Are you a dog or cat person?

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Waiting in Uber.
Jan 3, 2010
In your mirror.
Good evening.

Do you prefer dogs or cats? Why?

Me, first, please.

I've only had dogs and been wonderfully blessed with the best of the best ;;D. My furry canine friends have always been...loving, incredibly empathetic (INCREDIBLY empathetic), and understanding.

I have never had a cat but I've been around them for hours at a time (In-laws.) Cats seem to have a mind-of their-own and a serve-me-hooman attitude.

So, do you prefer dogs or cats and why?

Stories of your wonderful or not-so-wonderful pets would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!



Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2014
I've had fish, hamsters, lizards, snakes, cats, dogs.

Cats are fine. I've had cool cats. But I like dogs. They're friends, incredibly loyal friends. And I prefer medium or larger dogs, the ones that aren't so removed from their ancestors (wolves), over itsy-bitsy dogs.

We had Nakaya for, I dunno, 14 to 16 years since before her eyes opened. She and the kids grew up together. she was a part of the family as much as any of us. She adopted me. Where I went she went. When it was time for her to go, the kids came by to say good-bye, and it was one tearful time.

Quin was next. She was around for, I dunno, 14 to 16 years too. Quin was Grandma's dog and was a joy as my work requirements increasingly kept me distant. She (Quin) grew up with the grandkids. Likewise with them, and tears, when it was her time to go.


And a little video of him as a puppy. He's about 70 pounds now, I think.


Eternal Members
Jun 20, 2013
I have both. I prefer cats though. Easier to take care of for me.
One cat is a loner, and hates to be picked up, so I do it to piss her off.
The other is a total nut! He gets these 'crazy spells', and runs around the house like a maniac! He has taken a pair of Karen's ear buds, and we have yet to find them. He leads Karen down the hallway to go to bed, and if Karen doesn't go he stands to her door, and cries.
The dog on the other hand is a big sissy! If Karen goes up the attic, she comes to me, and cries. She jumps at everything! But she will bark her butt off if she sees strangers outside. (Poor cable guy last week!)
Both the dog, and the one crazy cat play all the time, until it gets to rough, then the cat leaves.
Quite entertaining!


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2015
Dogs all the way. Because cats are arrogant little a-holes.



Not completely obtuse
Nov 14, 2013
Poconos, PA
I’ve had two dogs but with my busy schedule I won’t have another because it would be unfair to have a dog (which is inherently a pack animal) and not be able to give the needed attention. Cats eat, crap, hack up hairballs, destroy things, try to kill you by tripping you up on the stairs, and demand attention. I have three cats... I should be committed. I also have fish... now that’s the way to go. No love necessary and you simply flush them in the end. :)


Waiting in Uber.
Jan 3, 2010
In your mirror.
Thank you for all your replies. :love_heart:

I was talking to a friend about maybe getting a dog but I'm afraid I don't have the time to exercise, play with and keep company etc. and he suggested a cat.

From what I've read, heard and posts here on the SKMB, cats are independent, solitary and don't need, nor want, a lot of interaction with their human(s). My friend has two cats and this is exactly why he has cats-not a lot of *work* or interaction and why he suggested I get a cat. Well...I really don't want a companion who sees me as a can open and litter box cleaner =D . Also, I've seen cats who are dead to the world sleeping, startle awake, intently look off into the distance, and run in the other direction as if the devil himself is coming! Nope. Not for me.

I remember I was visiting with my BIL andhe has a cat. We're talking and chilling. He sees the cat on the mantle pushing a do-dad off the thing. Joe said, NO~~~ NO~~~~. The cat looked over to him, looked him straight in the eye and slowly pushed the gee-gaw off the mantle. No one tells me what to do, can opener, he seemed to say.:laugh:

Have a great weekend.



The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
....I grew up with dogs=and by that-I don't mean I was raised by a pack of were-poodles....Dad always had dogs-primarily beagles, so I became biased toward the canine side of petdom, then as I got older-my ex-wife had a cat, which I would have preferred over her and Dad began to take in the occasional stray cat that showed up, the first of which I named "IF" for itinerant feline.....maybe I've been lucky, but most of our cats have been fairly loving creatures...and at the moment we have two, 3 dogs, a rabbit and a tank of fish-oh yeah, and the smart ass squirrels in their family tree in the front yard.....


I tell you one and one makes three...
Mar 16, 2010
Thank you for all your replies. :love_heart:

I was talking to a friend about maybe getting a dog but I'm afraid I don't have the time to exercise, play with and keep company etc. and he suggested a cat.

From what I've read, heard and posts here on the SKMB, cats are independent, solitary and don't need, nor want, a lot of interaction with their human(s). My friend has two cats and this is exactly why he has cats-not a lot of *work* or interaction and why he suggested I get a cat. Well...I really don't want a companion who sees me as a can open and litter box cleaner =D . Also, I've seen cats who are dead to the world sleeping, startle awake, intently look off into the distance, and run in the other direction as if the devil himself is coming! Nope. Not for me.

I remember I was visiting with my BIL andhe has a cat. We're talking and chilling. He sees the cat on the mantle pushing a do-dad off the thing. Joe said, NO~~~ NO~~~~. The cat looked over to him, looked him straight in the eye and slowly pushed the gee-gaw off the mantle. No one tells me what to do, can opener, he seemed to say.:laugh:

Have a great weekend.


Not all cats are punk-a** brats.

I've had several that were very loyal, fun, personable, and loving.

My favorite was Herbie the Cat. He lived to be 18, oldest cat I've had. He was the king of the neighborhood! Liked to catch snakes. Walked on people's roofs. Dive-bombed unsuspecting trespassers. Put Angus the Swift Dog in his place about 5 minutes after we brought him home from the breeder. It was all good, though. Angus was his helper dog when we had to have one of his front legs amputated due to cancer. Angus would help him up the stairs and let him sleep in his crate with him. I miss the Herbman. It was a sad day when he had to be put to sleep when the cancer came back.

Opposite end of the spectrum is SwiftMom's cat, Shadow (aka Shadow Punk Cat). He's a brat and mortal enemy of BrodyDog. He's got a lot of catitude! He has his moments of coolness though.