. I also hoped for some reading tips and that i also got. Thank you for making me discover Margaret Atwood and Robert McCammon (among others)
What i didn't expect was all the funny discussions on topics that was very unrelated to King or reading. It has been a fun experience to learn about other peoples views on many both important and less important issues. It gives one a wider perspective. It also makes one think about your own opinions which is very healthy for the mind.

A totally unexpected result of my joining has been that i eat a lot more chocolate than earlier (Flake, i blame you! You lured me into it!!). But no complaints. It tasted delicious. Also rather unexpected was that everyone i encountered has been so kind, helpful and supporting, especially earlier this spring when i was rather down. I have no earlier experience with Message board but have difficult to imagine such a nice cummunity where people actually care instead of shouting abuse at eachother.

I've made friends here and even if we never meet you are no less friends than the ones i meet in real life so to speak. So the impulse to join was a good one and i hope i will be able to celöebrate many more skmb-anniversarys with you my friends.:biglove:
So that is where all of the chocolate has gone! ;;D

Kurben you really are a treasure on the MB, I always look forward to your posts and have gained much by getting to know you more. I'm so glad we were able to help ease you through your recent loss... never forget that we are here in times of need.

(And, I think I just missed my 11 year anniversary!)


Just moseyin' through...
Oct 9, 2013
Kurben, you have no idea how many times your name comes up in my slightly loopy, science-loving family-you're like a very interesting, long-distance old-friend. Thank you so much for your quick wit, open mind, and generous nature. I am very glad you decided to take a closer look, and even gladder that I was fortunate enough to meet you :)


I am whatever you say I am.
Feb 26, 2008
We love having you here, Kurben!