Any Chance of a Dr. Sleep Movie?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2013
KY, deep in the country
IDK if this a valid question here, still kind of a newbie to this board. but, how do you think Dr. Sleep would play out as a movie? I could not put down the book, and realize a lot of readers are not so into movies (I love them myself). Just curious as to how some of you could see Dr. Sleep playing out as a movie because there are certain aspects that I think could be really difficult to capture outside of the mind.


Committed member
Jun 24, 2009
Yesterday when I was reading the book, I thought that it would make a really good movie! Probably, even a mini-series... Well, alright, movie is better!

I also thought that Chloe Moretz could play Abra... It's a pity that she will be too grown up by the moment they decide to make a movie...
Mar 12, 2010
Yesterday when I was reading the book, I thought that it would make a really good movie! Probably, even a mini-series... Well, alright, movie is better!

I also thought that Chloe Moretz could play Abra... It's a pity that she will be too grown up by the moment they decide to make a movie...

You're right, a movie would be better, but a series based on the book might work pretty good :) There are good guys and bad guys and lots of different ways they can interact. A few flashbacks would explain Danny for viewers who aren't familiar with The Shining. It would probably be easier to adapt to a series than UTD lol.
Mar 12, 2010
...a series would work, as long as they stuck to the story!...plenty of detail to be conquered as is, without inventing crap...

lol GNT... This might sound a bit sacrilegious but... It doesn't bother me when series directors take a few side roads. I love Haven, and I'm actually looking forward to UTD's next season :) Directors who alter the main storyline should be beheaded but I'm ok with a few inventions along the way to stretch out the series.


Committed member
Jun 24, 2009
...a series would work, as long as they stuck to the story!...plenty of detail to be conquered as is, without inventing crap...
I agree with you! This story already has everything to become a good movie or series, nothing has to be invented. And, probably, that should not be prolonged to the second season as UTD;) Come on, I like UTD, but I confess it could have been better... in some ways much better.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2013
KY, deep in the country
I'm a huge movie guy as well as a reader, and I think with all of the new technology and effects that a lot of SK books could be made into really solid movies. I will always love The Green Mile. But I would be really interested in seeing Dr. Sleep made into a movie, and perhaps a re-make of The Shining. But Dr. Sleep would be harder to make into a movie than The Shining.
Feb 2, 2014
I think they should have a remake of The Shining following the the real story going on the novel, because Doctor Sleep will be pretty messed up if they continue the "The Shining" movie, so remake,,
: They should not kill Dick Hallorann in "The Shining" , because there will be no one to teach Dan how to imprison ghosts in "lockboxes" (you'll read in Doctor Sleep), and at the Overlook Hotel should be burned down , you know .. because of that dysfunctional boiler
. , furthermore .. Doctor Sleep is really great .. I haven't read The Shining, nor the movie, but i'll watch it soon, but remember that Doctor Sleep is very great with or without a movie.

I'm 18 i write poems about death , gloom, and everything sad , I wasn't born yet when The Shining book was released the same with the movie, and I really want to buy a copy of the shining , and also watch the movie,
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Lisey Landon

Well-Known Member
May 20, 2009
Welcome Zaint Zalvourne.

Welcome to the board.

There was a remake of The Shining starring Steven Weber that is more faithful to the book.
Yes, it is more faithful to the book, that is true. Still, not one of my favorite adaptations of Mr. King's work. I find the series to be a bit boring, and I didn't like the kid that plays Danny.
But I do think that a Doctor Sleep movie could be great. The story line is pretty straight forward, a director would really have to work hard to mess that one up.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2012
I think it would be better as a series and just go down it's own road leaving the book behind. So many side-stories they could cover. Some weeks could be within the knot. Showing their history. Other groups in other areas...even other countries. Some other kids that got away. So many places they could go, and take us with them.

Like the Dead Zone which didn't follow the book either.

Walter Oobleck

keeps coming back...or going, and going, and going
Mar 6, 2013
Imagine years from now...some sort of interactive movies, television...viewer starts to feel like someone stole his/her breakfast Cheerios...viewer can change what's happening on the screen, within reason of course. Why couldn't that happen? Big long line outside because the movie keeps going, and going, and going. Maybe a rewind feature, one scene playing over and over again. Or maybe you go to the movie, plug your brain in, and that big computer out in Utah with the Happy Campers, that thing makes a movie for you to watch, you and all your friends...R2D2 comes bubbling out with some buttery popcorn. You get the Friday Night Frights...maybe some viewer's brain is a tad more squirrel-y than others, everyone wants to watch the computer-generated movies from that brain. Course, that brain can never on so forth. It's all apples and oranges.
Feb 2, 2014
and Johnny Depp should play Dan because he already starred as Mort Rainey (Secret Window), William Fichtner = Crow Daddy, Elizabeth Banks = Rose The Hat, Morgan Freeman as Dick Hallorann, Sally Field - Wendy, Lorna Raver - Ms. Massey or Conchetta Reynolds, Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson as Lucy and David Stone respectively, and I don't know.... Amy Adams or Alexandra Daddario - Snakebite Andy, John C. Mcginley - John Dalton , Anthony Hopkins - Casey Kingsley, Rooney Mara - Silent Sarey, Donal Logue - Billy Freeman,Matthew Lillard - Fred Carling,
: and as usual Jack Nicholson as Jack Torrance, yeah Jack Torrance appeared at chapter 20,

Imagine them all playing in the movie..

I Finished Doctor Sleep, one week after I bought it , I finished it at January 21,
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Original Kiwi© SKMB®
Apr 11, 2006
New Zealand
Can I ask something,, How can I put a quote at my replies and posts , just like yours?
You just did. :) Welcome Zaint.

Oh wait a minute, do you mean a signature? (Like my "~ There'll be Chocolate, if God wills it. ~" one at the bottom of my posts?)
You (I think) will need to reach 150 posts before being able to automatically include a signature in your messages.
Feb 2, 2014
You just did. :) Welcome Zaint.

Oh wait a minute, do you mean a signature? (Like my "~ There'll be Chocolate, if God wills it. ~" one at the bottom of my posts?)
You (I think) will need to reach 150 posts before being able to include a signature in your messages.

I like that one, but I am talking about the one colored blue, for example, here is Dana's, : "You've been here before, but things are about to change...There's a storm on the way." SK,, is it the same with yours , "~ There'll be Chocolate, if God wills it. ~", or are they two different things... I'm sorry for this questions, I am new here, :)
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